112 Topics

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Member Avatar for superspudnuts

Hi all, I am wanting to design a website which lists many of the UK's campsites providing information, photo's, contact details for each campsite etc and am wanting to use a content management system rather than build a static html website. I would want to offer a featured listings feature …

Member Avatar for MindSter
Member Avatar for hindu times

Hi there, I initially thought I had some problem with my Javascript code for resizing an iFrame, but upon further look it seems that something is wrong with the below page. For some reason my iFrame on this page ([url]www.rjt-online.com/video2.php[/url]) won't recognize the height of the content (the content is …

Member Avatar for hindu times
Member Avatar for kitsunemoon

I need help on this css content box I want the content2.png to extend as long as the data on the table goes but I dont know how... the content of the table is dynamic and would vary through the mysql data It retiles whenever the text is long and …

Member Avatar for BrianHelp
Member Avatar for Niki_Fears

Today [URL="http://www.Starbucks.com"]Starbucks[/URL] announced further details regarding the company's plan to launch a new digital network for their customers. The Starbucks Digital Network will be offered in addition to their free Wi-Fi further enhancing the community coffee shop feel that the company has been aiming for.[ATTACH]16628[/ATTACH]The plan for the Starbucks Digital …

Member Avatar for HFUnited

Hey guys fairly new to PHP as is, I need to run a PHP function call through an onClick which through my research I have found that I need to use AJAX. Let me explain better what I am trying to do. I am currently using Simplepie PHP to pull …

Member Avatar for Medievo
Member Avatar for SerjSagan

I am getting a weird error in Google Webmaster Tools when my site is accessed as [url]http://www.myurl.com/[/url] it shows duplicate meta tags for a [url]http://www.myurl.com/?ref=wierdurl.com[/url] I have no relation to this weird url, but obviously it is linked to my site this way and Google sees it as a separate …

Member Avatar for jay 11
Member Avatar for Muad Dib

Suppose I wanted to create multiple websites hosted on different servers, but I want some certain duplicate contents (e.g. news box that shows same headlines and news on both sites). The sites will be different, just the news box will have duplicate contents. What would be the best approach for …

Member Avatar for Muad Dib
Member Avatar for niconico96

Hello. I have a file, with some HTML in it. I would like to make a shell/bash script that moves ALL of the content of that file into ANOTHER HTML file at a CERTAIN line number... Does anyone have any suggestions? If not possible at a certain line, then at …

Member Avatar for niconico96
Member Avatar for niconico96

Hello. I have a file, with some HTML in it. I would like to make a shell/bash script that moves ALL of the content of that file into ANOTHER HTML file at a CERTAIN line number... Does anyone have any suggestions? Thanks a lot in advance ~ Nikhil

Member Avatar for crunchie
Member Avatar for ahsanpervaiz

i am trying to make a css content box with left right and middle images, i am failing as i cant use that content box twice in one page, if i use it twice, then it shows no spacing between two boxes..........Plz give me good idea to make a content …

Member Avatar for ahsanpervaiz
Member Avatar for pwindsor

Hi Having a problem with iframe resizing when the iframe body is a jsp file which contains a dynmically built ajax table. Users select different options from a drop down. All but 1 is a standard static jsp file. The other is a jsp file with a dynamic ajax table …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for Techwriter10

[ATTACH=right]14158[/ATTACH]I love my iPhone. It's a cool device with lots of free and low-cost apps at my finger tips, but I've been wondering lately if some of these Apps are a good thing. I mean, why do I need a dedicated New York Times app, for example? Why doesn't the …

Member Avatar for happygeek

Websense Security Labs has [URL="http://community.websense.com/blogs/websense-features/archive/2010/02/01/websense-security-labs-report-state-of-internet-security-q3-q4-2009.aspx"]published[/URL] its bi-annual State of Internet Security report and, as usual, it makes for pretty interesting if somewhat scary reading. Covering the last six months of 2009, the report is based upon the findings of the ThreatSeeker Network which is used to discover, classify and monitor …

Member Avatar for janklaza
Member Avatar for feoperro

Hi, I was wondering if it's possible to vertically align a table, using the page as reference to alignment. I don't want to valign the content INSIDE the table, but align the table itself so that it is always situated in the middle (vertically) of the page. Thanks, -Ashton.

Member Avatar for MktgRob

I just found this blog post through one of my linkedin groups and I thought I would share it here. As many e-marketers are using blog posts and articles as a way of attracting people to their sites, this blog talks about content syndication. Hope it offers some good insights. …

Member Avatar for GuyClapperton

The controversy over whether people will pay for content online is a vexed question internationally. Here in the UK we've heard much about News Corp/News International owner Rupert Murdoch and his plans to charge for archived material. We now have a [URL="http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/business/8385342.stm"]small local newspaper[/URL] poised to charge people to read …

Member Avatar for MktgRob
Member Avatar for jb1ker

Hi. I'm changing a site's URL to a new domain. The site is hosted at freewebs.com which makes it impossible to create redirects (unless anybody proofs different). What is the most efficient way to make sure I don't get penalized by Google for duplicate content? As the new domain is …

Member Avatar for jb1ker
Member Avatar for InsightsDigital

Nielsen found that 18% of online visitors (at least from their sample) use social media as a discovery tool aka as research tool. I know I do it. It is a way to find "hidden gems". [url]http://blog.nielsen.com/nielsenwire/online_mobile/social-media-the-next-great-gateway-for-content-discovery/[/url] So what do you think? I am very big into finding so much …

Member Avatar for Techwriter10

When Facebook changed its [URL="http://consumerist.com/5150175/facebooks-new-terms-of-service-we-can-do-anything-we-want-with-your-content-forever"]terms of service[/URL] on Monday, it caused an immediate uproar, and when people screamed loudly enough, Facebook backed down. What this shows me is that although Facebook is a free service, it exists and is successful because we make it so. The millions of people who …

Member Avatar for airbourne
Member Avatar for newsguy

I admit it, I love a good TLA. That is a Three Letter Acronym to you, guvnor. I have probably used BTW (By The Way) more than any other in close on 20 years of emailing and online discussions. BTW, did you know that today, right now, there are two …

Member Avatar for Techwriter10

In a promising technology mash-up, [URL="http://phx.corporate-ir.net/phoenix.zhtml?c=105317&p=irol-pressArticle&ID=1177390&highlight="]the New York Times (NYT) has entered into an agreement with LinkedIn[/URL] that displays a list of suggested content for readers on the NYT web site based on information in their LinkedIn profile. For now, the service is confined to the Business and Technology section. …

Member Avatar for newsguy

At first glance you might not immediately connect the Symbian loving Nokia with Microsoft in any way, shape or form. However, Nokia does know its market and so has already been collaborating with Microsoft on the Windows Media entertainment side of the fence. That collaboration is now to be boosted …


The End.