68 Topics

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Member Avatar for Whoaa512

search and didnt find anything that was close to this. so my assignment is to simulate a simple authentication, where the user enters their original pin or password(numbers only). it must use arrays to assign the password a pseudo-random assignment of 1-3 for digits 0-9. after that the program clears …

Member Avatar for Whoaa512
Member Avatar for diafol

Has anybody here had any experience of using OpenID (or FB, Twitter, Yahoo etc) to login into your site. I've been wondering whether I should adopt this approach for a new project. However, as a password will not be stored in my DB, how will the user remember which service …

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for jobojo

Using VWD Express 2008, GoDaddy Hosting, SQL Server, ASP.Net VB I am very new to ASP.Net and have been working on a site and at one point, everything worked properly on local server. However, I have uploaded the site to GoDaddy hosting and the log-in function of the site does …

Member Avatar for hericles
Member Avatar for @theDatagame

[B]Hello DaniWeb[/B], [I]C#/ASP.Net[/I] I have a user and a server. The server has an intranet page/site I need the user(off-site) to be able to see if they are a part of a user group(domain\CN) on the server. Using ASP.Net, and Active Directory search classes(Directory Services, etc) is there a way …

Member Avatar for |-|x
Member Avatar for 650U

Hi, I am working on client authentication(in a sample JSP application) using certificates. I have written a code to extract the client information from the client certificate. Now I wanted to use certificate's serial number to identify the particular use from the database. I extract the serial number using [CODE]<%= …

Member Avatar for 650U

I'm currently working on a project where I need to Authenticate the Client using his/her certificate. I have created my own CA, Server and Client certificates and imported them into my browser. Then I wrote a JSP code just to read the certificate. That is the program returns the commonname, …

Member Avatar for alone882

Hi, I have created web browser that surf to the internet through proxy and now I need to create a browser that surf to internet via proxy authentication server (server required enter username and password) and I dont know how to begin program... :/ Maybe something has a small example …

Member Avatar for alone882
Member Avatar for jakizak

Hi everyone, Having a little difficulty getting anything from this. The code appears to me to be correct, then again I have been looking at it for hours, so it is possible there could be a mistake...... :/ Anyway, the code seems sound, should let me login and instead gets …

Member Avatar for jakizak
Member Avatar for Hand

Hello, I want to know how to implement an authentication system. I know how to use HttpSession, but how will I ensure that an user cannot create false cookies to access protected area? Is it safe to keep the password as a session attribute?

Member Avatar for zygimantelis

I scripting chating program in python... And i'm on chating program scripting auth with mysql. But no know how to script authentication on python-mysql. How to script chat auth program for chat with python-mysql. -- Sorry with English language.

Member Avatar for zygimantelis
Member Avatar for elieobeid7

I have created 2 google chrome extensions for 2 different websites that i have nothing to do with. the websites are not mine. when you click on the extensions a login screen will popup, i want the users to be able to fill their login details and login to the …

Member Avatar for seanooi

How do I authenticate a .aspx page in objective-c? I've googled and viewed countless results to no avail. I found something about NSURLCredentials but nothing helpful. Any pointers would be very much appreciated.

Member Avatar for epicrevolt

Alright, so I'm getting the hang of this whole Facebook apps and fan pages. Now I am on to my next feat, being able to edit apps inside Fan pages. For example, the Static FBML App allows you to edit the apps content. Since the apps I create for clients …

Member Avatar for drax12

Hey i'm developing a role based user authentication in my desktop application.i need to add few roles like Admin, operator, etc... i can get users role if i have user name of the logged in user.but after logging in the username cannot be retrieved again.So it has to be saved …

Member Avatar for jfarrugia
Member Avatar for Spiderant

I am trying to access a web service on a server that requires windows authentification. These are the steps I'm trying to take. 1. Use script below to do window auth. [CODE] <cfscript> objNTAuth = createObject("java", "jrun.security.NTAuth"); objNTAuth.init("Name_of_Domain"); objNTAuth.authenticateUser("userid","password"); </cfscript> [/CODE] 2. Then invoke my call to the web service. …

Member Avatar for kha_tsn
Member Avatar for ChrisHunter

Hi, i'm tryin to use windows authentication to log into an application i have made. I have already worked out how to get the username but i can't figure out how to get the password too. Is this possible ? if so can anyone suggest any ways to do this …

Member Avatar for ChrisHunter
Member Avatar for cyiu1110

My aim is getting client's AD login ID for authentication. I tried to use <%String remoteUser=request.getRemoteUser();%> but it returned null value. Actually, I have found a way to solve it from the internet. And it is about doing something on tomcat's file "\conf\server.xml". However, there is no clear step describing …

Member Avatar for Diamonddrake

I am kinda new to asp.net. I used asp backing flash for most of the site work i have done, but I have shied away from flash and I am having some issues understanding asp.net membership. I am currently using the web.config file to set the credentials for forms authentication. …

Member Avatar for crishjeny
Member Avatar for andrewtrench

Hi, I as a Python novice I throw myself at the mercy of experts in this forum. Could someone post a simple example of how to implement urllib2's proxy authentication. I've read all the references google returns as well as searched this site and cannot find an example that I …

Member Avatar for andrewtrench
Member Avatar for Machal

Hi! I have simple web application called App that is secured with Windows Authentication. I have set identity impersonate to true in web.config. There is only one page (Default.aspx) in App directory. When user enters the site ex.: [url]http://localhost/App[/url] the login window pops up. When user clicks Cancel, IIS redirects …

Member Avatar for simongh2
Member Avatar for eantz

Hi everyone, I have a project that need an API but still in progress. But, I have a problem with this API authentication. The authentication method I want to use is oAuth. But, unfortunately I don't have any acknowledgement about authentication. I've read many tutorial but I still don't know …

Member Avatar for Mouche
Member Avatar for David Mac

I have developed an ASP.Net web application from which I want to send an email on behalf of the currently logged in user. When attempting this I get the error message: Mailbox unavailable. The server response was: 5.7.1 Client does not have permissions to send as this sender Does anyone …

Member Avatar for David Mac
Member Avatar for mvkotekar

Hi, I have installed Visual Studio 2010 Express in my local system. Steps 1. File->New Website 2.Open datbase explorer, right click on dataconnection 3.Select Create new connection 4.use Microsoft SQL Server Database file 5. Type new databse filename 6. Now i want to use SQL authentication which is not working …

Member Avatar for Chosen13

Hello, I have a PHP Login Form and it works fine, but users with Fiddler2 (Web Debugging Proxy) have the ability to hide their PHPSESSID Completely. What is a good system that I can use to prevent this, as anonymous users can cause trouble on the website.

Member Avatar for metalix
Member Avatar for Ketsuekiame

Hello, here's the setup for the project. I have a WCF Service that is hosted on a net.tcp binding in buffered mode and ReliableSession enabled. The binding is configured to use TransportWithMessageCredential security. The certificate is a self signed certificate that I am identifying using the Thumbprint. The UserNameValidator is …

Member Avatar for Ketsuekiame
Member Avatar for :Francis:

I have been making some changes to an application that uses an ASP.NET Membership services database for authentication. I can access the database locally using windows authentication, and using my SA user. However, after moving the application to the prod. server, I can't access the DB at all. I wrote …

Member Avatar for roezer

I am not a developer I am a user of the Internet and very active so active that I need to use a password manager now the problem with this is that I use the password manager to save me time and one of the biggest problems is that some …

Member Avatar for roezer
Member Avatar for murugavel84

Hi Buddies, Can anybody give me the sample to do sql connection through windows authentication through asp.net? I was tried lot of ways. but it throughs empty value for the username and access denied. Please help me to solve this issue.

Member Avatar for dnanetwork
Member Avatar for helios0684

Hey, I need help with setting up an authentication code. I am currently working on a project to build a blog server in python for an intro level python course. We are using the PESTO and POSTGRESQL wsgi and sql clients respectively. I am trying to authenticate against a user …

Member Avatar for helios0684
Member Avatar for sanauk

Hi all I want to use windows authentication in my c-sharp desktop application.where I cloud use windows create new users service and allocate local storage space. Any idea will be very helpful Thanks

Member Avatar for kvprajapati

The End.