Re: DomContentLoaded vs jQuery Ready fn Programming Web Development by jkon … ready window.setTimeout( jQuery.ready ); } else { // Use the handy event callback document.addEventListener( "DOMContentLoaded", completed ); // A fallback to window… Re: ASUS Laptops - my experience Hardware and Software by Reverend Jim … and would I like to leave my number for a callback. I did so and after two more hours of waiting… Re: Callback Programming Web Development by kvprajapati [b]>What is Callback?[/b] From the [URL="…Callback_%28computer_science%29"]wiki[/URL]: In computer programming, a callback is a reference to executable code, or a piece of… Callback Programming Web Development by bharattripathi What is Callback in asp and where to use it Callback Function issues? Programming Software Development by daino …codeblock files\SQLITE_EXEC\main.cpp:63: error: expected constructor, CALLBACK FUNCTION int callback(void *data, int ncols, char** values, char** …free(err); } system("pause>nul"); } // callback function below int callback(void *data, int ncols, char** values, char** headers)… Callback inside wrapper class dilemma Programming Software Development by Alvein …interface: [CODE]void ne_set_server_auth(ne_session *session, ne_request_auth callback, void *userdata);[/CODE] Where ne_request_auth is declared …CODE] My first try was to define the callback this way: [CODE]int DAVClient::AuthCallBack(void *…the public member variables values inside the callback. What a crazyness....and uglyness. The … Re: Callback Function issues? Programming Software Development by daino … '0' in place of 'data' in `kt = sqlite3_exec(db,sql, callback,data,&err);` the function works. My only concern is… able to use this function in the future (with the callback data variable) for a message, etc. Any clues as to… Re: Callback Function issues? Programming Software Development by daino It works. Actually, both the below work. char data[] = "Callback Function called"; char *data = "Callback Function called"; Thanks. Re: Callback Function issues? Programming Software Development by Ancient Dragon which one you use might depend on what the callback function is going to do with it. If the callback function is going to change anything in the string then use the first one because the second is (probably) a pointer into read-only memory. Re: Callback Function issues? Programming Software Development by Ancient Dragon [Here]( is a working code snippet. Just remove the const keyword when declaring data should solve the problem. `char data[] = "Callback Function called";` Callback register in C Programming Software Development by infrapt …a certain task is done. I am new to callback functions. Please shed some insight on this xcallback(register_callbackfunctions);…the list of the functions } int main(){ if( certain_task_is_done){ //callback all the functions in the list that was registered } } Callback function Concept Programming Software Development by anirbanengg Hi, I have heard of callback function with callback concept .Can anyone explain what is callback function and what is the concept of callback in C. Can anyone explain with example what are those any why they are importantly implemented now a a days in C development . Thanks in advance. Re: Callback register in C Programming Software Development by deceptikon …]; static size_t n = 0; void register_callback(callback_t callback) { if (n == CALLBACK_MAX) return; callbacks[n++] = callback; } void run_callbacks(void) { while (--n < (size_t… Re: Callback function Programming Software Development by Narue Think of a callback as the poor man's polymorphism. By forcing some code, … let the function sort different types, you can use a callback for comparing them: [code] void sort ( void *list, int size… the implementation is what you do with each node, a callback can be used with a general traverse function for both… Re: Callback function Programming Software Development by Micko Thanks for the answer, but I don't understand how to define callback function? Is it a function pointer or something else. Regarding your example is sort function a callback function or not? Why is it called callback function? Thanks Callback function Programming Software Development by Micko Hello there I'm a new member of this board. Can anyone explain me on some example what callback functions really do? I found one tutorial about function pointers where concept of callback function is introduced but I didn't find it suitable for understanding. Can anyone exaplain it in simple terms or even provide a good link? Thanks Re: Callback function Programming Software Development by Narue >Is it a function pointer or something else. It depends on the language. In C it's a pointer to a function. In C++ it's either a pointer to a function or an object that overloads operator(). >Regarding your example is sort function a callback function or not? No, compare is the callback. sort only uses it. Re: Callback function Programming Software Development by Micko …;Regarding your example is sort function a callback function or not? No, compare is the callback. sort only uses it.[/QUOTE] Thanks… Callback invoked? Programming Software Development by tingwong … question is with this piece of code provided to us. /** * Callback invoked when the player attempts to recruit an ant. * @param… was prvoided to us. I have no idea what "Callback invoked" means and how to turn String antType into… Callback on edit_column ignited datatables Programming Web Development by thernandez … working with Ignited Datatables and Im trying to add a callback on edit_column but it's no working it's not…;edit_column('value','$1','callback_esNulo(value,id)'); and this the function callback function esNulo($value,$id){ $result= is_null($value) ? "0"… Re: Callback on edit_column ignited datatables Programming Web Development by diafol $this->datatables->edit_column($column, $content, $match_replacement); Was what I got from the github link which suggests that you need to place a match regex not a callback. Where did you get the references for a callback? Callback function not working in CI 3 Programming Web Development by Ventech_IT … the only problem i have seems to be with the callback function on the validation have a look at the captcha… and test the captcha it returns a error on my callback: function check_captcha($str){ $word = $this->session->userdata('captchaWord… Re: CallBack Functions in C++ Programming Software Development by WaltP [QUOTE=Leaningnew;1722846]Can anyone please explain me about callback functions with examples?[/QUOTE] [url=]Maybe this can help[/url] Re: Callback invoked? Programming Software Development by JamesCherrill I think you can safely ignore "callback" for now, just concentrate on writing the method. Ant … Re: Callback on edit_column ignited datatables Programming Web Development by thernandez I think this not the problem , and the documentation not say nothinh about callback Re: Callback function not working in CI 3 Programming Web Development by cereal … of `set_message()` must match the rule name, i.e. the callback, not the field name, so change it to: $this->… callback of non static member function Programming Software Development by underdoeg … an existing ogre class. This httpd server works with a callback function that I need to provide but it would be… Re: callback of non static member function Programming Software Development by strmstn You'll need a wrapper. Check these links. [url][/url] [url][/url] CallBack Functions in C++ Programming Software Development by Leaningnew Can anyone please explain me about callback functions with examples? Re: Callback Programming Web Development by Freon22 Are you thinking a postback? If so a postback is posting back to the same page with a web form to run a method or someother function that is on the page. Back in the old vbscript days we would post to another page to do something then move to another page. Like a login script, the user would visit a login page and would enter their user name and…