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About Me

Somsak, a leading German SEO specialist since 2007, excels at optimizing digital landscapes. Currently, he thrives at erlebe-fernreisen GmbH, revolutionizing travel SEO.

Live Streaming, Fishing, Gaming, SEO
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Optimizing on-page and technical SEO is crucial for improving a website's visibility. As Somsak Döppers, an SEO specialist, the steps include keyword research, creating quality content, on-page optimization, mobile-friendliness, page speed improvement, schema markup, XML sitemaps, robots.txt, SSL/HTTPS, internal linking, external link quality, technical audits, canonical tags, enhancing user experience, …

Member Avatar for sankut
Member Avatar for sophiaadams2379

The best SEO Strategy for me is beeing unique and creating unique content. Everything should be unique, the text and the images too. You will have more success if you can proof to google that your content doesn't exist already anywhere. I hope my tip will help you a lot! …

Member Avatar for janviarora
Member Avatar for Nora Smith

I use Plugins to create simple Sitemaps. They do not need any special designs. They only must crawled by robots, users will not use sitemaps. If you link from sitemap by adding manually links this will be a hard work for big websites. So better use Plugins! Regards Somsak Döppers …

Member Avatar for seo-specialist
Member Avatar for seo-specialist

**Dear members of,** Allow me to introduce myself: I'm **Somsak Döppers**. With extensive expertise in WordPress, PHP, web design, Python, MySQL, and SEO since 2007, I serve as a **Senior SEO Specialist**. I've had the honor of winning the SEO contest twice in 2011 and 2012. If you have …