sweets 0 Newbie Poster
import java.io.*;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.zip.*;
import javax.crypto.*;
import javax.crypto.spec.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.event.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;

public class Steganograph
    public static final byte[] VERSION_BYTE= {'2','0','0'};
    public static final int OFFSET_JPG= 3;
    public static final int OFFSET_PNG= 42;
    public static final int OFFSET_GIF_BMP_TIF= 32;
    public static final short HEADER_LENGTH= 15* 4;
    public static final byte UUF= 1;
    public static final byte UEF= 3;
    public static final byte CUF= 5;
    public static final byte CEF= 7;

    private static Cipher cipher;

    private static SecretKeySpec spec;
    private static String masterExtension, message;
    //private static AboutFrame about= new AboutFrame();

    private static File masterFile;

    private static byte features;
    private static int inputFileSize;
    private static int i, j, inputOutputMarker, messageSize, tempInt;
    private static short compressionRatio= 0, temp;
    private static byte byte1, byte2, byte3, byteArrayIn[];
    private static ByteArrayOutputStream byteOut;

    private Steganograph()
        System.out.println("Video Steganography  ready...");

    public static String getMessage()
        return message;

    public static boolean embedFile(File masterFile, File outputFile, File dataFile, int compression, String password)
        messageSize= (int) dataFile.length();

        if(password!= null && password.length()<16)
            message= "Password should be minimum of 16 Characters";
            return false;

        if(compression!= 0)

            if(compression< 0)      compression= 0;
            if(compression>9)       compression= 9;

            if(password== null) features= CUF;
            else                    features= CEF;
            if(password== null) features= UUF;
            else                    features= UEF;

        inputFileSize= (int) masterFile.length();
            byteOut= new ByteArrayOutputStream();

            byteArrayIn= new byte[inputFileSize];

            DataInputStream in= new DataInputStream(new FileInputStream(masterFile));
            in.read(byteArrayIn, 0, inputFileSize);

            String fileName= masterFile.getName();
            masterExtension= fileName.substring(fileName.length()-3, fileName.length());

                byteOut.write(byteArrayIn, 0, OFFSET_JPG);
                inputOutputMarker= OFFSET_JPG;
            else if(masterExtension.equalsIgnoreCase("png"))

                        byteOut.write(byteArrayIn, 0, OFFSET_PNG);
                        inputOutputMarker= OFFSET_PNG;

                        byteOut.write(byteArrayIn, 0, OFFSET_GIF_BMP_TIF);
                        inputOutputMarker= OFFSET_GIF_BMP_TIF;

            byte tempByte[]= new byte[4];
            for(i=24, j=0; i>=0; i-=8, j++)
                tempInt= inputFileSize;
                tempInt>>= i;
                tempInt&= 0x000000FF;
                tempByte[j]= (byte) tempInt;


            byteOut.write(byteArrayIn, inputOutputMarker, inputFileSize- inputOutputMarker);
            inputOutputMarker= inputFileSize;


            writeBytes(new byte[]{features});

            byte []fileArray= new byte[messageSize];
            in= new DataInputStream(new FileInputStream(dataFile));
            in.read(fileArray, 0, messageSize);

            if(features== CUF || features== CEF)
                ByteArrayOutputStream arrayOutputStream= new ByteArrayOutputStream();
                ZipOutputStream zOut= new ZipOutputStream(arrayOutputStream);
                ZipEntry entry= new ZipEntry(dataFile.getName());
                zOut.write(fileArray, 0, messageSize);

                fileArray= arrayOutputStream.toByteArray();
                compressionRatio= (short) ((double)fileArray.length / (double)messageSize * 100.0);
                messageSize= fileArray.length;

            writeBytes(new byte[]{(byte) compressionRatio});

            if(features== UEF || features== CEF)
                Cipher cipher= Cipher.getInstance("AES");
                SecretKeySpec spec= new SecretKeySpec(password.substring(0, 16).getBytes(), "AES");
                cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, spec);
                fileArray= cipher.doFinal(fileArray);
                messageSize= fileArray.length;

            tempByte= new byte[4];
            for(i=24, j=0; i>=0; i-=8, j++)
                tempInt= messageSize;
                tempInt>>= i;
                tempInt&= 0x000000FF;
                tempByte[j]= (byte) tempInt;



            DataOutputStream out= new DataOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(outputFile));
        catch(EOFException e)
        catch(Exception e)
            message= "Oops!!\nError: "+ e.toString();
            return false;

        message= "File '"+ dataFile.getName()+ "' embedded successfully in file '"+ outputFile.getName()+ "'.";
        return true;

    public static boolean retrieveFile(SteganoInformation info, String password, boolean overwrite)
        File dataFile= null;
        features= info.getFeatures();

            masterFile= info.getFile();
            byteArrayIn= new byte[(int) masterFile.length()];

            DataInputStream in= new DataInputStream(new FileInputStream(masterFile));
            in.read(byteArrayIn, 0, (int)masterFile.length());

            messageSize= info.getDataLength();
            byte[] fileArray= new byte[messageSize];
            inputOutputMarker= info.getInputMarker();

                message= "Unexpected size of embedded file: 0.";
                return false;

            if(features== CEF || features== UEF)
                password= password.substring(0, 16);
                byte passwordBytes[]= password.getBytes();
                cipher= Cipher.getInstance("AES");
                spec= new SecretKeySpec(passwordBytes, "AES");
                cipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, spec);
                    fileArray= cipher.doFinal(fileArray);
                catch(Exception bp)
                    message= "Incorrent Password";
                    return false;
                messageSize= fileArray.length;

            if(features== CUF || features== CEF)
                ByteArrayOutputStream by= new ByteArrayOutputStream();
                DataOutputStream out= new DataOutputStream(by);

                ZipInputStream zipIn= new ZipInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(fileArray));
                ZipEntry entry= zipIn.getNextEntry();
                dataFile= new File(entry.getName());

                byteArrayIn= new byte[1024];
                while((tempInt= zipIn.read(byteArrayIn, 0, 1024))!= -1)
                    out.write(byteArrayIn, 0, tempInt);

                fileArray= by.toByteArray();
                messageSize= fileArray.length;

            if(dataFile.exists() && !overwrite)
                message= "File Exists";
                return false;

            DataOutputStream out= new DataOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(dataFile));
            out.write(fileArray, 0, fileArray.length);
        catch(Exception e)
            message= "Oops!!\n Error: "+ e;
            return false;

        message= "Retrieved file size: "+ messageSize+ " B";
        return true;

    private static void embedBytes(byte[] bytes)
        int size= bytes.length;

        for(int i=0; i< size; i++)
            byte1= bytes[i];
            for(int j=8; j>=0; j-=1)
                byte2= byte1;
                byte2>>= j;
                byte2&= 0x03;

                byte3= byteArrayIn[inputOutputMarker];
                byte3&= 0xFC;
                byte3|= byte2;

    private static void writeBytes(byte[] bytes)
        int size= bytes.length;

        for(int i=0; i< size; i++)

    private static void retrieveBytes(byte[] bytes)
        int size= bytes.length;

        for(int i=0; i< size; i++)
            byte1= 0;
            for(int j=8; j>=0; j-=1)
                byte2= byteArrayIn[inputOutputMarker];

                byte2&= 0x03;
                byte2<<= j;
                byte1|= byte2;
            bytes[i]= byte1;

    private static void readBytes(byte[] bytes)
        int size= bytes.length;

        for(int i=0; i< size; i++)
            bytes[i]= byteArrayIn[inputOutputMarker];


class SteganoInformation
    private File file;
    private File dataFile= null;
    private String checker;
    private byte features;
    private short compressionRatio;
    private int dataLength, temp;
    private boolean isEster= false;

    private byte byteArray[], name[], byte1, byte2;
    private int inputMarker, i, j;

    public File getFile() { return file; }
    public int getInputMarker() { return inputMarker; }
    public File getDataFile() { return dataFile; }
    public byte   getFeatures() { return features; }
    public short getCompressionRatio() { return compressionRatio; }
    public int   getDataLength()    { return dataLength; }
    public boolean  isEster()       { return isEster; }

    public void setDataFile(File dataFile)
        this.dataFile= dataFile;
    private void retrieveBytes(byte[] bytes, byte[] array, int marker)
        byteArray= array;
        inputMarker= marker;

        int size= bytes.length;

        for(i=0; i< size; i++)
            byte1= 0;
            for(j=6; j>=0; j-=1)
                byte2= byteArray[inputMarker];

                byte2&= 0x03;
                byte2<<= j;
                byte1|= byte2;
            bytes[i]= byte1;

    private void retrieveBytes(byte[] bytes)
        int size= bytes.length;

        for(i=0; i< size; i++)
            byte1= 0;
            for(j=6; j>=0; j-=1)
                byte2= byteArray[inputMarker];

                byte2&= 0x03;
                byte2<<= j;
                byte1|= byte2;
            bytes[i]= byte1;

    private void readBytes(byte[] bytes, byte[] array, int marker)
        byteArray= array;
        inputMarker= marker;

        int size= bytes.length;

        for(i=0; i< size; i++)
            bytes[i]= byteArray[inputMarker];

    private void readBytes(byte[] bytes)
        int size= bytes.length;

        for(i=0; i< size; i++)
            bytes[i]= byteArray[inputMarker];

    public static char[] byteToCharArray(byte[] bytes)
        int size= bytes.length, i;
        char []chars= new char[size];
        for(i=0; i<size; i++)
            bytes[i]&= 0x7F;
            chars[i]= (char) bytes[i];
        return chars;

    public SteganoInformation(File file)
        this.file= file;
        isEster= false;

            checker= null;

            isEster= true;

        byteArray= new byte[(int) file.length()];
            DataInputStream in= new DataInputStream(new FileInputStream(file));
            in.read(byteArray, 0, (int) file.length());
        catch(Exception e)
            checker= null;

        name= new byte[4];

        String fileName= file.getName();
        String fileExtension= fileName.substring(fileName.length()-3, fileName.length());

            inputMarker= Steganograph.OFFSET_JPG;
        else if(fileExtension.equalsIgnoreCase("png"))
                inputMarker= Steganograph.OFFSET_PNG;
                inputMarker= Steganograph.OFFSET_GIF_BMP_TIF;

        retrieveBytes(name, byteArray, inputMarker);
        dataLength= 0;
        for(i=24,j=0; i>=0; i-=8,j++)
            temp= name[j];
            temp&= 0x000000FF;
            temp<<= i;
            dataLength|= temp;
        inputMarker= dataLength;

        if(dataLength<0 || dataLength>file.length())
            checker= "Invalid";
            checker= "EXISTS";

        byte versionArray[]= new byte[3];
        readBytes(versionArray, byteArray, inputMarker);
        char []versionTemp= byteToCharArray(versionArray);
        char []ver= new char[5];
        for(i=0, j=0; i<5; i++)
            if(i== 1 || i== 3)  ver[i]= '.';
                ver[i]= versionTemp[j++];

        /*version= new String(ver);*/

        name= new byte[1];
        features= name[0];

        name[0]&= 0x7F;
        compressionRatio= name[0];

        name= new byte[4];
        dataLength= 0;
        for(i=24,j=0; i>=0; i-=8,j++)
            temp= name[j];
            temp&= 0x000000FF;
            temp<<= i;
            dataLength|= temp;

    public boolean isValid()
            return true;
            return false;

The functioning is in embed bytes function
The explaination for the above file is given in this way:

• In this paper it is planned to introduce a method that embed 2 bits information in a pixel and alter one bit from one bit plane but the message does not necessarily place in the least significant bit of pixel and second less significant bit plane and fourth less significant bit plane can also host the massage.

• Since in our method for embedding two bits message we alter just one bit plane, fewer pixels would be manipulated during embedding message in an image and it is expected for the steganalysis algorithm to have more difficulty detecting the covert communication. It is clear that in return complexity of the system would increase.

3 In our method there are only three ways that a pixel is allowed to be changed:

o Its least significant Bit would alter (So the gray level of the pixel would increased or decreased by one level)
o The second less significant bit plane would alter (So the gray level of the pixel would increase or decrease by two levels)
o The fourth less significant bit plane would alter (So the gray level of the pixel would increase or decrease by eight levels)

I am very much intersted in doing video steganography..But I couldnt trace where exactly the third method is taking place.Please help me out.If its not the right way,please be kind to explain the right explaination please.