94 Topics

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Member Avatar for Clawsy

I'm building a Content Management System on my own in PHP & MySql. I thought it's a good idea that all CMS files to be stored secure on the server "before" www folder so that it can't be accesed from the browser (all cms files in one folder). In www …

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Member Avatar for revata

I'm building a few simple CMS variables into an Dynamic site that I half-built with Dreamweaver. The following code is the initiation of a paginated recordset display generated by Dreamweaver: [CODE]$currentPage = $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]; $maxRows_creditsList = 6; $pageNum_creditsList = 0; if (isset($_GET['pageNum_creditsList'])) { $pageNum_creditsList = $_GET['pageNum_creditsList']; } $startRow_creditsList = $pageNum_creditsList * …

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Member Avatar for Aro

I'm not a big programmer by any means, but a customer has requested a program that does the following: Lists products After clicking on a certain link on the products page, lists product dealers A CMS back-end for adding both the products and dealers. My question is: is there an …

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Member Avatar for Techwriter10

This morning EMC, Microsoft and IBM announced they had worked together over a two-year period to create a [URL="http://www.fiercecontentmanagement.com/story/ring-bells-major-ecm-vendors-send-content-sharing-standard-oasis-today/2008-09-10"]content interchange standard[/URL] for enterprise content management systems. It may not sound like much, but it's meaningful on several levels. For content management customers, it means it will greatly simplify moving content …


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