Re: vintage video game console Community Center Geeks' Lounge by happygeek Fond memories of my 2600 Woody. Both the one I had when a lot younger and the one I was forced to sell when I had to dismantle my extensive vintage video game hardware collection due to moving to a much smaller home with little storage space. Re: vintage video game console Community Center Geeks' Lounge by BigPaw Often there is a value to these vintage items when they are complete with their original packaging. It's your decision, but it may be worth a try. It's good to know you're looking at environmental options though. :) Collecting vintage video game consoles Community Center Geeks' Lounge by happygeek Any other collectors of vintage video game consoles on DaniWeb? Or am I really the … Re: Collecting vintage video game consoles Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Will Gresham … XBOX, PS2 and PSP... but they don't count as vintage yet.. Though I doubt I will be getting the new… Vintage galore! Community Center Geeks' Lounge by The Dude This guy has some very interesting stuff! :) [url][/url] Re: Vintage galore! Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Ene Uran Wow, these guys must have searched all the junkyards of the nation. In our neighborhood you wouldn't be even allowed to throw that stuff away! vintage video game console Community Center Geeks' Lounge by b_rad_rock Hi All i have a games console un used an wrapped partly made of wood and partly of metal it is from videogame LTD hong kong . anyone have any idea about it? Re: vintage video game console Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Ancient Dragon sell it on ebay? Re: vintage video game console Community Center Geeks' Lounge by happygeek Post a picture of it and I might be able to help identify it. Re: vintage video game console Community Center Geeks' Lounge by BigPaw Is this it, the Atari 2600? [Linky]( That had a wood veneer and was built in Hong Kong for a time. Re: vintage video game console Community Center Geeks' Lounge by b_rad_rock ![IMG_1680](/attachments/small/4/IMG_1680.JPG "align-left") ![IMG_1681](/attachments/small/4/IMG_1681.JPG "align-right") Re: vintage video game console Community Center Geeks' Lounge by b_rad_rock no not atari Re: vintage video game console Community Center Geeks' Lounge by happygeek My eyesight is too poor to make out the name on the housing. What does it actually say, above the instructiions in the first pic? Re: vintage video game console Community Center Geeks' Lounge by b_rad_rock video fun game Re: vintage video game console Community Center Geeks' Lounge by b_rad_rock ![IMG_16831](/attachments/small/4/IMG_16831.JPG "align-left") ![IMG_1682](/attachments/small/4/IMG_1682.JPG "align-right") Re: vintage video game console Community Center Geeks' Lounge by happygeek Looks like one of any number of generic videogame consoles of the time. I used to have dozens of them, all with different names but all very similar in design. They make very little on eBay, as in the postage will probably work out to more than the value of the thing. Re: vintage video game console Community Center Geeks' Lounge by BigPaw Well, if it's not the new Playstation 4, it may be as happygeek says one of those Consoles of the late 70's that disappeared in the big games console crash. It seems that the market became so glutted with them that they became very unprofitable. This caused a panic sell for all manufacturers... or so I read. I've never been a big fan of consoles. … Re: vintage video game console Community Center Geeks' Lounge by JorgeM Wow, I believe that I actually had one of those (or a close version of it) when I was very, very young. I can barely remember because it belonged to an older sibling. I recall playing pong (tennis). Re: vintage video game console Community Center Geeks' Lounge by b_rad_rock thanks guys . looks like it may be bin time :) seems a shame to just throw such an old bit of kit but unless theres someone or place that wants one then the bin will devour easy Re: vintage video game console Community Center Geeks' Lounge by happygeek eBay is your friend if you want to make a (very) few pounds/dollars whatever, just don't except to get rich with this item. If money isn't an issue then try your local Freecycle. Both have to be better than adding to the growing global unrecyclable crap mountain. Re: vintage video game console Community Center Geeks' Lounge by b_rad_rock i hear that happygeek . i hate waste , you have just remided me of a place we have here called reverse garbage cheers Re: vintage video game console Community Center Geeks' Lounge by <M/> Why not go to vegas and meet up with those dudes (they have a show on History Channel called Pawn Stars) and ask them to give it it's value :) Re: vintage video game console Community Center Geeks' Lounge by happygeek Bumping threads with nothing meaningful isn't really that cool. Try calming down with the 'I HAVE TO POST A COMMENT IN EVERY THREAD' attitude and concentrate on posting quality comments which add value rather than quantity of postings which invariably do not. Please, and thanks :) Re: vintage video game console Community Center Geeks' Lounge by <M/> okay :(... message recieved. Re: vintage video game console Community Center Geeks' Lounge by happygeek I'm not trying to put you off posting, you are a valued member of DaniWeb. I'm just trying to point out that posting for the sake of it, when many of those posts are what could be filed under 'just a bit pointless' is not the way forward. Forget the 'activity points league table' nonsense and go back to helping people out with good advice. That's … Re: vintage video game console Community Center Geeks' Lounge by <M/> Why does everyone think that I am going towards being the top scorer of the table... I said I became first once... Doesn't mean i am freak about... Happygeek, i get your point ;) Re: Collecting vintage video game consoles Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Nick Evan Wow... And I thought [I]I[/I] had a collecting problem :) I have all the computer I've ever bought still in my possession. - C16 - C64 [attach]15693[/attach] - MSX-2 (with the keyboard add-on) [attach]15694[/attach] - P2000 [attach]15692[/attach] - 8086 - 286 - NES - 486 SX - 486 DX2/66 - Cyrix 266 - Gameboy 1 - all the newer … Re: Collecting vintage video game consoles Community Center Geeks' Lounge by happygeek I forgot to mention the fact that I have boxes full of ZX80s, ZX81s, Spectrums, Dragon 32/34s etc (working and non-working for spares)... We are beyond help, methinks. Re: Collecting vintage video game consoles Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Biker920 Let's see 2 Atari Systems 1 Commodore 16 all Nintendo consoles except cube + playable carts for all. Oh yeah 1 Sega Genesis some one gave me.Most of my big games are DOS games so didn't do much with game consoles. One controller I have for the Nintendo 8 bit lets me make Mario walk backwards and throw fire balls to left of screen,different huh? … Re: Collecting vintage video game consoles Community Center Geeks' Lounge by jonsca I have a couple of 8 bit Nintendos around but nothing compared to this. I technically have every computer but most of them are just mobos knocking around in a box somewhere. Ah, "one man's trash is...", well, another man's trash that's euphemistically called something else :D All the more power to you Happy! @Nick did that woman …