76 Topics

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Member Avatar for jmaddy10

I am trying to set up the code so that the it takes the user from one form to a thank you page, then to another form and have some of the info from the first (last name, first name, email) into the second. I managed to get the code …

Member Avatar for jmaddy10
Member Avatar for sadjonvee

We are looking for the most secure method of creating a single sign on that provides access to websites that although appearing to be a single entity are actually being run and supported by separate entities. So for example: [url]www.imanidiot.co.uk[/url] (my site) - sign in here username and password, goes …

Member Avatar for SerjSagan

Apparently, because my site uses cookies, a SetCookie header is sent with every page on my site...well I don't want that as Google PageSpeed sees that as a huge slowdown...so I either have to create a cookieless doamin to serve all of my content, or preferably, I'd like to suppress …

Member Avatar for sDJh
Member Avatar for FeralReason

The following code works fine in IE8 and Firefox 3.5. Any idea why it does not work in Chrome ? Tried it both in localhost and on my web server -- no success. In the header: [code = php] <?php if((isset($_COOKIE["unique_id"]))&&isset($_COOKIE["users_resolution"])){ $screen_res = $_COOKIE["users_resolution"]; $unique_id = $_COOKIE["unique_id"]; } else //means …

Member Avatar for fxm
Member Avatar for deineMutti

Hi, It is possible to remove (expire) cross subdomain cookies using javascript? For example, Facebook.com creates these cookies in the ".facebook.com" domain:[IMG]http://www.datermine.com/img/MStandaloneImage/full/agpkYXRlcnJtaW5lchgLEhBNU3RhbmRhbG9uZUltYWdlGIn9DQw/[/IMG] I'm creating a chrome extension with a content script that can run javascript within a page in the browser, typically in the 'www' subdomain and I'd like to …

Member Avatar for danielkull

Hi, I want my cookie was changing like that: 1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,.... after each time I refresh the page. but it is changing somehow randomly. [CODE=php]if (!isset($_COOKIE["bbb"]) && empty($_COOKIE["bbb"])) setcookie("bbb", "1", time()+3600); else { switch ($_COOKIE['bbb']) { case 1: setcookie("bbb", "2", time()+3600); break; case 2: setcookie("bbb", "3", time()+3600); break; case 3: setcookie("bbb", …

Member Avatar for danielkull
Member Avatar for w_bryan
Member Avatar for Atomika3000

ok, got to make a program that allows a user to enter data into the text fields (specifically a name and a grade), it then needs to store it locally, it then needs to be able to create a graph, and work out the standard deviation and mean from the …

Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for Romik84

Hi there, I just try to figure out a function which will dismiss a text and saves it in cookies for next page reload/visit. My current code looks as follow: [CODE]<script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.4.2.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="jquery.cookie.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script> $(document).ready(function() { $.cookie("viewState"); var theState = $.cookie("viewState"); $("#R1").click( function () { $("#secret").hide("slow"); $.cookie("viewState", …

Member Avatar for CoolAtt

Hi All, I have [B]roundcube webmail,phpBB forum & wiki[/B] hosted on one machine using [B]apache virtual hosts[/B]. The problem is i have to log into each of the services(mail.domain.mu , forum.domain.mu ,wiki.domain.mu) to get access. All of the 3 sites uses LDAP for authentication and hence a user provides same …

Member Avatar for Aaron Robinson

I am looking into using JQuery cookies to keep track of a menu when the page is reloaded ([url]http://plugins.jquery.com/project/cookie[/url]). I am using GET/POST to change the content section of my website layout. My question is about session-cookies. They are only destroyed when the browser closes, not when the user leaves …

Member Avatar for PHP4LIFE

Hey all, Im new to php but i have made a registration page, only thing is i need to make a login. The hard part is I want to show the login box to un-logged in users and say "Welcome USERNAME, Logout" to logged in users. I know there will …

Member Avatar for rajabhaskar525
Member Avatar for mruthyunjaya

Hi all, i am designing a web interface for a system for which I was forced to use C for CGI application. as you all know, no session management in C, i am using cookies after normal validation. my issue is, with 2 or more people accessing the website from …

Member Avatar for statutoryape

Hi all, Here's the code I've come up with. I deliberately left off an expiration date since I want the cookie to expire when the browser is closed. [CODE]<html> <head> <script type="text/javascript"> function setCookie(name,value) { document.cookie=name+"="+value; } </script> </head> <body> <a href="#" onClick="createCookie('Role',Parent)";>Parent</a> <a href="#" onClick="createCookie('Role',Student)";>Student</a> </body> </html> [/CODE] I've …

Member Avatar for statutoryape
Member Avatar for gedas

hi everyone, im trying to create a little form that would simply keep the count of people that have voted and the score of the votes . here is my form in static html [CODE]<form name = "contestants" method="POST"> <font size = "3" face="Arial" color="#dddddd"> <input type="radio" name ="contestant" value …

Member Avatar for Atli
Member Avatar for EddieC

Google is doubling down on cookies. I like cookies as much as the next guy; I've got a box of linzer tarts next to me as I write this. But when a company as powerful as Google starts force feeding you with tracking agents, some might see that as unpalatable. …

Member Avatar for Fordkarry

The End.