sirko 0 Newbie Poster

The delphi app should subtract two sets that would represent two graphs

Hi there!
I've got a problem that I can't solve. Can anybody help me?
The app should subtract two graphs (in this case a graph is meant to be a set of points)

here's the beginning.

program assignment;

type Tpoints=(a,b,c,d,e);
points= set of Tpoints;
Tgraph=array [Tpoint] of Tpoints;

Basically one graph should have all possible connections. Lets consider a graph has 3 points (a,b,c) then the first graph's set of points would look like a-b; a-c; b-c
then the other would have only the same amount of points but less connections.(For instance a-b; b-c) The result should be smth like a set of pairs that are in the first graph but aren't in the second. (a-c);
It has got to a console application.

I'm a freshman student and I just took the programming course. I've never studied Delphi/Pascal before so I have some really taugh times now.
I'd Really appreciate you help!
