Target=Blank Wix Digital Media UI / UX Design by sonicx2218 … editor that would allow him to do that. I chose wix because it seemed pretty good...It was ok until he… is something I can't figure out... A link in wix's html widget only seems to open in the box…...I feel really bad about messing this up by picking wix.. Re: Target=Blank Wix Digital Media UI / UX Design by LastMitch …. Did you follow the instructions here: It's blank… link you provide. I think **JorgeM** is correct regarding about wix widget is an iframe. >I just want the current… Re: Target=Blank Wix Digital Media UI / UX Design by LastMitch >A link in wix's html widget only seems to open in the box …...I feel really bad about messing this up by picking wix.. I don't understand your issue at all. You want… Re: Target=Blank Wix Digital Media UI / UX Design by sonicx2218 …;/a> A simple image html. It's probably just wix destroying my life, but I wanted to be sure. I… Re: Target=Blank Wix Digital Media UI / UX Design by JorgeM It sounds like that wix widget is an iframe on the page. Can you provide the URL so we can see the source code? Re: html code paste on wix website for cusmtomization Programming Web Development by diafol Is this any use? html code paste on wix website for cusmtomization Programming Web Development by fantyfiz hi, I made a form in html and paste it code in my wix website it works but I want when user enter data, the data should send on my yahoo email id. how i do this. Languages needed to create a wix wysiwyg Programming Web Development by icite … javascript(maybe with html5) could be enough to create a type wysiwyg or not, does it require a total… Wix , Weebly or Squarespace Digital Media UI / UX Design by scott.orenstein.12 Does anyone wish to share any user experiences with any of these companies ? Any specifics would be great especially as it relates to the shopping cart and ease of uploading photo images. Thank You Re: Wix , Weebly or Squarespace Digital Media UI / UX Design by whlookup @scott I assume you are looking for a free web hosting as all the above allows you to create a website for free. However you have also mentioned a shopping cart. Can you let me know what is your purpose? Are you just experimenting or want to start a proper website with shopping cart? Only then I can suggest something Re: Wix , Weebly or Squarespace Digital Media UI / UX Design by gabrielcastillo The best I advise I've heard is, you get what you pay for. Re: Wix , Weebly or Squarespace Digital Media UI / UX Design by scott.orenstein.12 Hi, The purpose of my question is that I have a small start up company that my former partner allowed some custom work to be done that now requires me to be now have to get someone to assit with CSS changes as needed or explore the option of a drop / drag platform. Re: Wix , Weebly or Squarespace Digital Media UI / UX Design by whlookup @scott - I would advise that you go for wordpress with you own domain name. Wordpress can be setup in 1 day, there are thousands of themes to choose from and you can get a standard website up and running ( with full control and flexibility ) in quick time. You will just need to register a domain name and needs basic linux hosting for a wordpress … Re: Wix , Weebly or Squarespace Digital Media UI / UX Design by scott.orenstein.12 Great info.I'll review the variety of themes thet offer. Thanks for your feedback. Re: Target=Blank Wix Digital Media UI / UX Design by sonicx2218 Thanks for the help.!sumersetplayer/cas7 Re: Target=Blank Wix Digital Media UI / UX Design by sonicx2218 Yea I figured it worked as an Iframe. Oh well. Thanks for the help guys! Re: html code paste on wix website for cusmtomization Programming Web Development by linus72982 Could you give some more information? Post the code you have for the forms and I can guide you through writing a script to email it to you. Re: Languages needed to create a wix wysiwyg Programming Web Development by rubberman There are a ton of javascript tools / api's out there to do just about anything you want. Use PHP on the server and HTML/JS on the client. Use PHP to build up the output strings with HTML and JS and then send them in a single message to the client - much more efficient than the techniques many web developers use which have WAY too many back-and-… Re: Languages needed to create a wix wysiwyg Programming Web Development by diafol If you want to create your own WYSIWYG editor, you need javascript. No need for server-side languages. However creating your own WYSIWYG editor or layout editor **is not** a beginner's project. More like intermediate level (or even advanced - if developing tight OOP code). Re: Languages needed to create a wix wysiwyg Programming Web Development by jkon There is knowledge and knowledge that has been applied. These two things are very different , yes you need a good background in HTML CSS JavaScript , but you should have worked with them in order to really understand. Recently we had to much question from folks that didn't made any work in their questions (how would be possible to know what they … Re: WYSIWYG Html 5 editer Programming Web Development by diafol WIX requires registration to check it out, but I'm not prepared to do that. You want to integrate a TinyMCE editor into your WIX-created site? Or do you want to create your own editor? If so, then that's quite a bit of work and will probably involve javascript more than php. Re: Opinion on web development platforms Programming Web Development by diafol Wix and other similar sites are great for those who have …. Nothing wrong with them. However, don't create sites using wix and then call yourself a web developer. Not even a… Re: sorcecode getting Digital Media UI / UX Design by Troy III …quot;refresh" content="5; URL="> </head> <…400" height="400" alt="" border="0"></a…._getTracker('UA-2117194-1'); pageTracker._initData(); pageTracker._trackPageview(''); </script></body>… Register an EXE as a Windows Firewall exception using C# code Programming Software Development by sachintha81 …) written using C# of which the installer is created using Wix and C# (which means it has a Custom Action program… associated with the Wix installer program as well). Now, after the program in installed… time. I guess the Custom Action program associated with the Wix is the best place. So is there a way to… WYSIWYG Html 5 editer Programming Web Development by Asif Naveed … have website and i want to integrate a wix html 5 type editor in it i try to… i does not found it flexible as much like the wix editor is can any body guide me how i can… Webpage Resizing for Browsers Digital Media UI / UX Design by kaetar … work for called The Broome Street Review. Currently, we use Wix for the website, but we would like to move away… you go to now and look at the Wix page, when you resize your browser everything on the page… Css in an iframe? Digital Media UI / UX Design by sonicx2218 … got a lightbox on it, but there's a problem. Wix only allows you to post html contained in an iframe… Need a new website editor. Digital Media UI / UX Design by sonicx2218 … wanted, then I looked over potential website editors and figured wix would be a good combo of what he could do… advanced features he left out from the beginning, so now Wix is useless because they don't offer the html/php… Connect existing domain to the new site Hardware and Software Networking by layman114 Hi all, I want to connect my old domain to the website I created in **wix**. Wix will provide me with their **nameservers**. However I want email and host to be the existing one. So my question is if I change nameserver, will it also change the email and hosting. I want hosting and email settings to remain as it is. Thanks in advance Opinion on web development platforms Programming Web Development by V3N0M … no programming knowledge to create websites for example . I personally think that a web developer should want… your take should one be very good at sites like wix or work hard to build websites from scratch.??? Thank you…