What are the most annoying things people around you do?

One of my pet peeves:
Some "know it all" old timer treats you like a little kid, just because you are young and he/she is not too bright.

When people tell me "I know what i said" and then when you say that to them, in a different argument, they say "it doesn't matter what you thought you said I know what I heard".

people smoking makes me irritated

people smoking makes me irritated

So don't go near them.

So don't go near them.

Good advice, but often you are there first.

I don't like skinny folks complaining about fat folks every chance they have.

What are the most annoying things people around you do?

One of my pet peeves:
Some "know it all" old timer treats you like a little kid, just because you are young and he/she is not too bright.

yeah or "you're just a kid, you wouldn't understand" My councillor actually told me that's their way of dismissing us when we're right. Ha take that father!

I don't like folks that bring up a question that they very well know the answer to, just so they can look smart later on.

Saying "to be honest"

As opposed to?

Or "it's always in the last place you look". Well duh, you're not gonna look for it when you've found it!

Saying "to be honest"

As opposed to?

"Just lying so you'll shut up and leave me alone, ..." perhaps - but that doesn't really go over as well when you state it right out like that....

Or "it's always in the last place you look". Well duh, you're not gonna look for it when you've found it!

That's kind of the point. It's just a tongue-in-cheek jest. Surely not all jesting annoys you?

Or "it's always in the last place you look". Well duh, you're not gonna look for it when you've found it!

You should post that in the "Thoughts of the Day" thread.

Don't you just dislike people that use cliches and big words when there is no substance.

Don't you just dislike people that use cliches and big words when there is no substance.


Sorry sru, I wasn't talking about you, honestly! I hope you don't feel offended. Sorry again.

Don't you just hate folks the apologize all the time?

Don't you just dislike people that use cliches and big words when there is no substance.

Unequivocally preposterous insinuation.

Didn't think you were talking about me, didn't take offence. Just don't have anything against people who like abusing big words that don't fit.

Abusing big words that do fit is far better.

Really drives me up the wall when people get sarcastic to prove a point

Abusing big words that do fit is far better.

Nice conclusion! That's using the old marble.

Don't you just hate folks that disagree with you?

Allowing oneself to be annoyed by what others do is a waste of energy.

People are different, and it's simply amazing and wonderful that we can associate with each other at all.

If you "let" someone annoy you, (assuming they have not actively targeted you) then you've found yourself in the position of judging their behavior. This is an easy place to end up, but the implications are huge.

What it comes down to is a form of the "If I were king of the world" mentality, where everyone would be just the way you want them to be if you could enforce your will on them.

It isn't necessarily easy (tolerance is not widely or thoroughly promoted or taught) but embracing variety is much healthier than being annoyed. Annoyance is a petty position.

(There, have I annoyed anyone ? :)

Allowing oneself to be annoyed by what others do is a waste of energy.

People are different, and it's simply amazing and wonderful that we can associate with each other at all.

If you "let" someone annoy you, (assuming they have not actively targeted you) then you've found yourself in the position of judging their behavior. This is an easy place to end up, but the implications are huge.

What it comes down to is a form of the "If I were king of the world" mentality, where everyone would be just the way you want them to be if you could enforce your will on them.

It isn't necessarily easy (tolerance is not widely or thoroughly promoted or taught) but embracing variety is much healthier than being annoyed. Annoyance is a petty position.

(There, have I annoyed anyone ? :)

You use a Mac, don't you?

You use a Mac, don't you?

No I don't .. and I sure didn't mean for that smiley face to show up either. I entered a simple colon-end parens ..

Hmm. A Mac would be great for you. Maybe it's not too late to get one for Christmas?

Really drives me up the wall when people get sarcastic to prove a point

Agreed. Making every argument into a nursery rhyme would suffice, but some people just have to push it. Damn, those people get under my skin.

True, people are different, but some of them are downright annoying with some of their habits.

Don't just dislike people that don't cover when they sneeze?

"Just lying so you'll shut up and leave me alone, ..." perhaps - but that doesn't really go over as well when you state it right out like that....

That's kind of the point. It's just a tongue-in-cheek jest. Surely not all jesting annoys you?

I've never heard anyone use it tongue-in-cheek. That was a quote from possible ed bryne.

and the "to be honest" was taken from Carol Mcgriffin off Loose Women.

the word "jesting" annoys me. :icon_evil:

oh, people who answer rhetorical questions. :P

When a girl makes you balance the earth on a toothpick in order to do something for her and then changes her mind about it at the very last second.

People who ignore your ideas, then use them and call them there own!
That really makes me angry!:@
Also Bennet talking endlessly about Guild Wars :P
I am sick to death of him talking about that game! :D

Hmm. A Mac would be great for you. Maybe it's not too late to get one for Christmas?

What on earth (or in your mind) provoked this thought?

the word "jesting" annoys me. :icon_evil:

Only jesting with you!! :P

oh, people who answer rhetorical questions. :P

Me too. Don't they have anything better to do? (*whisper* that's rhetorical...)

thin ice Ezzaral ;)

thin ice Ezzaral ;)

Heh, I heard that all the time growing up.

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