As C++ has nice read me's like, C / C++ FAQ's and Practice problems, C++ Books, "Flushing" the input stream , how about some read mes's in PHP forum. Its a widely used language like C++, so it would be nice to have some read me's. What do others think about it ?

Sticky threads are nearly always contributed by regulars of a forum. So if you want a sticky, start a thread with whatever topic you want stickied, then make a moderator aware of it. :)

Actually, I'm not regulars of PHP forum, and I also don't know the language. By reading sticky's in C++ ( which are wonderfull ), I thought it would be nice to have sticky's in PHP to. So the regulars of PHP forum, do you guys like the idea of sticky's in PHP ?

Actually, I'm not regulars of PHP forum, and I also don't know the language.

If the thread focuses on language/library stuff then at least someone who might be seen as an expert would have to write it. For example, to write one of the stickies you mentioned (Flushing the input stream) the author would need expert level knowledge, as I'm sure most would agree Narue has.

If the thread focuses on best practice for posting, it would be best for a regular to write it because regulars are more likely to understand both the official rules and unwritten guidelines followed by the community.

I thought it would be nice to have sticky's in PHP to.

Stickies for sticky sake aren't a good idea as they'll clutter the forum. That's not to say that I disagree with some good ones in the PHP forum, but since they haven't been written yet I'm not convinced that the PHP forum folks are interested in having them. That forum is very active, after all.

Hmz. Perhaps a post about using queries (MySQL, MySQLi, PDO) correctly is a good one to get back up there. I'll try to allot some time for one, unless anyone else feels inclined. The "is not a resource" questions still come up regularly.

Member Avatar for iamthwee

I think it would be a good idea especially if written by some of the more experienced coders.

I'd like to see a sticky on:

  1. All OOP questions and and example.
  2. Building a simple loging system, as this gets asked the most.
  3. Security when using PHP such as injection attacks, encrypting + salting your passwords.
  4. Example of using PDO.
  5. Beginning a framework and using MVC.

I think the phpdev stickies would be a good outline to follow?


@deceptikon: Is there a way to find out if there were any stickies before the move to the new forum?

@iamthwee: Can you show an example (URL) of a phpdev sticky? I don't know what you are referring to.

@deceptikon: Is there a way to find out if there were any stickies before the move to the new forum?

Yes indeed. It appears there was one sticky as of July 2011, which I've re-stickied.

commented: Thanks. +0

Not a sticky, but made a basic code snippet on using the mysql extension. I intend to do the same for mysqli and pdo.

Member Avatar for LastMitch


Stickies for sticky sake aren't a good idea as they'll clutter the forum. That's not to say that I disagree with some good ones in the PHP forum, but since they haven't been written yet I'm not convinced that the PHP forum folks are interested in having them. That forum is very active, after all.

I agree with you that PHP section is very active but I was very surprise too that there was no sticky.

I agree what @pritaeas said

Hmz. Perhaps a post about using queries (MySQL, MySQLi, PDO) correctly is a good one to get back up there. I'll try to allot some time for one, unless anyone else feels inclined. The "is not a resource" questions still come up regularly.

There are still people don't really know how to connect the DB correctly. Having a "sticky" explaining the error and how to resolve the error by example would really make things more efficient in PHP section.

I'm not that good in php and I'm still learning but having something like that would really help. PHP is evolving now more than in the past so I never learn PDO but having an example to follow and test would really help me learn it not quickly but slowly.

Member Avatar for LastMitch


Can you create code snippet regarding about PHP Frameworks? Just the basic or outline on how each Frameworks work?


Zend Framework

If you have time!

Interesting question. I use Smarty (templating system) but haven't touched Zend for over five years. Never used any of the others. So I'll leave the frameworks to the ones who actually use it ;) Unless persuaded/convinced/bribed.

On my list is a PDO example, and a "read this first" sticky (like the one in C++). I want to use the last one to link to the code snippets.

Member Avatar for iamthwee

I would also second a tutorial on Smarty. I think people have heard of frameworks but not necessarily templating systems. Smarty is something I've always wondered about.

Btw, thanks for the tut on using mysqli, great read.

Thanks, glad you liked it. Am sure there are more options to be explored. I'll add Smarty to my list then, I also think it would be useful.

Member Avatar for diafol

Yep, more stickies in PHP.

I think PDO (possibly mysqli too) would be worthwhile, seeing as vanilla mysql seems to be legs up. With regard to Smarty and frameworks, they don't tend to come up very often in the forum itself, so how useful they would be I don't know. Perhaps having examples of use in code snippets / tutorials would be better?

Another common issue is installation, e.g. XAMPP and setting up localhost (don't laugh).
login scripts, cURL, arrays, date functions and loops... ad nauseum... - but again may be better in tuts.

Member Avatar for LastMitch


I'll add Smarty to my list then

Thanks ;)

Member Avatar for LastMitch


With regard to Smarty and frameworks, they don't tend to come up very often in the forum itself, so how useful they would be I don't know. Perhaps having examples of use in code snippets / tutorials would be better?

I agree.

Another common issue is installation, e.g. XAMPP and setting up localhost (don't laugh).
login scripts, cURL, arrays, date functions and loops... ad nauseum... - but again may be better in tuts.

I totally agree with you but it's gonna be hard to write that much code snippets or tutorial. The reason why is because everyone has a life outside of DaniWeb and it's hard to find time and write good code snippets for members to take advantage and learn from it. It's kinda like what pritaeas is doing:

He's doing this on his own time. I have to give him a lot of credit for doing it.

Member Avatar for diafol

Nobody said P had to do all this. I was just pointing out what I thought were the most common issues and that these were probably unsuitable for stickies.

commented: Phew... +0

Just added the "read me first" (copied from C++) and added links to the common snippets in it. I've closed it to prevent replies, mods can still add new information to it. This way there will only be the need for one sticky in the PHP forum. So if you add a useful code snippet or tutorial, update the sticky too please. (PDO will be next.)

commented: Most splendid! +0
Member Avatar for LastMitch


I have another suggestion regarding about another code snippet. How are Hashes?

Like using md5 or Pear

I know it's a bit far fetch but I do see a couple of questions here and there.

If you have time!

Working on OOP intro now. Got a little delayed trying to find the right examples. I am not quite sure what you want to know about hashes, can you explain? PEAR has a lot of modules to choose from, or are you referring to something else?

Member Avatar for LastMitch


Working on OOP intro now. Got a little delayed trying to find the right examples.

Looking forward for that!

I am not quite sure what you want to know about hashes, can you explain? PEAR has a lot of modules to choose from, or are you referring to something else?

Good Question! You're right. Let me think about again and gather all the info and I'll post it again.

Member Avatar for diafol

OOP is a hard nut. I don't envy you. Anything that shows the user that simply placing private or public in front of their procedural functions and wrapping them in a class is NOT OOP! :) That was the biggest challenge for me. It still cooks my brain. Unfortunately the simple examples are rarely much use for when you start building a 'real world' site. Leopards and lions extending cats always made me laugh! Good luck with that one.

WRT hashing - I think that's pretty well documented in the manual, however an use case may be useful, e.g. token/hash for retrieving or resetting pw via email. But I wouldn't have thought that this would be a priority either.

Big hand for the work so far P. :)

Leopards and lions extending cats always made me laugh!

They're useful when you are demonstrating a genetic algorithm, or multiple inheritance ;)

It was really a pain trying to get one example that would apply to all that I wanted to demonstrate (which lessened as I went along too). Must honestly admit, it is a pain to write, really underestimated this.

Member Avatar for diafol

Fair point. Well, I for one am really looking forward to this. A trusted source at last :)

Member Avatar for LastMitch


Like what diafol said I also want Thank You for all your hard work because it's paying off! Keep up the good work, the code snippets are great it shows a lot of details and the instructions are easy to follow. Thanks!

Member Avatar for LastMitch


I'm still thinking about the hashes but I also notice that some members having issue installing WAMP or EASYPHP or whatever php platform. Since you did some mysql, mysqli or pdo, I guess simple general instruction on how to install WAMP or whatever php platform will help member how to install any platform. I have both of those and when I install it, it's similiar to each other. It's just a thought it might not be a priority either.

Am not too keen on those. Installers may change and most important: the respective application's forums are full with tips, which they don't bother to read.

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