'We'll Know We Have AGI When >50% of the GDP is Generated by AI' Community Center by Johannes C. …, electrical lighting) have followed a 50-year S-shaped adoption curve. Based on my economic definition of AGI, I'll estimate… Curve designs using HTML Digital Media UI / UX Design by ssharish2005 … their edges curved and stuff and with the button edges curve. How do we do that. Can any one please explain… Koch Curve in Python Programming Software Development by mcenley … trying to write a program for drawing a Koch curve in Python. The Pseduocode is given as follows and… is the Python Script I have written to generate the curve: [code=python] from TurtleWorld import * TurtleWorld() def Koch(…) wait_for_user() Koch("bob",540) [/code] The curve is simply not drawn. I tried to dry run the… Elliptic Curve Implementation using NTL library in C++(problem) Programming Software Development by KKR_WE_RULE …Destination; } /*. Doubles a point on a defined Elliptic Curve over GF(p). . 2*Point = Doubled . …. prime is the prime field over which the Elliptic Curve has been formed. . ................................................................................*/ ECPoint EC_AddPoints(ECPoint A… Java 3D : Dynamic Curve Programming Software Development by gunjannigam …dynamic(vertices specified at they at run time) curve, and the number of vertices keeps on adding… up. This is the code for static curve. [CODE] public Shape3D createCurve(){ int steps = 200; … return new Shape3D(lsa, app); } [/CODE] This curve is added to a BranchGroup() and then the group is… Re: Koch Curve in Python Programming Software Development by vegaseat … def Koch(length): """draw a Koch fractal curve recursively""" if length <= 2 : tu.fd….backward(length/2.0) tu.pendown() tu.title('Koch fractal curve') Koch(length) # keep showing until window corner x is clicked… Re: Plotting Normalized Curve over histogram Programming Software Development by d5e5 …for your promt response. but this a line curve of actual values. Plot the data in a… So that gives you 2 bell shaped curve. The curve will be through the center of each bar… used their intuition to draw a bell curve that best fit the actual data represented …doubt that GD::Graph can guess which bell curve best fits a small sample of data points… flatten the polybezier curve Programming Software Development by neosonic hi, I have got a polybezier curve which is constructed by 4 points: (xa,ya), …. I want to calculate the length of that curve as close as possible. and I came across …tells me that I need to flat the polybezier curve into a list of points. and calculate the … else, do you how to flatten the polybezier curve? I don't mind to calculate it from the… Draw sin curve w/ user input, how to code sin()? Programming Software Development by Reagan … am trying to get a program to draw a sine curve (from 0 to 2pi). It takes 8 lines to draw… the complete curve. However, the user can choose to use up to 100… lines to make the curve smoother. How do I get the program to calculate that… Moore Curve Homework Help Programming Software Development by socrates25 For my assignment i need to turn a Hilbert Curve with recursion into a Moore Curve using recursion. We are using GLUT to…. Here is a link to a picture of the Moore Curve (ignore the color changes that is not applied to this… Re: Plotting Normalized Curve over histogram Programming Software Development by Roger101 … David, Thanks for your promt response. but this a line curve of actual values. Plot the data in a bars. Then… create a curve over the bar chart. So that gives you 2 bell… shaped curve. The curve will be through the center of each bar. Does… Grade Analysis and curve calculator Programming Software Development by rocdigga1486 … A’s, B’s, C’s, etc. after applying a curve percentage selected by the user. When the form loads it… boxes on the left. The user selects a curve and clicks the “Apply Curve” button. The program should display the curved grades… Bounding Box - Bezier Curve Programming Software Development by necrovore … trying to find out the bounding box of a bezier curve. I know that it can be done by getting all…'s algorithm and then finding the minimum reactangle around the curve. But de Casteljau's algorithm will make my application too… anyother way i can get te bounding box of the curve aloung the axis? Thank you. Re: Draw sin curve w/ user input, how to code sin()? Programming Software Development by nvanevski Ok, bit by bit : y=f(x) is the curve. In our case, f is sin(), y is iSinValue, which makes x = count*PI. What's not clear? JAVA animation problem - animating a bezier curve !!! Programming Software Development by JGee2005 … moves across my screen. The line should be a bezier curve and should animate pixel by pixel. I would like to… is a thread in which I learnt to create a curve. I am stuck ... all help is appreciated please contact me… Koch Curve Help Please Programming Software Development by Kurosaki … - 1, length / 3); } } public static void main(String[] args) { KochCurve curve = new KochCurve(); curve.drawKochCurve(6,300); } }[/code] Plotting Normalized Curve over histogram Programming Software Development by Roger101 …. I want to use this data to create a bell curve (normal distribution) with perl. How can I do this? x… 11 350 12 80 13 40 14 5 By normalized curve i mean something like on the link below. Didnt know… Re: Plotting Normalized Curve over histogram Programming Software Development by d5e5 … -- but I don't see any option for creating a curve. One approach might be to input the actual data points… a long series of ordered pairs representing a best-fit curve, and then GD::Graph could plot that. But I don… Find area under a curve Programming Software Development by Israel_1 Hi I need help with finding the area underneath a curve. Here is what I have so far; #include "stdafx.…>>integral.upperBound; //integral is filled, find area under curve float sum = 0.0; for(float x = integral.lowerBound; x… Re: Find area under a curve Programming Software Development by sfuo …^3 + C` `int(f(5)) - int(f(1)) = Area under curve` `((10/2)*5^2 - (5/3)*5^3 + C) - ((10…/2)*1^2 - (5/3)*1^3 + C) = Area under curve` *Note C-C = 0 so we do not need to… How to give atributes from page to Bezier curve in SVG Programming Web Development by Drugsxxx … want to write evry x and y postion of that curve on text fields and then when i hit button it… will draw curve with given atributes like x,y,bokU in second code… Re: plotting sine curve Programming Software Development by aminura … am getting is somewhat weird.. I am getting only the curve for 0 to pi and that too 4 of them… to make a program in c++ for plotting a sine curve..using arrays ..in horizontal direction not vertical .. can I have… Re: plotting sine curve Programming Software Development by vegaseat … would be to make a program that runs the sine curve down the vertical axis and get that one to work… Windows API call SetConsoleCursorPosition(). [php]// plot a text based sine curve down the vertical center axis // written in DevCpp v.4… Re: Plotting Normalized Curve over histogram Programming Software Development by d5e5 … your data but it doesn't look like a bell curve... more like twin peaks. In case it helps as an… Re: Find area under a curve Programming Software Development by Israel_1 I was rushing out to work when I posted. What this program is supposed to do is collect from 2 to up to ten terms from a user to find the area underneath the curve. The input to the program will be a function. For example: f(x) = x^2 plotting sine curve Programming Software Development by aminura Hi.. I have to make a program in c++ for plotting a sine curve..using arrays ..in horizontal direction not vertical .. can I have an alogarithm or just a hint how to go on making ...thanks :) Re: plotting sine curve Programming Software Development by aminura Well finally I got the sine curve(though in a vey complicated manner ;) )..I am getting not … PLotting a sine curve Programming Software Development by crazyfans86 Hi, I have to write a program in C programming to plot a sin curve using array. i would appreciate if someone could give me and give me some hints on how about to do that. thanks. :D The programming learning curve: Community Center Geeks' Lounge by jread … exactly what you want? I'm thinking that the learning curve for this stuff is a lot higher than I expected… Re: The programming learning curve: Community Center Geeks' Lounge by hollystyles … your high level OOP code. It is a steep learning curve but stick with it you will get a little further…