Key Insights from Google's Search Algorithm Leak Community Center by Johannes C. … their core business and does not continue to reward a cookie-brand that writes about construction work, so to speak. ## Implications… What is third-party cookie ?Why are they being phased out? Digital Media Digital Marketing by Kaushik12 I have been reading a bit about third-party cookies being phased out and them being a problem for the marketers.What is it and why are they being phased out? Re: What is third-party cookie ?Why are they being phased out? Digital Media Digital Marketing by Dani I'm not super experienced in this, but this is my best understanding: third-party cookies are when ads include tracking pixels that are designed to follow people around the web and learn about their user behavior. Google has decided to no longer allow them in future versions of Chrome, citing privacy concerns. Many believe the real reason is so … Re: And so the cookie crumbles... Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Dani > My decision were based on the "arrogance" of some moderators, it seemed that the entire site moved away from being a community service to a "I am the boss, do as I say" environment. AndreRet, based on your [latest post](… Re: ASUS Laptops - my experience Hardware and Software by Reverend Jim … to have to open it up and clean all the cookie crumbs out of the keyboard. Not gonna happen until I… cookie HELP!! Programming Web Development by neo_returned hi everyone i deleted a cookie in a page like... response.cookie("cookie_name").expires=#December 31,1990 00:00:00# but the cookie is still active in another page. wHY? or is there an anoyher way to delete cookie? Cookie Programming Software Development by adam291086 … "Content-type: text/html\n" C = Cookie.SimpleCookie() C["number"] = 7 C["string"] = &… C["string"].value print C print "Set-Cookie: string=seven; " [/CODE] Re: cookie Programming Software Development by d5e5 …1542257]what if thats not the only cookie?[/QUOTE] If the name of the cookie you created is 'sessionid' you can… read the value of the cookie into a variable as follows:[CODE]use CGI qw(:standard… $cgi = new CGI; my $value=$cgi->cookie('sessionid');[/CODE]If no cookie named 'sessionid' exists, your $value variable will have… Re: cookie HELP!! Programming Web Development by digitalocksmith One of the best ways to delete Cookie's and Temp files on your drive is a great … to clean, as well as what to clean ofcourse!! Happy cookie exterminating...... Cookie Programming Web Development by ans2007kumar … previous message or add new. for that i created a cookie and store the primary key value and process over one… an exception of object reference as cookie was never created, now i want that if cookie do not store the value then… cookie Programming Software Development by tcollins412 … a login script in a perl and i set a cookie. here it is: [CODE] if ($V::testsubmit eq 'yes') { ($…;EOF"; <script language="JavaScript"> document.cookie = 'sessionid=$sessionid'; </script> EOF $dbh->do(&…login"; }} } [/CODE] now how would i check if the cookie is set later on in the script, and if it… Re: cookie Programming Software Development by d5e5 …name_to_search); print header(); if ($n eq 'NOTFOUND'){ print "Cookie named '$name_to_search' not found</br>"; } else…{ print "Found cookie named '$n', Value is '$v'</br>"…name; return @nv; } return ('NOTFOUND',"$name cookie not found") }[/CODE] Re: cookie Programming Web Development by Biiim …to you, it generates a random token, much like the cookie setup above,to validate your session then once you validate… anyone could create that cookie without your site even creating it, the cookie method above uses a cookie called token which is…script created for the user. I just set a token cookie then store all other data within mysql, that way … Re: cookie Programming Software Development by tcollins412 what if thats not the only cookie? Re: cookie Programming Software Development by tcollins412 is here a way to write a loop that will get the cookie using [CODE]$ENV{HTTP_COOKIE}[/CODE] Re: cookie Programming Web Development by joshmac @jemz, you are not setting the cookie domain in your code so no it is not necessary to use $_SERVER. If your domain is, the str_replace will replace www. with nothing (''). But again, it doesn't seem like you are setting a cookie domain, so all of that info can be stripped. Re: cookie Programming Web Development by jemz @pzuurveen,i have not yet know the difference between the session and the cookie,since i am still learning on this i want to know first how the cookie will work... Re: cookie Programming Web Development by jemz @Biim,i forgot to ask, >Here Cookies are data stored on the users computer so say you set $_COOKIE['name'] = 'Biiim';that data is stored on my browser and i can go in and edit it" I looked at in my browser but i could not find the cookie stored.where does the cookie stored.can you help me on this please. Thank you in advance. cookie Programming Web Development by kishou ok so i have a page where the user clicks something the page sets a cookie.and its in the onlick event. But for some eird reason it won't work doesnt any1 know why? also i created a function for setting cookies but it still doesnt seem to work. cookie Programming Web Development by jemz … to all, I need to know how to use the cookie in php,my problem is that when i clicked the… Re: cookie Programming Web Development by joshmac … will help you figure out your issue. // Use to set cookie session for domain. $cookiedomain = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']; $cookiedomain = str_replace('www.', '', $cookiedomain… Re: cookie Programming Web Development by pzuurveen you don't check if the user is actual loged-in in userlogin.php I would use $_SESSION insted of cookie Re: cookie Programming Web Development by jemz @joshmac,Thank you for the reply,yes i have no domain yet,i just want to practice to know how to use cookie why is my code did not work?every time i log-out and press back button of browser it will display the user loggin in or i mean the user is still loggin in.can you help me please on this. Thank you in advance. Re: cookie Programming Web Development by jemz …','root',''); if(!$con){die('Not connected to server'.mysql_error());} mysql_select_db('cookie',$con); function register($username,$password) { $sql = "INSERT INTO cookie_tbl… Re: cookie Programming Web Development by Biiim … some simple login example which used a token with a cookie like 3/4 years ago now - was a lot of… Re: cookie Programming Web Development by jemz @Biim,Thank you for the reply about finding the cookie,i have another question on your code. what is the … Cookie Handler Class Programming Web Development by JRSofty … well as switching between these types of cookies. Cookie Functions: Write Cookies Read Cookies Delete Cookies Use …[string]{required} as the base name of the cookie cookieTimeout[int]{required} as the time added the … the cookies will be stored as a single serialized cookie. cookiePath[string]{optional} default is "/" … Cookie Error Programming Software Development by pymatio … username or password") else: cookie = Cookie.SimpleCookie() string_cookie = os.environ.get('HTTP_COOKIE… not string_cookie: cookie['u'] = who else: cookie['u'] = who print cookie cursor.execute("… Cookie retrieval works in python but not IE Programming Software Development by missionpilot …I am writing a program that needs to share a cookie between internet explorer and the program I'm writing. Here…. I've temporarily written the program to acquire its own cookie to fulfill its tasks, which it does nicely. However, …know that the website is depending on some sort of cookie functionality because you must have cookies turned on for it… Cookie problem Programming Web Development by xxmp …site. I used this code for set the cookie try{ Cookie cookie1 = new Cookie("thesiteid", Integer.toString(site_id)); cookie1.…60*365); response.addCookie(cookie1); System.err.println("Set cookie"); } catch (Exception e){ System.err.println("…