Re: How can I upload a tar.bz2 file to openstack swift object storage container Programming Software Development by Salem …, let's prepare two tar files using different compression schemes for demo purposes. $ cat foo_1.txt This….tar.bz2',mode='r') # let it figure out the compression >>> print(tf1.getnames()) ['foo_1.txt', ….tar.gz',mode='r') # let it figure out the compression >>> print(tf2.getnames()) ['foo_1.txt', … Compression and decompression between Java and C# Programming Software Development by Kimpl I've been working on compression and decompression between Java and C#, using deflate…worked fine in my test. However, when implementing the compression/decompression streams into the software I need it for, …Java app: [CODE] unknown compression method at Source)[/CODE… Re: Compression and decompression between Java and C# Programming Software Development by Kimpl Nevermind I was doing something wrong. It doesn't work at all. Does anyone know any compression/decompression libraries/methods that are compatible with both C# and Java? Re: Compression/Decompression Wave File to MP3 and Vice Versa Programming Software Development by WolfPack … wave' is clicked? Should I use the same code as compression? I tried to put the codes lines on the button…, I dont think I can use the same approach as compression part to do the decompression part. Maybe the only solution… Compression/Decompression Wave File to MP3 and Vice Versa Programming Software Development by cindy_16051988 … single floppy disk. I didnt restrict that I must use compression/decompression methods but I dont know what else should I… Re: Compression/Decompression Wave File to MP3 and Vice Versa Programming Software Development by cindy_16051988 … the third-party software.exe to help me do the compression and decompression part. Do I need to call the dll… Re: Compression/Decompression Wave File to MP3 and Vice Versa Programming Software Development by WolfPack … the third-party software.exe to help me do the compression and decompression part. Do I need to call the dll… Re: Compression/Decompression Wave File to MP3 and Vice Versa Programming Software Development by cindy_16051988 Hi, WolfPack, thank you very much for your help. May I ask? Is it possible to implement codes so that the MP3 file can be converted to Wave file when button "Play wave' is clicked? Should I use the same code as compression? Re: Compression/Decompression Wave File to MP3 and Vice Versa Programming Software Development by cindy_16051988 …, I dont think I can use the same approach as compression part to do the decompression part. Maybe the only solution… Re: Compression/Decompression Wave File to MP3 and Vice Versa Programming Software Development by WolfPack … useful to prevent LAME VBR from using some very aggressive compression which can cause some distortion due to small flaws in… Compression Project Programming Software Development by arumugam4all Can any one tell the Best Compression method for all types with Source code in java.... Re: Compression Project Programming Software Development by jwenting … exists. If there was a "best for everything" compression algorithm no others would exist. The very fact that other… Compression Compound Community Center Say Hello! by John Realing Can any one define Compression Compound? Re: Compression Compound Community Center Say Hello! by John Realing Cav you define me what is a Compression Compound? Re: Compression Programming Software Development by cVz …; using System.Text; using System.Windows.Forms; using System.IO.Compression; using System.IO; namespace TestDummyTWO { public partial class Form1 : Form… Re: Algorithms for compression in java Programming Software Development by Salem Compression is an algorithm, independent of it's implementation language. You could implement ZIP in assembler, C or Java (or pretty much anything else) and the end result would be the same. Or do you have some other metric for "best"? Re: Compression Algorithm in c++......HELP Programming Software Development by StuXYZ … read in a number. Improvements can be made in the compression ratio with a wide number of things, e.g. a… symbol to mean to stop compression until the next copy of the symbol etc. Discussion of… to improve the algorithm, for your input data, when the compression works, what sort of break even data exists, and what… Help with compression program Programming Software Development by Mike29936 … a file into "filename.compressed". Compression function works fine, but I get a nasty… = new char[256]; int compression = 0; int result=0; while (compression<256) buffer[compression++]=0; printf("What file?\…n");break; case 2: printf("Invalid compression level. Level must divide evenly into file size… Re: Help with compression program Programming Software Development by Mike29936 … assertion failure, though. (edit) Pretty much fixed everything in the compression code, except for the assertion failure. I haven't been… trying to make my own text-based image file w/ compression and need help Programming Software Development by monstercameron …[(taken by)kadak powerful cybershot d890] [(resolution)7,2] [(compression dictionary)34.t,a.67,c.25,d.23,] `example…,mauve `{} inside is where the difference takes place `level 1 compression "primary colors" `{ W }, 234.134.34, , { B …25.23.67, 167.125.223, `level 2.5 compression "grayscale" can be done using level three plus… Huffman compression help Programming Software Development by shqiptari88 … greater number of characters. My problem is to interface compression buffer with decompression buffer. So if the number of …does not work. Example, if the buffer of the compression writes 200, I need the buffer of decompression to …the size of decompression to read 200, somewhere the compression will write 200 and other times less or more … SCZ (Simple Compression Zip) Decompression of Binary data Programming Software Development by Haider85 … console application I was able to develop for compression and decompression (of file), I simply require a…: The referenced files can be found on the link above **Compression** --- main.c --- int main( int argc, char *argv[]…d, Final size = %d\n", sz1, sz2); printf("Compression ratio = %g : 1\n", (float)sz1 / (float)… Webpage compression: real speed gain? Digital Media UI / UX Design by raigs … in PHP and currently uses HTTP compression (gzip) using PHP's built-in compression functions. (I cannot use mod_deflate… compressed. My question is whether using PHP's compression actually is faster for the user than sending it…the browser and the browser has to decompress it. (Compression functions use considerable CPU on both computers.) 2. … Re: Effect on Compression ration by File size in Zlib Programming Computer Science by griswolf … [ICODE]Length[/ICODE] increases. [*]The amount of compression possible depends on the uniformity of the contents: If…duplication, particularly if the duplicates are long, then compression is high. If the data is nearly random…, you will get very little (possibly negative) compression. [*]Some algorithms adjust to changing data by inserting (… Re: convert tiff image compression lzw to ccitt t.6 Programming Software Development by deceptikon …gt; public static void Encode(string path, TiffCompressOption compression, PixelFormat format) { var decoder = TiffBitmapDecoder.Create…); var encoder = new TiffBitmapEncoder(); encoder.Compression = compression; encoder.Frames.Add(BitmapFrame.Create(SetPixelFormat(decoder… Re: Best File Compression Software? Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by HodonKain … be pretty nice. As far as the "prefect compression" statement stated prior to this one, we will… one day achieve "prefect compression" which in my mind is the point where …working and working to achieve the master equation for compression. Maximum compression for the least amount of time. I will have… Re: Best File Compression Software? Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by HodonKain …com/watch?v=sc52OxvDG7k[/url] As far as the PAQ Compression program, it is free and it can compress even …does all the work. [url][/url] The latest version is [URL="http://…"]paq8o6[/URL], released Sept. 28, 2007 … Need sample code for Text File Compression!!! Programming Software Development by SlayerX Need some help on text file compression.... Text File Compression. The text file compression must be able to perform the following functions: • Able to… Effect on Compression ration by File size in Zlib Programming Computer Science by blackmagic01021 hello, I have developed a file compression tool using zlib compression library. As the zlib use the deflate and inflate process, does the size of the file effect compression ratio? If it has effect, what is the reason? Thank you. Zlib based buffer compression Programming Software Development by blackmagic01021 I am trying to use the zlib based compression for buffer compression. In this case, I am using compress2 function. [CODE]compression_success=…. I have heard that the other functionalities of the zlib compression library like inflate and deflate can be very useful. Please…