otengkwaku 30 Newbie Poster

To download streaming videos on window is very easy after all there are so many softwares to do that for you but on linux it is not soo easy.
There is howevery this command line tool that helps you do this [youtube-dl](https://github.com/rg3/youtube-dl.
But this command line tool lacks some features that makes it a true download manager, at lest speeds up the downloading.
In an attempt to get what i need and also help others in my situation i have started a project called Ananse. It is fully written in python and hosted on github. It is based on youtube-dl.
I am inviting you to join me work on this project. For the new programmers out there this is a great opportunity to get your feet wet in an open source project. And for the experience programmers need you guys.
Thank you
For more information visit the projects page Ananse

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