here is how it goes, I played it on

ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer

for example,
why do dinosaurs lay eggs

cause they are permanent
why don't you lay eggs

...and so on

I'll start
why is the sky blue?

Refraction of light through particles in the earths atmosphere, that's not really a stupid question that gets a stupid answer.

What was the last war Napoleon Bonaparte fought before his death in 1821 ?

come on... let's have fun

the pizza war

Where can I get a time machine?

the pizza war

Nope the answer is the last war he fought in.

Where can I get a time machine?

a watch shop.

Why is the sun so hot ?

cause it is about to explode!!!!

why is the earth round?

To make computer programmers feel better by comparison.

If a three-legged stool has one leg measuring 14.5 inches, one leg measuring 14 inches and one leg measuring 13.5 inches, assuming a steady level surface, how often will the stool wobble?

It will break;

why isn't there a person who made more than 200 post posting here?

Because this game is stupid.

Looks like the internet continues to get cluttered with absolute rubish.

commented: Yup +0

Why did you guys didn't provide a question? (question and answer)

Because it MAKES NO SENSE.

(Ah, see. Now we've reversed. Give a stupid answer, get a stupid question!)
Question to previous statement: Then why do you keep posting?

Answer to next question: 42.

why was programming meant to be so difficult

because you're too lame to understand
Why are people stupid?

commented: bit of a Douche +0

To keep the rest of the universe safe. Who knows what would happen if we actually knew what we were doing.

If a lawyer and a mime were crossing the street and speeding truck came towards them, which would you save if you could only save one?

mine, lawyer would try to sue me
why is a mime black and why?

Because he escaped from a 1900's prison.

Knowing that, on a regular computer, such as the PC one, 9.9999999999999999999999999999864e+4351 * 9.9999999999999999999999999999864e+4351 = 9.9999999999999999999999999999728e+8703, and 9.9999999999999999999999999999728e+8703 * 9.9999999999999999999999999999728e+8703 = Overflow, how much is Overflow * Overflow?

Overflow * Overflow = some number a computer can't process (infinity)
Why does my phone have a quad core processor?

'cose it comes from the future.

If Superman is so clever, why does he pull his underwear over his trousers?

Because he want to be too transparent.

Why Chuck Norris never fails in his missions?

He wakes up every morning and asks himself "What would Mr. Rogers do?" He contemplates and ponders this question until he's filled with the happiest, most peaceful and tranquil thoughts. Then he lays waste to everything that gets in his way. Happily.

Why are there PhDs without homes or jobs?

PhDs don't need homes or jobs

How can you strangle someone with cordless phone

Because he has a drop-dead gorgous wife and takes no shit of anybody.

Why is Austraila down under? Under what?

Australia is down because it is under sky which cry

How to burn the fat

on a bbq, but keep some sauce close at hand.

how come my 'server' won't serve coffee?

It has run out of NetBeans for Java.

How Lucky Lukes horse Jolly Jumper puts worm to his hook

After several years of efforts, he trained Rantanplan to do it.

Step 1: Collect underwear.
Step 2: ???????
Step 3: Profit!

Hey u forgot to ask question

You fill in the step 2, I think. (BTW original answer to question I asked was: "Like everybody else, shuddering with discust.")

Because Chuck Norris does not fail

commented: Does not fit to collect underware, did not ask next question +0
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