abhijeet P 0 Newbie Poster

Hello all,

I am new to both HTML and CSS
i am using a code where u can drag and drop elements from left into the grid.
i want to put the images in the left with same effect as the one where I am dropping the image.

Also on dragging i want the dragged image to dissappear and on clicking 'x' on dragged image the image to reappear on the left plz help....

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            drop: function(event, ui) {
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                html = html + '<div class="divrm">';
                html = html + '<a onclick="remove(this)" class="remove '+itemid+'">&times;</a>';
                html = html + '<div/>'+item+'</div>';

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                // update total price
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                $("#cprice").html("$ " + total_price);

                // expand cart items
                if (total_items > 4) {
                    $("#cart_items").animate({width: "+=120"}, 'slow');

        $("#btn_next").click(function() {
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               $(this).html("").fadeIn("fast").css({left: 0});
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            return false;
    function remove(el) {
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            // collapse cart items
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                $("#cart_items").animate({width: "-=120"}, 'slow');
        }, 1100);

        // update total item

        // update totl price
        var price = parseInt($(el).parent().parent().find(".price").html().replace("$ ", ""));
        total_price = total_price - price;
        $("#cprice").html("$ " + total_price);
    /* $(function() {
        $(".i").draggable({ helper: 'clone' });
                    drop: function(event, ui) {
    }); */
      <div id="main">
          <a href="#">link</a>
          <a href="">link</a>
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          &nbsp; -->
      <div id="item_container">
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              <img src="images/img" width="50" height="50"/>
              <label class="title">xyz</label>
              <label class="price">1234567</label>
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              <img src="images/img.jpg" width="50" height="50"/>
              <label class="title">xyz</label>
              <label class="price">2345678</label>
          <div class="item" id="i3">
              <img src="images/img.png" width="50" height="50"/>
              <label class="title">zyz</label>
              <label class="price">12345676</label>
          <!-- <div class="item" id="i4">
              <img src="img/4.jpg"/>
              <label class="title">T-Shirt 4</label>
              <label class="price">$ 30</label>
          <div class="item" id="i5">
              <img src="img/5.jpg"/>
              <label class="title">T-Shirt 5</label>
              <label class="price">$ 28</label>
          <div class="item" id="i6">
              <img src="img/6.jpg"/>
              <label class="title">T-Shirt 6</label>
              <label class="price">$ 26</label>
          <div class="item" id="i7">
              <img src="img/7.jpg"/>
              <label class="title">T-Shirt 7</label>
              <label class="price">$ 35</label>
          <div class="item" id="i8">
              <img src="img/8.jpg"/>
              <label class="title">T-Shirt 8</label>
              <label class="price">$ 33</label>
          <div class="item" id="i9">
              <img src="img/9.jpg"/>
              <label class="title">T-Shirt 1</label>
              <label class="price">$ 12</label>
          <div class="item" id="i10">
              <img src="img/10.jpg"/>
              <label class="title">T-Shirt 10</label>
              <label class="price">$ 22</label>
          </div> -->
          <div class="clear"></div>
      <div id="cart_container">
          <div id="cart_title">
              <span>Your item</span>
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                  <a href="" id="btn_prev"><</a>
                  <a href="" id="btn_next">></a>
                  <a href="" id="btn_clear">Clear item</a>
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                  <span class="sptext">
                      <label>item </label><label class="count" id="citem">0</label>
                  <span class="sptext">
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              <div class="clear"></div>

here is the code