urllib in python 3.1 Programming Software Development by Lingson …com/pc/def/linkedlist.php?nothing=12345' text = urllib.urlopen(url).read() [/CODE] but when i …pc/def/linkedlist.php?nothing=' current = '12345' response = urllib.request.urlopen(url+current) text = response.read() current =… text[-5:] response = urllib.request.urlopen(url+current) [/CODE] it gives me an… Re: urllib in python 3.1 Programming Software Development by bumsfeld … string # Python3 uses urllib.request.urlopen() # instead of Python2's urllib.urlopen() or urllib2.urlopen() import urllib.request fp = urllib.request.urlopen("http… Urllib suddenly stopped working Programming Software Development by trihaitran … error: [code] >>> import urllib >>> u=urllib.urlopen(aUrl) Traceback (most recent call last): …/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.5/lib/python2.5/urllib.py", line 190, in open return getattr(…Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.5/lib/python2.5/urllib.py", line 325, in open_http h.endheaders() … Re: urllib in python 3.1 Programming Software Development by vegaseat … a given URL as html text string # Python3 uses urllib.request.urlopen() # get the encoding used first # tested… with Python 3.1 with the Editra IDE import urllib.request def extract(text, sub1, sub2): ""&…(sub1, 1)[-1].split(sub2, 1)[0] fp = urllib.request.urlopen("http://www.python.org") mybytes =… Re: urllib tuts.. Programming Software Development by mn_kthompson …[URL="http://www.velocityreviews.com/forums/t326690-urllib-urllib2-what-is-the-difference-.html"]http…://www.velocityreviews.com/forums/t326690-urllib-urllib2-what-is-the-difference-.html[/URL] …. Check this out... [CODE=python] import urllib pngfile = urllib.urlopen('http://www.shadowbox.110mb.com/images/ShadowBox.png… Re: urllib in python 3.1 Programming Software Development by willygstyle Yeah good point, thank you for pointing this out I'm new to python in general and with not much documentation on 3.1 it's easy to assume things. I never actually looked at the read close enough to notice the b'. Yah at least I only have a few programs running with urllib atm, better to find out now than later. urllib problems Programming Software Development by Shadow14l Whenever I open a page with urllib or urllib2 (file = urllib.urlopen(urllinkhere)) and when I print it, I get this: [… urllib tuts.. Programming Software Development by revenge2 Does anyone know of any good urllib tutorials other than [url]http://www.voidspace.org.uk/python/articles/urllib2.shtml#introduction[/url] & [url]http://effbot.org/librarybook/urllib.htm[/url]. Something which a little beginner friendly:| with good explanations. -Thanks urllib.request.urlopen (python 3) Programming Software Development by scru … resulting file. Ideas? EDIT: I decoded the bytes returned by urllib.request.urlopen with the latin-1 encoding and saved it… python 3.1 urllib request Programming Software Development by yoni0505 … and it seems to don't work: [CODE]import urllib.parse import urllib.request url = 'http://yoni-examples.freehostia.com/scam/' #site…'} headers = { 'User-Agent' : user_agent } data = urllib.parse.urlencode(values) req = urllib.request.Request(url, data, headers) response = urllib.request.urlopen(req) the_page = response… Data Scraping Using Urllib With Multiple Option Select Param Programming Software Development by blahman … threading to solve this problem? Thanks! import urllib.parse import urllib.request import csv import time def parseTable(html…) data = data.encode('ascii') req = urllib.request.Request(url, data) response = urllib.request.urlopen(req) html_bytes = response.read() … Re: Data Scraping Using Urllib With Multiple Option Select Param Programming Software Development by blahman … least 4 spaces ... and can span multiple lines import urllib.parse import urllib.request import csv import time import http.cookiejar def….urlencode(values) data = data.encode('ascii') req = urllib.request.Request(url, data) response = urllib.request.urlopen(req) html_bytes = response.read() html = str… Correct Concept with Urllib Programming Software Development by flebber …existence. so that yy = years mm = months dd = days into urllib format so that I test if each condition is true…valid concept ? Could there be an easier way to use urllib other sites I will be using may not follow this… would be more adaptive in the long run. use urllib to read the filenames and return them to a list… Help with Python urllib module Programming Software Development by VulcanDesign Hi all, I'm trying to use Python's urllib to get a Facebook profile page. I get the following … completed immediately[/CODE] Here's my code: [CODE] import urllib member_profile_text = urllib.urlopen('http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1073109649').read… Help with urllib Programming Software Development by giancan … friends, I need help understanding my error with urllib. I wrote the following code to check the …of updates for a software I wrote try: datasource = urllib.urlopen("URL to FILE.txt") while 1: …versioncheck.ShowModal() Now, I don't understand why the `urllib.urlopen("URL to FILE.txt")` returns the last… cannot access web page with urllib/urllib2 Programming Software Development by netvigator …/writerep/welcome.shtml[/url] I tried this: [code=python] import urllib import urllib2 sURL = 'https://writerep.house.gov/writerep/welcome.shtml…" : 'WAWashington', "zipcode" : '98103', "zipext" : '' } sSendData = urllib.urlencode( dInfo ) resp = urllib2.urlopen( sURL, sSendData ) [/code] I get… Re: cannot access web page with urllib/urllib2 Programming Software Development by netvigator … the snippet, but I got the same error. [code] import urllib, urllib2, cookielib cj = cookielib.CookieJar() opener = urllib2.build_opener(urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor…" : 'WAWashington ', "zipcode" : '98103', "zipext" : '' } sPostData = urllib.urlencode( dInfo ) resp = opener.open( sURL, sPostData ) [/code] I do… Re: cannot access web page with urllib/urllib2 Programming Software Development by Tech B … comment in the code where you went wrong. [code] import urllib, urllib2, cookielib cj = cookielib.CookieJar() opener = urllib2.build_opener(urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor…; : '98103', "submit": "Contact My Represenrative"} sPostData = urllib.urlencode( dInfo ) resp = opener.open( sURL, sPostData ) #I write everything… Question about urllib Programming Software Development by Jplusplus … basics of python and today i have been playing with urllib. What i intended for this function was for it to…;:P, "password":P, "passwordtwo":P} data = urllib.urlencode(values) user_agent = 'Mozilla/4.0(compatible; MSIE 5.5… problem with urllib Programming Software Development by debasishgang7 … into a file. Here is my code: [CODE]import urllib data = urllib.urlopen('http://www.site.net/index.html').read() #print data… Re: problem with urllib Programming Software Development by snippsat [B]read()[/B] read the whole file into a string,so no need [B]for lines in data[/B] [B]with open([/B]) close the file object auto. So you can write it like this. [CODE]import urllib data = urllib.urlopen('http://www.site.net/index.html').read() with open('somefile.html', 'w') as f: f.write(data) [/CODE] any suggestion for tutorial to create web crawler with python urllib? Programming Software Development by Niloofar24 Hi again. I want to create a robot or spider or crawler with python urllib. Still couldn't find any good tutorial. Any suggestion?! Re: urllib in python 3.1 Programming Software Development by Lingson ugh.. the solution was so easy? *lol* one more question then: is it safe to say that everytime i want to convert bytearrays to string i just need to use the .decode('utf8')? (you are right with what you said about python 3 use more bytearrays than string. until now whenever that happen, i just try to use other way to overcome the problem since i … Re: urllib in python 3.1 Programming Software Development by vegaseat UTF8 is pretty much the defacto standard for decoding in Python. However there may be other standards on the internet, depending on the country and its native language. In this particular case ( [url]http://www.python.org[/url] ), you can find the encoding used in this line: [code] <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="… Re: urllib in python 3.1 Programming Software Development by scru [QUOTE=Lingson;955374]ugh.. the solution was so easy? *lol* one more question then: is it safe to say that everytime i want to convert bytearrays to string i just need to use the .decode('utf8')?...some other stuff...[/QUOTE] No, please don't do that. That is okay if the page you are reading is encoded in ascii or utf-8. But if it is … Re: urllib in python 3.1 Programming Software Development by Lingson ok.. i get the point.. huh, i guess there are no such thing as beginners luck in python :-p Re: urllib in python 3.1 Programming Software Development by Lingson amazing.. thanks a lot guys.. really appreciate all your help.. Re: urllib in python 3.1 Programming Software Development by willygstyle Not sure if this is a proper method or not but I havn't had any problems so far using.... [CODE=python] x = repr(request.urlopen(req).read()) print(x) [/CODE] Re: urllib in python 3.1 Programming Software Development by scru [QUOTE=willygstyle;957406]Not sure if this is a proper method or not but I havn't had any problems so far using.... [CODE=python] x = repr(request.urlopen(req).read()) print(x) [/CODE][/QUOTE] You may want to take a second look at what that actually does... Re: urllib in python 3.1 Programming Software Development by willygstyle It changes the returned request into a string? Seems to work so far.