Comparing Fine-tuned and Default GPT-3.5 Turbo for Text Classification Programming Computer Science by usmanmalik57 … occured", e) exception = exception + 1 print("Total exception count:", exceptions) ``` Finally, we can print the accuracy of the… OpenAI GPT-4o vs Meta Llama 3 for Zero Shot Text Classifiation Programming Computer Science by usmanmalik57 … ``` **Output:** ``` airline_sentiment neutral 34 positive 33 negative 33 Name: count, dtype: int64 ``` ## Zero-Shot Text Classification with GPT-4o As…exception = exception + 1 print("Total exception count:", exceptions) ``` **Output:** ``` Total exception count: 0 CPU times: user 658 ms, sys: … Key Insights from Google's Search Algorithm Leak Community Center by Johannes C. … importance of **placing key information early**. * There is **no character count for metadata**, debunking common SEO myths about optimal lengths. * **High… Re: RayCasting: why i get a more width vertical lines on square grid size? Programming Software Development by cambalinho … some height, unless i continue add angle and don't count the rays ;) ... but maybe i found the problem on 'RayHeight… Re: RayCasting: why i get a more width vertical lines on square grid size? Programming Software Development by cambalinho … some height, unless i continue add angle and don't count the rays ;) ... but maybe i found the problem on 'RayHeight… Re: Rank changes in Post Count Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Dani Still have a long way to get top reputation though! ;) Re: Rank changes in Post Count Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Dani Thanks for trying, Salem. Unfortunately you can’t earn reputation points in the Geeks’ Lounge. Re: Rank changes in Post Count Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Salem Yeah - I remembered that little detail after the fact when I saw +0. Claude 3 Opus Vs. Google Gemini Vs. GPT-4 for Zero-Shot Text Classification Programming Computer Science by usmanmalik57 … **Output:** ``` airline_sentiment neutral 34 positive 33 negative 33 Name: count, dtype: int64 ``` We are now ready to perform zero-shot…", e) exception = exception + 1 print("Total exception count:", exceptions) accuracy = accuracy_score(all_sentiments, dataset["airline_sentiment"])… Re: Need help with Lem-in Project Programming by toneewa …line)[0]) if err != nil { fmt.Println("Ant count not found") } } } return farmInfo, nil }… fmt.Println() // Print the ant count fmt.Println("Ant Count:", farmInfo.antCount) // Print the … Need help with Lem-in Project Programming by Oven ….Fields(line)[0]) if err != nil { fmt.Println("Ant count not found") } } else if len(line) > 0 { … the data from parseInput function here fmt.Println("Ant Count:", farmInfo.antCount) fmt.Println("Start Line:", … Create And Install Windows Service Step By Step In C# Programming Web Development by Rabiya_1 ….Timers.ElapsedEventArgs e) { string process = "Timer Tick " + count; LogService(process); count++; } protected override void OnStart(string[] args) { LogService("Service… Re: Improve HAVING BY performance Programming Databases by toneewa …Query execution time: " << elapsed_seconds0.count() << " seconds\n"; auto…Query execution time: " << elapsed_seconds1.count() << " seconds\n"; …Query execution time: " << elapsed_seconds2.count() << " seconds\n"; … Re: Bouncing Balls: Creating a new ball when two balls collide Programming Software Development by toneewa … the collisionCount g.setColor(; g.drawString("Collision Count: " + collisionCount, 20, 20); } } import javax.swing.JFrame… Re: Bouncing Balls: Creating a new ball when two balls collide Programming Software Development by toneewa … the collisionCount g.setColor(; g.drawString("Collision Count: " + collisionCount, 20, 20); g.drawString("X: " + b… Re: Need help with Lem-in Project Programming by rproffitt This assignment would get a failing grade if you used GPT or found code. Toss all that out and write it yourself. Re: Need help with Lem-in Project Programming by Oven Sadly, like i said GPT is not working anymore. My team coded this one. And AI & Ready code is acceptable. But it has to simple because we must understand the code. I found the working code but its 800 rows. So no we cant use it either. Even if anybody can explain the algorithm, that would help a lot too. Its like onion, we are thinking we … Re: Need help with Lem-in Project Programming by rproffitt Then you have to design and create the algorithm before you write code. There's a lesson here about writing code before the design is done. Re: Need help with Lem-in Project Programming by Oven True. Wish we had able to. We cant manage it, thays why im seeking some help. Re: Need help with Lem-in Project Programming by rproffitt This is some academic assignment so the lesson isn't about fixing this found or GPT generated code, it's not even about coding. It's about designing before code. Without a design, how would we code? Or if we use AI to write code, it's a lesson about how we still have to understand the code that it generates. Now for those that just want it … Re: Create And Install Windows Service Step By Step In C# Programming Web Development by rproffitt Since the answer would be many pages long, read and consider the two other pages noted there. Re: Extract Tabular Data from PDF Images using Hugging Face Table Transformer Programming Computer Science by Harini sri Hi, Thank you so much for the above code. Its giving better results compared to other libraries. I have few questions. In some tables, I have common column name for three columns and further I have sub columns like below.... in these cases the tables are not getting extracted properly...Do you have any suggestions for handling such cases? Also … count program Programming Software Development by jawahersaad count the number of lines of code in a file, excluding blanks and comments also Count How many classes, Count How many function or procedures, how many lOC in each function or class, Count the lOC in each part to get the total program size ? Count Equal Numbers in Text box How ? Programming Software Development by Mahantesh_1 … guys, I want to Know is there any way to Count Similar Numbers which entered in single textbox in VB6 as… user click the command button, i want to get the Count of those Numbers to in a textbox or label.(like… Count Lines Of Text In Txt File Programming Software Development by especta … have text file ex. (sample.text) and i need to count lines in file and disply in memo . I have small… count all left and right node Programming Databases by ikrami.hall count all left and right nodes count() and sizeof() Programming Web Development by Rahul47 count() and sizeof() both are used for retriving size of array. Are there more jobs that these two can do ? Thanks Count number of occurrences of a digit Programming Computer Science by Xoxo_2 Count number of occurrences of a digit with while/do while without using array in c++ Re: Count Down Game Community Center Geeks' Lounge by count up! Re: count frequency Programming Software Development by David W > count frequency Your title might have given you an … /* Note mapping 0..25 to 'a'..'z' below */ { if (count[c] != 0) /* ONLY print letters with non-zero frequencies */ printf…("%c %d \n", c+'a', count[c]); /* print letter frequency */ } Note also ... the well known…