408 Topics

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Member Avatar for hypnos4

Hello, I've got a problem with my project... in short I've got a mysql db bond through a DataSet and BindingSource - if I'm editing like a user the gridview then all changes are commited to the db no problem... But I need the user to responsibly change foreign keys …

Member Avatar for kdcorp87
Member Avatar for RTK

Hi everyone, I've created an application that runs queries against a SQL server (via Data Adaptors) in VB.NET 08 and returns the results to a DataGridView. It works great and returns my data, but when I switch to a different query that returns different columns, the DataGridView keeps the old …

Member Avatar for RTK
Member Avatar for gisek

Hello, I've got a problem. I created a DataGridView, where a DataTable is it's DataSource. There is a column named "Age" i this DataGridView. It's format is string as I accept the value "unknown". The problem occurs when i try to sort it. After descending sorting the rows where "Age" …

Member Avatar for gisek
Member Avatar for Poab9200

Hello all, I'll do my best to make this as simple as possible to explain. 1. I'm using a WinForm DataGridView. 2. I'm using an auto complete feature that I've coded and I'm trying to add the data that a user has entered in the first column to a generic …

Member Avatar for wish4129

is there anybody know how to indicate the checkedbox inside the datagrid is ticked. should i put all the code inside the control something like DataGridView1.CellValueChanged or any other control? any help will be appreciated.

Member Avatar for wish4129
Member Avatar for Alphard

Hi guys, I have a question, but first I'll explain my scenario. So I've got this datagridview where I use it as a look up for a certain table in Ms Access and I want to update just 1 field in that table. My question now is that, [B]can I …

Member Avatar for TomW
Member Avatar for jchaturv

All, I have a customized DataGridView where I have implemented extra functionality and bounded datasource in the same custom DataGridView (Using C# and .NET). Now, I could able to use it properly by placing it on a panel control. I have added label as button on panel control to display …

Member Avatar for Geekitygeek
Member Avatar for jetjash

Using VB.Net I have the Datagridview control, In Datagridview one of the column I want to use Datetimepicker control Inside of the column. For Example, Datagridview Control Column1 column2 column3 column4 Datetimepicker1 Checkbox Datetimepicker1 Checkbox ….., In whole column2 I want to add the datetimepicker1 control I gone through the …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for ashi2

Hi, I am having a strange problem in the attached project... I will be very grateful if you people help me. In the attached project when I load the files in datatable and then try to add images without using the "Dispose" method the datagridview does not showing it correctly …

Member Avatar for Stevoni

I have a DataGridView for user input into a form. The first two columns will always be visible as they are the Transaction Type and Transaction Sub Type, respectively, both of which are DataGridViewComboBoxColumns's. Currently, after the first combo box has been changed the second combo box will populate with …

Member Avatar for nixx

Hi! I was wondering if anybody here could help guide me in the right direction for creating a gridview that contains rows that collapse with another gridview inside. I know we're not supposed to actually ask for codes but I haven't written one yet, I'm just asking for pointers :) …

Member Avatar for nixx
Member Avatar for phoenix_dwarf

Hi, i'm trying to add a checkbox to a datagrid but don't seem to get anywhere. I got to add a new column but that's where it stops. I'm reading data out of my database and then deleting the first column of that dataset's table as it is not needed, …

Member Avatar for phoenix_dwarf
Member Avatar for freddyfly

Hello all, I'm writing a program to keep track of my swim team's test set times. I would like to display the information in a table like form to edit all of the swimmers and times at once. I'm using this object: [code=c#] public class TestSetDisplay : INotifyPropertyChanged { string …

Member Avatar for sknake
Member Avatar for ejazmusavi

Hi everyone I have a datagridview with a checkbox culumn. I want to check whether the check box cell is checked or unchecked. my code is as below. it does work for the checked cell but when i uncheck one of the checked it does not remove it from the …

Member Avatar for sknake
Member Avatar for DustinS

For some reason, the row header is being automatically set to the same value that appears in the adjacent cell in the first column. I can set and get HeaderCell.Value, but it has no effect on what is displayed. [CODE] If I (manually or programmatically) enter: Length Radius Obj 1 …

Member Avatar for DustinS
Member Avatar for Anupama G

Hi I am working on a page which requires the grid to be populated with 'n' number of rows, as the user enters the number 'n' in a text box. Can anyone help me out in this?

Member Avatar for Anupama G
Member Avatar for ShailaMohite

Hi All, In my application, i have a datagridview with 5 colums, at the form load the datagridview contains one row, I am showing a combobox in each of the 4 columns to select the values (i doesnot type any thing in that 4 columns), when i press tab the …

Member Avatar for sknake
Member Avatar for ddanbe

Hi everyone, Want a DateTimePicker column in my DataGridView. Essentially used code I found on MSDN [url=http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/7tas5c80.aspx]here[/url] Just dropped the different classes in separate files. It works, but the problem is I have to click from 2 to 4 times before I can select a date! The first click shows …

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The End.