AdSense for search results on your own site makes perfect, well, sense

happygeek 0 Tallied Votes 190 Views Share

Please forgive me if I am a little slow in flagging this up, but it has only just floated across my radar: you can now implement Google AdSense for search results on your own page, displaying the all important revenue generating adverts alongside the search results without directing readers off-site. There are two distinct pieces of code involved, one for the search box and the other for the results, and by doubling up like this you get full control not only over where the search is conducted but also where the results appear. Am I alone in finding this a rather exciting and hopefully profitable move?

Implementation could not be easier, as long as you have created the search results display page before you get cracking. Blogger users, and anyone else where the web host does not allow the creation of a separate URL for search results cannot, sadly, play along. Everyone else just needs to login to their AdSense account, choose AdSense for search from the setup tab, and scroll down to the ‘more options’ section where the ‘open results within my own site’ checkbox should be ticked. Enter either the full, or relative, URL and then copy the generated search box and search results code into the source HTML for the pages concerned.

Dani 4,084 The Queen of DaniWeb Administrator Featured Poster Premium Member

I have been an avid AdSense member since its inception, and I was just about to send you a PM saying "What are you talking about? This isn't true!" But whoa, you surprised me and definitely proved me wrong. Very nifty!

happygeek 2,411 Most Valuable Poster Team Colleague Featured Poster

It surprised me as well. Not least because it has hardly caused a ripple of comment online. You would think it would be getting plenty of publicity, but no...

Dani 4,084 The Queen of DaniWeb Administrator Featured Poster Premium Member

Using it on DaniWeb already :)

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