49,755 Topics

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Member Avatar for Yazeed_2

> This is the code for reading from a txt file, but creating a code for writing into a txt file that goes along with this reading code is pretty difficult and am looking for any ideas that can help me in implementing this using linked list along with txt …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for palash889
Member Avatar for Hanz Jude

I am writing this program for our activity, but I have Problem at the end line, because whenever I input 'Y' when asked do you want to solve another set, the do repeats but the statement "Do you want to try again is flashed along with the question "Which shape's …

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Member Avatar for TIP & TRCKS

i've come across a problem. How do i check if an array has two,or more elements in a sequence. For example,let's say i have an array 1,2,3,6,7,8,4,5 and i want to check if it has numbers 6,7,8 but in that sequence. For example,if it would be 1,2,3,7,6,8,4,5 it would return …

Member Avatar for gce517
Member Avatar for squirrelly

A classic example of an object is a playing card.There are numerous games that utilize a deck of 52 playing cards; consider the game called Set instead. The object of the game is to identify “sets” of 3 cards from an array of 12 cards. Each card has fourfeatures: 1.Symbols …

Member Avatar for Naia
Member Avatar for Jash_1

Hello, I just wanted to help with my code here's my questions 1. How can I input "computer" in any in any order and case insensitively and still get the correct output? Here are the replacement COMPUTERS.X 1234567890.X 2. If I input other letters that is not included in the …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for tdba.316

Hi~ I've been stuck with this exercise for quite a few days. It's in a book I'm currently self-studying, C++ primer plus. It is as follow: [CODE]/* Write a program that uses an array of char and a loop to read one word at a time until the word done …

Member Avatar for Toniolo
Member Avatar for Jash_1

Hello, I tried to make game where you can determine the winner by inputting their scores i'm just confuse how to count the wins of one team here's my code: #include <iostream> #include <string.h> using namespace std; main(){ int p1, p2, a=4; int wincount=0; string team1, team2; for (int j=0; …

Member Avatar for Schol-R-LEA
Member Avatar for danNy045
Member Avatar for Andromaque

Write a C++ Program (in OOP) to calculate and display an employee's raise and new salary. The program details are the following: A class called SalaryRaise with private data members for the current salary, rate of raise, the raise amount and the calculated new salary. A public function get_inputItems(), task …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Andromaque

Write a C++ program (in OOP) with the following details: A class called BankAccount, that will act as a bank account. It contains the following: Two private data members: account_number (int) and account_balance (double), which maintains the current account balance. A Public functions account_credit(), task is to add the given …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Chloe_6

#include<iostream> #include<string> #include<vector> #include<algorithm> using namespace std; struct staffTWB { string staffName; int staffProf; }; void printEntry(staffTWB); int main() { string staffName; int staffProf; while (staffName != "done") { cout << "Please enter a staff name(done to leave the program):" << endl; getline(cin, staffName, '\n'); if (staffName == "done") { …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for Peter_124

Please can some one help me with this program using functions, arrays, if statement and loops to develop a c++ source files that will be called CLASS LIST . this program should allow user to enter their names, student identification number and exam marks, a function should be created to …

Member Avatar for TimTheCoder
Member Avatar for jagathg

> import numpy as np > import scipy.io.wavfile > from scikits.talkbox.features import mfcc > sr1,x1=scipy.io.wavfile.read("filename.wav") > ceps1,mspec1,spec1=mfcc(x1) I can obtain MFCC values as above. Now, I have 100 songs with 2 different music genres(electronic,jazz). And, I want to create a dataset with using these songs. I suppose I will use …

Member Avatar for Kbrings123

#include<iostream> using namespace std; int main() { char LtrGrade; cout <<"Enter a letter grade: "; cin>> LtrGrade; switch (LtrGrade) { case "a": case "A": cout<<"\nExcellent"; break; case "b": case "B": cout<<"\nSuperior"; break; case "c": case "C": cout<<"\nAverage"; break; case "d": case "D": cout<<"\nPoor"; break; case "e": case "E": cout<<"\nTry Again"; …

Member Avatar for gce517
Member Avatar for Валенти

Hello! I’m first year at the university and I’m studying programming. I studying C++. I need to do the Minesweeper game but I don't know how to write the code and what it means. I need someone who can write the program and explain it to me.

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for dewengordon6

Write a C++ program that asks the user to enter the number of rooms in a house. For each room, the user must be prompted to enter the following details of each room to be stored as attributes of the class Room. • width length colour Declare 'name' as a …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Saba_12

i have to write to the output Write to the output the sequence of division remainders of these numbers over a small integer but sorted in the non-decreasing order.i wrote a code for remainder but i cant write for them to sort. Here is the code: #include <iostream> using namespace …

Member Avatar for gce517
Member Avatar for Joaquim_5

I need learn more about processing pixels like alphablend, stretch and more. I did several search without results. Can anyone recommend me any page or book or some math?

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for いわしろ

#include<stdio.h> #includ<conio.h> Int main() { int ch; float F,C,R,K; char chs; printf(“Choose Input Value\n1.F\n2.C\n3.R\n4.K\n”); scanf(“%d”,&ch); switch(ch) { Case1: F=input(“Fahrenheit value”); C=(5/9)*(F-32); K=C+273.15; R(9/5)*K; Case2: C=input(“Celsius value”); F=(9/5)*(F-32); K=C+273.15; R=(9/5)*K; Case3: R=input(“Rankine value”); F=R-459.67; C=(5/9)*(F-32); K=C+273.15; Case4: K=input(“Kelvin value”); R=(9/5)*K; F=R-459.67; C=(5/9)*(F-32); default: printf(“Invalid Input”) } fflush(stdin); printf(“Print final value F=%0.3f …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for kimadouc
Member Avatar for rprather511

Love is the 4 first 2 lo then sometimes third letter v that's when we flock together then the forth e eternity that's real love somtime lo togethethen the v flocking together then e eternity 💖

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for Stephcain12

Hey, I am doing some programming exercises, it is to read in a txt file and then read in a list of banned words in an array. I've managed to do this but the last step requires me to filter the original text file with the banned words and change …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for jimJohnson

I am writing an atm program for a class and will enclose the instructions. I really want to just write a section of code and make sure I am doing it right before I move on. I am starting with the main menu and was wanting to know if someone …

Member Avatar for michealadejimi
Member Avatar for Zach1188

I have a fairly simple question, which may or may not have a simple solution. How can I run the system(); command, in a win32 (not console) application, without the black command prompt window flashing on the screen? If relevant, I am using Dev-C++.

Member Avatar for Giver
Member Avatar for Ashley_30

You have been contracted to develop a prototype system for the Norman Manley Airport that will assist the airline staff in processing persons who have checked in for their flights during the covid pandemic. The information being stored for each person are as follows: • ID# • Name • Gender …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for شمسه
Member Avatar for Arush_1
Member Avatar for rexworth123

I’m trying to create a change machine bored and have no programming experience. If anybody has any suggestions I am open to paying someone to help me with this project. I have some logic controlled hoppers and pulse validator‘s 50 MS on 50 MS off. I just need it to …

Member Avatar for Nicole_18

How to draw this cat with: Rendering fill Suitable primitives Aligned texture ![Screenshot_20220402-020429_Office.jpg](https://static.daniweb.com/attachments/4/e9a4f2eda3f42e689b0de42dcd9465ba.jpg)


The End.