406 Topics

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Member Avatar for rose_2

If I have the following code, let's say the Parent class has the complexity of O(n^2) according to methods included in the Parent. So if I want to calculate the complexity of inherited class (Child class), does it take the Parent class complexity and its own complexity? something like that …

Member Avatar for AssertNull
Member Avatar for Zainab_4

Hi, I would like to know if it is technically possible to develop an automated internet search algorithm. Let me give you a random example of what I have in mind. For example, let’s say I am the largest disaster relief organization in the world and I want to run …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for i.

I have a problem with my pseudocode: Declare Integer p1 Declare Integer p2 Declare Integer p3 For p1 = 1 To 3 For p2 = 65 To 66 For p3 = 6 To 8 Display p1, p2, p3 End For End For End For This would display 18 combinations. But, …

Member Avatar for AssertNull
Member Avatar for AmNa_3

i need algorithm and flowchart of vowels numbers and also for calculator like +,_,*,/ etc

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for Lovenia eve

i have a RP aboutApplicability of Backtracking algorithm in Game Development. Can you give me an idea on this project.

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for Jerhica Kim

I need an idea for Optical Character Recognition for graduation project. I was thinking about enhancing algorithm used in OCR. In your idea, what algorithm can I enhance and focus with for better result of OCR softwares.

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for karthik_6

hi all, how to parse an xml attributes using python. I want to read or extract msg values from xml using python. <msg timestamp="20160817 12:46:42.520" level="INFO">Average : 0.14 % CPU (%) 10 Aug 07:00 2 12 Aug 07:00 maximum 5.17 average 0.13</msg>

Member Avatar for snippsat
Member Avatar for elektro123

Hello! I have to implement Adaptive Huffman Coding in C++. I can't find good source of knowledge about this algorithm. If someone know websites describing Adpative Huffman Coding in intelligible way, please post them. In addition, I prefer pseudocode, than steps/block scheme. Thanks in advance! PS. If I posted my …

Member Avatar for Zlatan25
Member Avatar for quatrosem

There is a problem of facility location that I solve with genetic algorithms. I can get good results. So I would like to compare my genetic algorithm complexity O(n^2) with the brute force algorithm. But I am not getting an answer. (n = number of individuals in my population, usually …

Member Avatar for Gribouillis
Member Avatar for Gribouillis

This snippets contains a python program to find a shortest solution to the problem of the farmer who whishes to cross a river. The boat can only contain two things, including the rower. The farmer comes with a wolf, a duck and a bag of corn, and he can't leave …

Member Avatar for Gribouillis
Member Avatar for daniel955

Hi I am a beginner in game programming and would like to make a rocketmania clone using opengl, the display and interaction part is done. I also have a classes named gameboard and tiles with their properties. but I am having problems on game logic, where the fuel flows into …

Member Avatar for Nisa_1
Member Avatar for cproger

I am writing a code for a user to choose numbers in a progress bar. For some reason the progress bar does not fill up or empty when the int progress is not exact. For example: The progress bar value is 5 at the moment. The user chooses 250 Million …

Member Avatar for cproger
Member Avatar for Aries_Child

Assignment Overview1 This assignment focuses on the design, implementation and testing of a Python program which uses file processing, lists and strings to solve the problem described below. Program Specifications: The New York Times newspaper has published “best seller” lists since 1942. Book sales are tracked nationwide, leading to a …

Member Avatar for jacks009
Member Avatar for rose_2

I make a program to simulate the Shortest Job First algorithm in CPU scheduling .. this function will calculate the start , end, turn,and wait time for each proccess according to Non-preemptive way .. the 1st condition gonna check for the 1st arrival time or the smallest burst time .. …

Member Avatar for rose_2
Member Avatar for sami ullah khan

Hi, Every one please help me... I am doing MSCS thesis implementation, my area is Monitoring and detection of SLA violation handle with proactive approach in cloud computing environment...please any one help me in algorithm or java code to monitor and detect SLA violation.........

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for Gà_1

Hi every one, I had implemented Karatsuba algorithm in C++, but I have been stuck for 2 days. First problem is the function give incorrect answer, second problem is it oftens crash when run (runtime error). I try to debug but cannot understand how it's not work. I hope someone …

Member Avatar for BabaRoro

Hi all , i want to cast the output of fuzzy logic algorithm into any another type (float , int ,double..), i tried this with usual methods but there is no change.. This is the complete java code public static void main(String[] args)throws Exception { String filename = "output.fcl"; FIS …

Member Avatar for BabaRoro
Member Avatar for Thee Anointed

write a pseudocode algorithm to accept a group of numbers and print there product and average the program must end when user enter 999 PLZ HELP ME

Member Avatar for AleMonteiro
Member Avatar for claire_1

Hi guys help this newbie out. My code which uses midpoint circle algorithm to draw the circle and seeking algorithm (steering behaviour) to move the circle towards a position. However the circle is not being drawn and the seeking algorithm i believe is flawed. Please review this and tell me …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for marcolanza24

Hi Everyone, I have a project from school which is a console application that takes hard-coded items and process those inside of one of my custom class which intherit from a list of strings. Then, it processes those items and apply the Apriori Algorithm (I cannot use any existent package …

Member Avatar for Raul Perez
Member Avatar for kyle.mace.35

I am not going to lie, this is for a class project but I am lost and can't figure out where things are going wrong. We were tasked with coding an RSA algorithim based off a lab we previously did in class. The lab and project description can be found …

Member Avatar for vishalsingh1080

...well I'm just about to step into my sophomore year in college as a computer science engineer, undergraduate . I was eager to know about all the important and world renowned competitions that are held in the field of computer science. I just know about ACM ICPC . I'm interested …

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Member Avatar for rhaylee

I need some help with an assignment. It's already done, however my teacher made specific comments thatneeds to be addressed before I can resubmit it. - I have the wrong implementation in insertFront() and removeRear() methods. - I am missing a wrap-around in my peek() methods. - I did not …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for jo386

Hello all. I apologize in advanced if this has been asked before but I have not been able to find this information via google or searching here. Everything I found is related to how a for loop works. I know how to use a for loop in python and what …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for spoch

Hey I just found this site because I have been working on a program to make answer and create questions to the game 24. (24 is a game where players are given 4 numbers and by either adding, subtracting, multiplying and Dividing the given numbers the number at the end …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for taylor0934

Hi, I needed some assistance on this program I am working on. First its about putting airplanes into gates, if no gates are open the print airport full. Right now mine simulates all the arrivals and departures. I show it put it will change when I implement the Stack. The …

Member Avatar for David W
Member Avatar for toxicandy

Hello, I know that you don't provide solutions to homework but I know Daniweb will help with homework as long as we show we are doing some work ourselfs. My assignment is to generate the maximum spanning tree for a given matrix. I am CLOSE but not quite there. I …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for Jamie_11

This is what I have so far.....any advise? Output does not give only one largest and smallest number from a file and also there are multiple averages of numbers..... thank you in advance.

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for negru

Create doubly linked list that has the following information about **books**: **book_id, book_name, author_id, book_price**. Sort list in ascending order by **book_price** using bubble sort algorithm. Delete all books with the smallest and the largest price. How to modify the following program such that the sorting is done using bubble …

Member Avatar for Betty1909

#include <algorithm> #include <cassert> #include <cstdint> #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #include <string> #include <vector> // Use these constants for your arrays. const int MAX_ROWS = 100; const int MAX_WIDTH = 100; // Side of an airplane, port or starboard. These terms are more // precise than "left" and "right," which …

Member Avatar for Shattered

The End.