Extracting Structured Outputs from LLMs in LangChain Programming Computer Science by usmanmalik57 … can be crucial, particularly for data engineering, preprocessing, analysis, and visualization tasks. In this article, you saw how to extract structured… GPT-4o Snapshot vs Meta Llama 3.1 70b for Zero-Shot Text Summarization Programming Computer Science by usmanmalik57 …len(scores_dict['coherence']), } # Convert to DataFrame for better visualization (optional) average_scores_df = pd.DataFrame([average_scores]) average_scores_df.columns …len(scores_dict['coherence']), } # Convert to DataFrame for better visualization (optional) average_scores_df = pd.DataFrame([average_scores]) average_scores_df.columns … Image Analysis Using Claude 3.5 Sonnet Model Programming Computer Science by usmanmalik57 … = 1024, system = "You are a an expert graph and visualization expert", messages = [ { "role": "user", "… GPT-4o mini vs. GPT-4o vs GPT-3.5 Turbo for Text Summarization Programming Computer Science by usmanmalik57 …(scores['coherence']) / len(scores['coherence']), } # Convert to DataFrame for better visualization (optional) average_scores_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(average_scores, orient='index') average_scores_df.columns… Re: visualization Programming Software Development by Ezzaral "visualization java tools"? Do you mean the graphics APIs? Please describe what you are wanting to do a little bit more. Re: visualization Programming Software Development by eranga262154 …:00PM to 1:00PM I am looking for the data-visualization and constraint satisfaction to be visualized.[/QUOTE] What you mean… data-visualization. I think you may use data base to do this… visualization Programming Software Development by jjt I am totally new to java, but i understand java is the appropriate for my project. i am not sure where to start? and how to use the java packages. I know programming but JAVA is my first time approach. Can any one guide me on the visualization java tools? Thanks a million j Re: visualization Programming Software Development by jjt …:00PM to 1:00PM I am looking for the data-visualization and constraint satisfaction to be visualized. visualization bars or equalizer of wmp Programming Software Development by arjen hello guys.. Can anyone know how to make the visualization or equalizer specifically the bars visualization of window media player? I made my own but I use only the progressbar and timer which random select from the number which mean it is not accurate from the song:) please need help code, info. or link thanks..:) Re: visualization bars or equalizer of wmp Programming Software Development by arjen I was looking for bar visualization of the window media player using vb.net...:)but thanks for the link Re: visualization Programming Software Development by jjt Hi I am looking on Graphics JAVA API. Where i can create an UI and interact with it, kind of Graphs, Charts etc., Re: visualization Programming Software Development by eranga262154 I think it is not much difficult to start work with applets and swing by referring a best tutorial. Actually try with worked examples. Sun official web site always provide the best tutorials on that. All the time I used sun web site to find such informations. [URL="http://java.sun.com/docs/books/tutorial/2d/index.html"]Here is a link… Re: visualization Programming Software Development by Ezzaral [quote=jjt;433337]Hi I am looking on Graphics JAVA API. Where i can create an UI and interact with it, kind of Graphs, Charts etc.,[/quote] The graphs and charts can be done with the 2D Graphics api. The tutorial posted above by eranga262154 is a good start to working on that. The UI itself involves using the Swing packages. Tutorials on using … Re: visualization Programming Software Development by eranga262154 Actually swing is the base of Java graphic, because when you work on swing you have to cover all the fundamentals. So it is good to start. By yourself working, it will take little more time to do your work successfully. Re: visualization Programming Software Development by Ezzaral [quote=eranga262154;433868]Actually swing is the base of Java graphic, because when you work on swing you have to cover all the fundamentals. So it is good to start. By yourself working, it will take little more time to do your work successfully.[/quote] I understand the connection you are making, but one can make UIs with Swing without having … Re: visualization Programming Software Development by eranga262154 [QUOTE=Ezzaral;434127]I understand the connection you are making, but one can make UIs with Swing without having to directly use any of the Graphics or Graphics2D methods. Only when he gets into wanting to produce charts and graphs would he need to learn the Graphics2D API. That is the reason that I mentioned them separately. They can be treated… Re: visualization Programming Software Development by Ezzaral Yes, really you just need to run queries on the database for any records that conflict with the constraints. Those records can then just be shown in a table or list. For that matter, the entire schedule could be shown in a table with conflict cells higlighted by color or something. Re: visualization Programming Software Development by jjt I will give you a website address: Could you kindly have a look, my idea is most probably like this [url]http://www.pms.ifi.lmu.de/software/jack/docu/doc/VCHR-Manual.html#sec:Using[/url] Re: visualization Programming Software Development by Ezzaral [quote=jjt;440080]I will give you a website address: Could you kindly have a look, my idea is most probably like this [URL]http://www.pms.ifi.lmu.de/software/jack/docu/doc/VCHR-Manual.html#sec:Using[/URL][/quote] Ah, yes for that you will have to use the Graphics2D api to draw your graphs. There isn't any standard component for things like that… Re: visualization Programming Software Development by eranga262154 Definitely you need to use 2D Graphic to do this. Re: visualization Programming Software Development by jjt Do you mean JAVASWING for 2D Graphics? I am used with JCreator LE, but the tutorial in JAVASWING is based on the IDE NETBeans? Which is more useful for my work? Could you suggest me something! Thx JJ --- Re: visualization Programming Software Development by eranga262154 I suggest 2D Graphics. Work on Intelli JIdea. Re: visualization Programming Software Development by Ezzaral [quote=jjt;440415]Do you mean JAVASWING for 2D Graphics?[/quote] Well, your graph would be on a JPanel, but you would override paintComponent() with your own code to generate the shapes, lines, etc. Here again is the link to the tutorial on 2D graphics: [URL]http://java.sun.com/docs/books/tutorial/2d/index.html[/URL] Re: visualization Programming Software Development by eranga262154 Suns' web site always give the good codes. Re: visualization Programming Software Development by jjt Hey guys its really awesome! Thanksss JJ --- Re: visualization Programming Software Development by jjt intelliJidea helps me to do the UI, still in a learning process. Will keep update to you all/ Re: Scientific Computing with C# , data visualization and plotting Programming Software Development by Rashakil Fol …. C# is really best for Windows programming. As far as visualization goes, I'm sure Matlab and R have much, much…, much better visualization libraries for numerical data. (You haven't mentioned R -- have… Scientific Computing with C# , data visualization and plotting Programming Software Development by CsharpBeginner … as powerful as Matlab for mathematical calculation (matrix computing) and visualization? Also if I can use this language for DSP programming… A problem with the program visualization at different computers Programming Software Development by LianaN Hello! I have the problem with my program visualization at different computers (but the same OS). Below you may … Information visualization project topic Programming Computer Science by abc88 Can anyone suggest Information visualization project topics? Thanks.