204 Topics

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Member Avatar for SerjSagan

I have a table with a bunch of check boxes, this is not a plug: (found at [url snipped]), I am trying to figure out how to store each checkbox's value in real time (there is no "Submit" button). I run jQuery through my site and was thinking that PHP/jQuery …

Member Avatar for SerjSagan
Member Avatar for SerjSagan

I have a table with a bunch of check boxes, this is not a plug:(found at [url]http://www.enhancementresearch.com/penis-enlargement.htm[/url]), I am trying to figure out how to store each check boxes value in real time (there is no "Submit" button). I run jQuery through my site and heard that simple data storage …

Member Avatar for SerjSagan
Member Avatar for rukshilag

This is a table customization in a search form. I need the ticked checkbox values to be passed to the pdf.php in order for the table to be customized. but the table is not filled nor is it customised. [CODE]<?php //access incoming name, id or radio button values $cs = …

Member Avatar for Zagga
Member Avatar for Hypalink

I have a problem with my remember me php function. For some reason it works perfectly in Firefox but not in IE8. I suspect it's something to do with the checkbox? IE seems to automatically remember the user even if the checkbox remains unchecked! So a cookie is set when …

Member Avatar for genevish
Member Avatar for rahul8590

i have written a small code to store the checkbox values into the db. But its showing me a parse error . Unable to figure out what it could be . [CODE] <?php $dbc = mysqli_connect('localhost', 'root', '', 'test') or die('Error connecting to MySQL server.'); if(isset($_POST['language'])) { $language = $_POST['language']; …

Member Avatar for rahul8590
Member Avatar for LittleMeemz

Help, I'm a php rookie. I have a functioning form to email script, but I can't seem to get it to display checked checkboxes. I am grateful for help on this! Here's the checkbox (three checkboxes) and submit portion of my html form: [code] <label>Check all that apply: </label> <p><input …

Member Avatar for LittleMeemz
Member Avatar for rahul8590

i have written a code for the user to select his area of expertise with respect to fields. i am able to display selected checkboxes for those fields. But when i want tio process further like when the user clicks on the particular checkbox and then submits i am not …

Member Avatar for Fest3er
Member Avatar for AdventDeo

OK I'm not really sure how to put it but I will try my best to explain my question. Basically I am really lost when it comes to arrays and for loops, so I need help badly. I have in my HTML Form about 20 checkboxes like this: [CODE]echo "<input …

Member Avatar for AdventDeo
Member Avatar for StellaNutella

Any help on the above subject will be very much appreciated! I have succeeded in creating the check box before emailing it; but once I send it it is impossible to see it again! Basically I would like to give the option to the recipient to tick or untick the …

Member Avatar for Exploded Fiber

hey all. Have a list of checkboxes with SQL data in table. Currently using echo to ensure I'm using the correct data, however, echo it returning the last checkbox data only. Here is a segment of what I've got. [CODE] echo "<table border='1'>"; echo "<tr><th>Last Name</th><th>First Name</th><th>Party</th><th>Description</th><th>Cast Vote</th>"; while($row = …

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Member Avatar for Exploded Fiber

Hi all, After some time pulling my hair my brain has turned to mush on this senerio. I'd appreciate any help offered as my PHP skills are still limited. Here is the senerio: I am creatings a voting website. I am currently creating an admin page that creates local election. …

Member Avatar for Exploded Fiber
Member Avatar for xfrolox

Well I'm trying to make a tool for a game for learning purposes and i can't figure it out, I have Checkbox1 and a button The button saves the ini with the checkbox1.CheckState correctly and when i open it the Checkbox1.CheckState is checked so it works, but when i Delete …

Member Avatar for xfrolox
Member Avatar for rikinshah

i have 2 gridview. i put this java script for chekbox, my id is [email]<<Email Snipped>>[/email] plz help me , if u knw the ans thn plz reply me , thank you [code] <script type="text/javascript"> // Let's use a lowercase function name to keep with JavaScript conventions function selectAll(invoker) { …

Member Avatar for Atli
Member Avatar for tyrium

Hi, What i want is to have a checkbox area where the items i select are stored in a array. Im guessing there should be a some code to find out what has been checked. Any help with this would be greatly appreciated. [CODE]echo '<form action="myown3.php" method="post" name="domaintest" action="_self">'; echo …

Member Avatar for tyrium
Member Avatar for Heila

Checkebox doesn't hold its value when i use jQuery styling plugin wich allows me to skin form elements. but when i remove the jQuery the code works !! can someone plz tell me the way to fix it ?! Code: [CODE] <html lang="en-US" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en-US"> <head> <meta content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" http-equiv="Content-Type"/> …

Member Avatar for JRM
Member Avatar for help_lucky

Hello All, I am new to PHP and the web interface that i am developing is not so attractive. It has many tables to display while reporting..I want to add some images to it. Like 'right click' , 'check boxes' and some image 'radio buttons'. As far as i know …

Member Avatar for CFROG
Member Avatar for wish4129

is there anybody know how to indicate the checkedbox inside the datagrid is ticked. should i put all the code inside the control something like DataGridView1.CellValueChanged or any other control? any help will be appreciated.

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Member Avatar for fatlip

I am building a site for my hockey league. I have been dealing with CF for a number of years, but would in no way class myself as any sort of expert. I am not sure if I am just having a brainfart, or what with this one! I have …

Member Avatar for freshfitz
Member Avatar for ayesha789

hi every body, i am sure its not that much hard but somehow i stuck in situation which look very much unclear to me. in fact i have a table through i am selecting different records each records will be printed with the checkbox what i want to insert checked …

Member Avatar for ayesha789
Member Avatar for mcmillan0520

Hi, In my app I have a group of checkboxes which represent different settings. I want to be able to load and save these settings into the program, and that works just fine. However I'm having trouble updating the checkboxes to show the settings. If I load the settings, only …

Member Avatar for DdoubleD
Member Avatar for madhu28

hi Suppose i have 10 checkboxes and i allow the user to check max of 4 checkboxes. When the limit is reached i.e. 4, i need to disable all the other checkboxes and when i uncheck anyone (now only 3 are checked) all the checkboxes should be enabled Here's the …

Member Avatar for phoenix_dwarf

Hi, i'm trying to add a checkbox to a datagrid but don't seem to get anywhere. I got to add a new column but that's where it stops. I'm reading data out of my database and then deleting the first column of that dataset's table as it is not needed, …

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Member Avatar for horakova

This is actually a CGI issue I am having but Perl seems to be the closest forum here. I am having a very simple (hence very frustrating) problem with a CGI/Perl script. For some reason if I pas things from a checkbox they all get passed fine but the last …

Member Avatar for MillStrike

Hi! I'm going crazy about this problem. Here's the setup: On my mainform I have a menustrip from where I can open a new form (form2) with different controls like checkboxes etc. After I've modified these controls I close or hide that form and continue using the mainform. Now here's …

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The End.