146 Topics

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Member Avatar for bananacat

I'm a little bit stuck at this moment. As of now, this is the code that I have: private void btnChangeImage_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { using (OpenFileDialog openFileDialogForImgUser = new OpenFileDialog()) { string location = null; string fileName = null; openFileDialogForImgUser.Filter = "Image Files (*.jpg, *.png, *.gif, *.bmp)|*.jpg; *.png; *.gif; …

Member Avatar for cgeier
Member Avatar for priyamtheone

How do I detect left mouse button down and up events on the 'Close' option of the system menu that appears when the mouse is clicked on the top left corner of a form?

Member Avatar for priyamtheone
Member Avatar for ignnniter

Hello Im trying to display a label when my program starts, to check the server status.. For example if the user is successfully connected to the server it should say on the label "Connected" and if not the label should say "Not Connected" , my Database is located on a …

Member Avatar for ryanjayson
Member Avatar for dandrews517

Hi all, I found a great VoIP application for WP7 that prevents the service providers to block SIP: http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/722556/How-to-build-a-VoIP-application-for-Windows-Phone. The core of the solution is the following: as it is known, SIP protocol is used in VoIP technology, but its port (5060) is blocked by many mobile service providers. That's …

Member Avatar for priyamtheone

MSDN recommends disposing any variable of type System.Drawing.Brush before its last reference is released. Otherwise, the resources it is using will not be freed until the garbage collector calls the Brush object's Finalize method. As we know, local variables are destroyed automatically when the control flow goes out of the …

Member Avatar for Momerath
Member Avatar for priyamtheone

I have an MDI application containing an MdiParent form and few MdiChild forms. The MdiParent has a fixed MenuStrip, a fixed ToolStrip and a fixed StatusStrip. The MdiChild forms have one or more ToolStrips and a StatusStrip along with other controls in them. The ToolStrips and the StatusStrip of the …

Member Avatar for maurices5000

I bought a book to help me learning WCF. Lots of people complained that the book was written for VS 2005 at first then there was a reprinting for VS 2008. What it seems is that the code for VS 2005 would not work in VS 2008. I'm wondering why? …

Member Avatar for maurices5000
Member Avatar for compulove

I am creating an app that will allow the user to click on images and then they will transform into something else, and the code to do that is below: private void Image_Tapped(object sender, TappedRoutedEventArgs e) { BitmapImage bitmap = new BitmapImage(new Uri("ms-appx:///Assets/smallImage.png")); imageHolder.Source = bitmap; e.Handled = true; } …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for complete

What is the Congiguration manager class in the code and how do you set it in the Project or IDE? How do I set AppSettings in an ASPX project's Configuration manager? This is an ASPX/CS Project with Visual Studio 2010. It is a Configuration Manager question. I am successfully debugging …

Member Avatar for pitic
Member Avatar for tinstaafl

A curious thing, is there a reason that you can't declare sender as a specific type? For instance, if you had a number of textboxes and you wanted each one to select all it's text when you click on it could you use : Public Sub TextBox_Click(ByVal sender As TextBox, …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for GolDRoger00

Hi I am really new to c#(I used to do vb.net) and I need some help with a problem. I am wondering what the equivalent of a datalist or detailsview in asp.net is in a c# winforms application and how to use it. I have data in a database and …

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for strava

I'm newbie in C++ programming and I want to declare a constructor from following code in my main however I'm completely confused about it. Here is the code: #include <vector> using namespace std; template <typename HashedObj> class HashTable { public: explicit HashTable( const HashedObj & notFound, int size = 101 …

Member Avatar for deceptikon
Member Avatar for MARKAND911

I added new database file in my solution's app_data folder in VS2008. But when i tried to expand it from SERVER EXPLORER, i get this error An attempt to attach an auto-named database for file ___ failed. Find the screen shot of the error which occured in vs2008 IDE. [http://www.eggheadcafe.com/FileUpload/1619491694/Errordb.jpg](null)

Member Avatar for joshl_1995

Hello Community, I was wondering if there is a way to make grid transition in visual studio using the language visual basic. Please help...

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Member Avatar for spunkywacko

Hey guys just joined.. So I'm learning C#, and kinda having trouble with finding the command prompt? Installed Vistual Studio 2008 Express with C# and visual basic. After that I installed XNA 3.1. It's supposedly in a folder in the start menu under 'Microsoft Visual Studio Tools', but I have …

Member Avatar for abhinavgoyal02
Member Avatar for priyamtheone

I created a UserControl that contains a custom ToolStrip Control. While using the UserControl throughout an application, the ToolStrip control cannot be accessed directly, as logically it's embedded in the UserControl. So, to access the items of the ToolStrip I defined a readonly property in the UserControl class that returns …

Member Avatar for priyamtheone
Member Avatar for priyamtheone

I built a ClassLibrary where I have created my custom form component (let's say MyForm) that inherits from the Form class. I added the ClassLibrary to my actual WinForms project. Now when I add an inherited form based on MyForm to my project through the 'Add New Item' dialog box …

Member Avatar for priyamtheone
Member Avatar for priyamtheone

Ensure ApplyVisualStyles is enabled in your system. Place a ToolStripProgressBar on a toolstrip, run your application and minimize the form. Now change the theme of your computer to Windows Classic and restore the form. See the interior of the ToolStripProgrssBar becomes black. It doesn't even change if you refresh the …

Member Avatar for priyamtheone
Member Avatar for priyamtheone

I am rendering a toolstrip with a CustomRenderer that inherits from ToolStripProfessionalRenderer. The concept is that I want the color of the arrow of the toolstrip items to be white in all cases except selection. When it is selected the color should be black. In my code below all arrows …

Member Avatar for priyamtheone
Member Avatar for f4fjks

Hey All! I have created a database application which read and write data in Ms Access. It works well on my computer but when i try to install the same application via installer package to another computer, and run it, it gives me error that i dont have the database. …

Member Avatar for Maligui
Member Avatar for dan_code_guru

Ive just recently switched to visual studio c++ express. I am Creating some shapes with dx9 and i came upon this problem with my indices: error C2064: term does not evaluate to a function taking 24 arguments here is the code where i am getting the error: [ICODE]short indices[100]; indices[100] …

Member Avatar for dan_code_guru
Member Avatar for creative_m

I am trying to compile NeHe code for win32 app in visual studio 2010. but this error appear: [CODE]cannot convert parameter 2 from 'const char [29]' to 'LPCWSTR' 1> Types pointed to are unrelated; conversion requires reinterpret_cast, C-style cast or function-style cast[/CODE] to these instructions [ICODE] if (!wglMakeCurrent(NULL,NULL)) // Are …

Member Avatar for creative_m
Member Avatar for ThomsonGB

I am getting an access violation. Can anyone see why this might occur in the following code fragment from a GUID generator? [CODE] // here is a code fragment fro a GUID creation routine. // it is crashing with an Access violation #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <string> #include <stdio.h> …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for sheenarbw

I wrote a recursive function using System.IO stuff in order to copy a directory and all its contents to another location. I'm using Windows 7 and Visual C# 2010. It looked like a simple task but it really isn't. First, when i tried to run the code i got a …

Member Avatar for danimal1
Member Avatar for talhatanveer

I am getting errors on installing Visual Studio 2008 on Windows 7 machine. On digging down deeper I found that "Microsoft Visual Studio Web Authoring Component" is not getting installed which is a pre-req for VS 2008. I further drilled down and searched different forums over the internet, they mostly …

Member Avatar for talhatanveer
Member Avatar for Fess

Me and my team are working with arduino devices for a project and we need a way to talk and respond from arduino to visual studios. any coding out there to work on this because i can not seem to find any myself

Member Avatar for Lle26

The problem is in lies in TA.Insert(txtfirst.text) I really dont know what is parameter,,,,all about pls help me...pls [CODE] Public Class AddOutPatient Private Sub btncancel_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btncancel.Click Me.DialogResult = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Cancel End Sub Private Sub btnaddout_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles …

Member Avatar for M.Waqas Aslam
Member Avatar for priyamtheone

How can I detect the click event of the close (X) button at the top right corner of the control box of a form/window? Please note, I don't want to know about CloseReason, FormClosing, FormClosed or stuffs like these, unless they are inevitable. I exactly want to detect if the …

Member Avatar for makdu
Member Avatar for jfox1988

I am using Entity Framework in Visual Studio linked to a back end database and would like to change the column name of the tables. Currently they have underscores which I want to remove, although there are many tables and columns. Is there an easy way to do this? I …

Member Avatar for niall86

Hey can anyone help me out with this code? Im am really stuck and need to complete it for my engineering degree but none of lecturers have any coding knowledge so im really in trouble. I have a GUI and in the GUI is 3 comboboxes with different options. Depending …

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The End.