US are the phisher kings

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Threat statistics just released by managed security company Network Box reveals that phishing attacks now account for 67 percent of all malware by volume. This compares with just 24 percent in February and 48 percent in March, suggesting that the phishers are continuing to be successful where other distribution and infection mechanisms are failing.

When it comes to the geographic source of distribution, look no further than the USA which dominates the landscape for pushing out spam and malware. Indeed, it retains the unwanted title for the fourth consecutive month according to Network Box figures. What's more, those figures suggest that with the US accounting for some 14 percent of all junk mail during April it is almost twice as busy as nearest spamming rival, China, with just 8 percent. Unfortunately, the report makes just as bad reading when it comes to virus distribution, with the US hitting 21 percent while second place Spain can only manage a measly 6 percent total for April. This time China comes in third, a point down on 5 percent.

The USA can take a little respite when it comes to intrusions though, sitting as it does in second place with 14 percent which is a little behind the overall 'winner' in this category: the combined Koreas on 16 percent.

Simon Heron, Internet Security Analyst, Network Box, says: "Like spam, phishing attacks are unlikely to disappear completely because they are relatively easy to script and incredibly easy to distribute. In fact, we will see more phishing with an increasing percentage in the form of Spear phishing, which is targeted phishing;, and Whaling, ie. targeting big fish like CEOs. IT departments will have to ensure they have easy access to knowledge about the latest ploys so that they are in a position to advise their users."

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