What is that one word that you really, really, really hate!

The word i hate is Swag

what about you guys?

I don't know why but I don't like the word, 'tummy'.

Why don't people just call it the stomach or abdomen, tummy seems too childish if you ask me.

Definitely sup or wassup I replace those words with soup as it sounds better and less generic.

What I hate are all those French words or expressions that English-speakers use and speak with a stupidly exagerated and totally wrong pronounciation. Like "rendezvous" or "laissez-faire", even the online dictionaries have a ridiculous pronounciation, listen here or here.

Why don't people just call it the stomach or abdomen, tummy seems too childish if you ask me.

But then we wouldn't have great rhymes like "yummy yummy yummy, I've got love in my tummy".


Watch a so-called news broadcast in the US with one of their airhead reporters and count how how many times they use use the word; ACTUALLY. .

ex. We are actually on the scene of an major accident. The police have actually asked the public to stay away. We actually got ill when we seen all hurt people. At Ten o'clock we will actually interview one of the victums.

I actually really hate it's overuse. Actually. Actually. Actually. Actually. Actually. Actually. Actually. Actually. Actually. Actually. Actually. Actually. Actually. Actually. Actually. Actually. Actually. Actually. Actually. Actually. Actually. Actually. Actually.


Close second: Really.

Actually, the words that finish with "ally" are basically all essentially and factually annoying. Basically, I am trying to gradually stop using them practically, but actually, it's hard. Essentially, speaking adverbially might sound fancy, but actually, it's annoyingly crappy, really.

commented: Actually, you have essentially made a factually good point! :> +0

Words that i hate significantly are also racist terms...

i hate the word impossible... why don't people not say everything is possible just give all youe efforts to the task or whatever people want to do

I hate the words basically and maybe, those 2 words show that a person is just guessing rather than knowing what he/she is doing.

That maybe so, but you are basically infering their lack of knowledge.

That maybe so, but you are basically infering their lack of knowledge.

Exactly... they think they can make things sound easy even though they don't know %@!*...
Think about a sports nutritionist, they can refer you to any supplements and sell you any of them but they don't lift... They say, "Basically, this helps you build mass fast...".... Probably not the best example...

I hate the words stupid and ugly, two words designed to put someone down, should never used.

@tinstaafl, that is debatable.

Think about a sports nutritionist, they can refer you to any supplements and sell you any of them but they don't lift... They say, "Basically, this helps you build mass fast...".... Probably not the best example...

Michael, I am glad that you admit that that is not a good example because you are describing a saleperson using a title that they hope implies a professional status. It is their job (like it or not) to push that #@@!@.

I know that you are still young and may have yet to experience trying to explain something to a person who does not have have the knowledge to understand what you are trying to convey to them. It is often necessary to use phrases like "basically" and "maybe" to soften your presentation and not put them in a defensive mode (people hate to appear dumb). I have a good friend who does not have the education that I possess, but he is in no way dumb. When he asks me for technical help he wants to know the full explaination, but if I were to dump the info on him in my vernacular his eyes would glass over. So, my point is don't judge a person as being full of it just because they may not be skilled enough to communicate effectively.

However, in the case of salespeople, always assume they are lying and full of it. :))

However, in the case of salespeople, always assume they are lying and full of it. :))

That is always true!

@tinstaafl, that is debatable.

not in civilized society. Using hurtful, domineering, insulting words, designed to put people down, while used, should never be excused as proper. Calling anyone stupid or ugly is only a way to try and build yourself up, make yourself seem superior, at someone elses expense. It is much better to find the intelligense and beauty in everyone, instead of being so narrow minded as to think any one person, or group of people has the right to decide that someone is lacking.

not in civilized society. Using hurtful, domineering, insulting words, designed to put people down, while used, should never be excused as proper. Calling anyone stupid or ugly is only a way to try and build yourself up, make yourself seem superior, at someone elses expense. It is much better to find the intelligense and beauty in everyone, instead of being so narrow minded as to think any one person, or group of people has the right to decide that someone is lacking.

Well, that is something i can agree with but you can always use any negative word in a positive way...

you can always use any negative word in a positive way

Wouldn't it be much better to use a positive word in the same positive way, and do away with the use of the negative? Instead of saying someone is less ugly, say they are more beautiful.

Wouldn't it be much better to use a positive word in the same positive way, and do away with the use of the negative? Instead of saying someone is less ugly, say they are more beautiful.

Nope, than people would not be as unique if you know what i mean.

You don't need negativity to make people unique, merely a recognition of the positive differences in each person.

You don't need negativity to make people unique, merely a recognition of the positive differences in each person.

Exactly what I mean... in a way...

i really dont like to used word hate because when you hate someone or things once its difficult to love it again so we all d never done somethg like that ,that someone will used this word for us or we used fore someone

Hello!I honestly think that you are right. And I think the word that I hate the most is "stupid".

Hello!I honestly think that you are right. And I think the word that I hate the most is "stupid".

But sometimes... you can use "stupid" in a good way :)

i dont hate a word but a sentence "your tummy is fat."

I wonder why you'd not like that... :)

becuase of my habit of sitting in front of computer for hours
I have gained little weight while all the others are same as they were before

Well at least you became smarter than your peers.

It is more important to develop the brain than it is to develop the body, you can develop a great body anytime but not a sharp mind.

yeah u r right but half of the wasted for games while half of the time done for studies

I Hate the word, quiz

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