918 Topics

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Member Avatar for EricMack

Hey Daniheads, I'm one of the newish Staff Writers here at Daniweb, and I'm working on lining up my calendar for the fall for reporting and interviews on mobile topics. I'm going to be focusing on devices running the Android OS, but I wanted to put it to all you …

Member Avatar for ZackBrust
Member Avatar for Techwriter10

Until Motorola came out with the [URL="http://phones.verizonwireless.com/motorola/droid/"]Droid[/URL], they were the forgotten cell phone company, but it wasn't that long ago that everyone wanted one of their phones: [URL="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Motorola_RAZR"]the Razr[/URL]. This was in 2004, in the days before the iPhone when smart phones were found only in the pockets of executives …

Member Avatar for 2010MAVRIK
Member Avatar for hgbreton

I am currently playing about with lesson 08 here [url]http://insanitydesign.com/wp/projects/nehe-android-ports/[/url] I would like to change the background colour from black to white. In order to do this at the start of onDrawFrame() I have called [code=java] gl.glClearColor(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); [/code] This does indeed set a white background screen, but …

Member Avatar for CatRambo

[ATTACH=RIGHT]16308[/ATTACH]Coming soon from Samsung: a new tablet computer designed to compete in the iPad market. Running the Android operating system from Google, it will be smaller than the iPad, with a 7-inch screen instead of the iPad's 9.7 inches. The release is currently scheduled for third quarter of this year. …

Member Avatar for meanleekim
Member Avatar for EricMack

Hey Daniheads, I'm one of the newish Staff Writers here at Daniweb, and I'm working on lining up my calendar for the fall for reporting and interviews on mobile/wireless topics. I'm going to be focusing a lot on development for the Android OS, but I wanted to put it to …

Member Avatar for mahdi68

Hi i download Android 2.2 SDK and install nbandroid plugin on netbeans. when i run project i get this message on netbeans out put and emulator did not start !!! [QUOTE]init: deps-jar: Compiling 1 source file to C:\Users\mahdi\Documents\NetBeansProjects\Hello Android\build\classes compile: =C:\Users\mahdi\Documents\NetBeansProjects\Hello was unexpected at this time. C:\Users\mahdi\Documents\NetBeansProjects\Hello Android\nbproject\build-impl.xml:411: exec returned: …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for john butler

Hello All! What are Handler used in android proggraming for? How do we use them to dismiss the ProgressDialog? I have referred few things from the Net regerding this but couldn't found them pretty convincing. An example of dismissing a ProgressDialog along with Handler will be a great thing. Thanks, …

Member Avatar for john butler

Hello Everybody! Can anyone please tell me about the SharedPreferences in Android Programming. I need to use it in my application but not quite clear about it. An example with coding will be greatly appreciated. Thanks, john butler

Member Avatar for happygeek

With the Android developer community buzzing about how easy it is to pirate apps, one outfit took it upon itself to try and track down the pirates. The results are truly shocking. [attach]16959[/attach]The provocatively named Android Police site last week claimed that [URL="http://www.itpro.co.uk/626374/android-app-flaw-allows-easy-piracy"]most Android apps can be simply patched and …

Member Avatar for dynamiclynk
Member Avatar for GuyClapperton

[URL="http://www.dell.com"]Dell[/URL] is going to launch its latest assault on the hand-held device market with the release of a handset called Aero. It's going to be available in the US only but that's a big enough market; it will cost $99 on contract. It's a move that will surprise many, for …

Member Avatar for extremeb
Member Avatar for GuyClapperton

[URL="http://www.adobe.com"]Adobe[/URL] has nailed its Android-coloured flag even more firmly to the wall than it had done before. The company hosted its so-called Android Conference yesterday in which it put forward the ways in which its software will be closely tied to the Google-owned operating system. It's not all positive. Adobe …

Member Avatar for jayavenkat

Hi, Can anyone say about the steps involved in android xml parsing using sax

Member Avatar for CatRambo

[ATTACH=LEFT]16646[/ATTACH]Yesterday, Facebook released an [URL="http://github.com/facebook/facebook-ios-sdk"]updated SDK[/URL] for the [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/reviews/review291912.html"]Apple iOS4[/URL], intended for use with Apple's iPad, iPhone, and iPod Touch. Between this and the recently released Facebook SDK for Android, third-party developers can build applications with a social networking component for two of the most popular mobile platforms. Two key …

Member Avatar for Emily Banks

[ATTACH=right]16448[/ATTACH]In the fight to be the No. 1 smart phone, Google's Android stands to surpass the iPhone's top seat in two years, according to [URL="http://www.isuppli.com/Mobile-and-Wireless-Communications/News/Pages/Googles-Android-to-Outstrip-Apples-iOS-by-2012-iSuppli-Forecasts.aspx"]market researcher iSuppli Corp[/URL]. "Google and Apple are engaged in a fierce battle for control of the wireless market, which represents the most lucrative growth opportunity …

Member Avatar for virensanyaja
Member Avatar for mahdi68

Hi , i download ADT-0.9.1.zip file but i cant add it to eclipse !!! please help me , how should i add this plugin to use eclipse to programming for android ???

Member Avatar for Rigved
Member Avatar for VanessaRyan

Because it is unrealistic for companies to mandate a particular kind of smartphone for all their mobile employees, a new app will soon makes it possible for iPhone and iPad users to have the same access to their companies mobile "line-of-business" applications as employees carrying Android or Windows mobile devices. …

Member Avatar for EricMack

[ATTACH=right]16392[/ATTACH]Just a day after Research in Motion gobbled up all the day's buzz with the [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/news/story301696.html"]release of its new OS version 6 and Torch Blackberry[/URL], King Crackberry has been dethroned. Smartphones running Google's Android OS were the top-seller in the US during the second quarter of 2010, accounting for a …

Member Avatar for Avasulthiris

Hi everyone, I'm pretty new to Mobile Development. I'm a final year student and this is my first major project that might just get me a job for next year. So I'm very keen on getting it working! Pleeease help :) As far as I understand - I need to …

Member Avatar for jfoo111
Member Avatar for prussell

I have a simple vb.net webservice which accepts a string parameter. the function appends the passed value to a string, then returns it back. (See code below). My client uses ksoap2 on an android platform to invoke & consume the service. I can connect to the service fine, and while …

Member Avatar for balazs.kelemen
Member Avatar for CatRambo

[ATTACH=right]16252[/ATTACH][URL="http://mobile.venturebeat.com/2010/07/28/android-wallpaper-app-that-steals-your-data-was-downloaded-by-millions/"]Questions have been raised[/URL] about an Android wallpaper application that is collecting personal data and sending it to a site, [url]www.imnet.com[/url], in Shenzen, China. It's unclear why the data is being collected or what use might be made of it. The app Wallpaper, which originated from developer Jackeey, was uploaded …

Member Avatar for mantis.wang
Member Avatar for john butler

Hello All! I want to know about the configuing process of Google Map in an Android Application. Thanks, john

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for EricMack

[ATTACH=right]16067[/ATTACH]As if carpal tunnel, driving while texting and the possibility that your cell phone might be seeding a tumor in your brain weren't enough, meet another new ailment of the information age -- [URL="http://text-neck.com"]Text Neck[/URL]. The phrase was coined by Florida chiropractor, exercise physiologist and entrepreneur Dean Fishman, who tells …

Member Avatar for markjaye
Member Avatar for Glass_Joe

With what seems like inescapable, up-to-the-minute coverage of dropped call banter swirling around a tech universe with Apple as the sun, you almost forget that other brands exist. The most recent angle on their reception debacle has been the “But they’re doing it too!” defense, Steve Jobs’ attempt at dragging …

Member Avatar for john butler

Hi Everyone! I have a question regarding the <include> tag. Actually I am new to the Android Programming and I want to use the Concept of Reusability in my Application at several places. I get to know that it is possible by the <include> tag but I don't know how …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for PCBrown

It’s official folks, Google’s Nexus One has officially been discontinued and will no longer be available from their online store. [URL="http://www.engadget.com/2010/07/21/nexus-one-is-sold-out-in-googles-store-forever/"]Engadget[/URL] points out that the only way to get the phone is through KT, a Korean phone company (good luck), or Vodafone. Google is planning on distributing what remaining phones …

Member Avatar for EricMack

More of us could be taking Linux with us wherever we go in the coming years - that according to a [URL="http://www.abiresearch.com/products/service/Mobile_Devices_Research_Service"]pair of reports from ABI research[/URL] that predict a big chunk of both smartphones and non-smartphone mobile devices will be Linux-based by 2015. [ATTACH=right]15931[/ATTACH]"The number of Linux-oriented initiatives recently …

Member Avatar for Niki_Fears

[ATTACH=right]15792[/ATTACH]Google has been attempting to break out of their search engine based box for quite some time by presenting challenges to some of the IT world's biggest names such as Microsoft and Apple. Now with the new App Inventor that Google has launched for Android it is giving developers more …

Member Avatar for Dcurvez
Member Avatar for PCBrown

[B]Flash Support on the iPad Becomes Reality[/B] Comex, the programmer behind the user-friendly jailbreak tool, Spirit, has unleashed the source for his latest project, [URL="http://github.com/comex/frash"]Frash[/URL]. This little gem enables Flash support (sans video) on the iPad. Frash is still in the alpha stage, so if you run into problems, you …

Member Avatar for MyRedz
Member Avatar for newsguy

According to recent [URL="http://blog.quantcast.com/quantcast/2010/06/may-mobile-os-share-north-america.html"]reports[/URL] the Android operating system has an impressive 19.9% share of the US mobile web market. That's still some way behind Apple iOS on 58.8% but the iPhone has been around for a lot longer. It should come as no surprise, then, that Yahoo! wants to get …

Member Avatar for Techwriter10

How many people enjoy their service with AT&T? <Peers out into audience holding hand over his eyes> Not many, not many. And AT&T just seems to keep getting more unfriendly all the time. Recently they announced data caps just before the release of iPhone 4 (see [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/news/story287711.html"]New AT&T Data Plans …

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The End.