Riddles: More challenges to make us think.


  • Post your answer\ guess
  • The person who solves the riddle correctly posts the next riddle to be solved
  • 12- hour time limit per riddle (when this time is up anyone may post the next riddle)

Note: many riddle resources can be found on-line to choose from

The first riddle is:

It has been around for millions of years but is no more than a month old. What is it?


Correct ;) Go.

What do you throw away when you use it, and pull towards you when you don't need it anymore?

Member Avatar for iamthwee


Correct. Now you.

Member Avatar for iamthwee

OK, listen closely, Pete and Repete are in a boat. Pete jumps out. Who is left in the boat?


Member Avatar for iamthwee

OK, listen closely, Pete and Repete are in a boat. Pete jumps out. Who is left in the boat?

Repete <_< dont repeat

Member Avatar for iamthwee

Repete <_< dont repeat

correct! Go

What fastens two people yet touches only one?

Member Avatar for iamthwee

a wedding ring

yeeeeeeeeeee right =D

ur turn

What goes round and round the wood, but never into the wood?


commented: bark +3


:!: Correct ;)

Go -->

What is broken every time it's spoken?

What is broken every time it's spoken?

A vow of silence?


[edit:] sniped :p


commented: very helpful +1

I am taken from a mine and shut in a wooden case never to be released, and yet, I am used by most everybody-- what am I?

Member Avatar for iamthwee


yes, right.

i hope people aren't cheating =x

maybe i'm just really dumb...

i don't understand how everyone is getting them right on the first try.

me and you both Duki.

It lives without a body, hears without ears, speaks without a mouth, and is born in air.

What is it?



sign language?

I think most of the ones people get on the first try come from a bit of thinking or just being familiar with the riddle. Though I wouldn't completely discount the effects of a quick google search ;)

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