Calculating Age using Date of Birth and Current Date

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This code demonstrates how age might be calculated and filtered using the DateDiff method in SQL. Also, note that both the parameters are set to NULL by default, hence making them 'optional' to a certain limit.

Create PROCEDURE [dbo].[pr_AgeFiltering]
		@ageFrom int = NULL,
		@ageTo int = NULL

	DECLARE @sql varchar(2000)
	SELECT @sql = 'SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR, [User].USER_NAME, 120) AS NAME, CONVERT(VARCHAR, [User].DOB, 120) AS DOB, (DATEDIFF(dd, [User].DOB, GetDate())  / 365) AS Age FROM [User] WHERE 1=1 '
-- Set the Lower limit for age (optional)
	IF ( @ageFrom IS NOT NULL AND @ageFrom > 0 ) 
		SELECT @sql = @sql + ' AND (DATEDIFF(dd, [User].DOB, GetDate())  / 365) > = ' + CONVERT(varchar(10),@ageFrom)

--Set the upper limit for age (optional)
	IF ( @ageTo IS NOT NULL AND @ageTo > 0 )
		SELECT @sql = @sql + ' AND (DATEDIFF(dd, [User].DOB, GetDate())  / 365) < = ' + CONVERT(varchar(10),@ageTo
--Execute the SQL query

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