108 Topics

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Member Avatar for Andy90

Hi, I m using SetCursorPos() in my project! [DllImport("user32.dll")] static extern bool SetCursorPos(int X, int Y); I want to use double value in the function? I m getting error PinvokeStackImbalance was detected. How to solve this?

Member Avatar for thines01
Member Avatar for surajrai

Hi, I am trying to put a dll to GAC. The assembly is signed. 1.I tried draging and droping (nothing happens) 2. I tried command gacutil /i abc.dll, from visual studio command prompt. It says Assembly successfully added to the cache but when I open windows\Assembly folder, I cant see …

Member Avatar for Momerath
Member Avatar for dimitros

I have a project in visual studio 2010 and i use c# and asp.I want to use a part of code that uses dll files.I don't know to import the dll to my project. I do know for example,how to use css and javascript: But i think for dll is …

Member Avatar for thines01
Member Avatar for xopenex

Hi guys, converting .ui to .py to .exe using Qt Designer (PyQt4), Python 2.7, and py2exe Ive been able to do this with Tkinter gui's but having problems with gui's from Qt Designer? First error was due to missing msvcp90.dll which ive downloaded and copied into the python dll directory, …

Member Avatar for xopenex
Member Avatar for Ryujin

We're looking for a way to enable users to send us a file using one of our web pages. Cannot use MailAttachment because page doesn't have rights to write files to a directory (we can't change that) so are trying a Google Data API to upload to our Google Docs …

Member Avatar for Ryujin
Member Avatar for imolorhe

I want to write an application that can query a dll or class stored in another location on a server to receive information or perform an action. Can someone please give me guidance on how to go about it.

Member Avatar for wael meto

Now i am tring to make a data set by creating it in separte DLL file(using VB net) the code i used in this dll fle aready workong in my form but i tried to use it by this diffrent way ,,,but no way this is the code of the …

Member Avatar for Oxiegen
Member Avatar for SeniorAlexandro

Alright, I have a Form with a Media Player in it. Which plays a Song. [CODE]AxWindowsMediaPlayer1.URL = My.Computer.FileSystem.CurrentDirectory & "\Music.mp3" AxWindowsMediaPlayer1.Ctlcontrols.play() AxWindowsMediaPlayer1.settings.playCount = 999 Me.Opacity = 0 [/CODE] It's playing in the background since the Form is hidden. When I play it [B]in[/B] Debug, everything works fine. When I run …

Member Avatar for SeniorAlexandro
Member Avatar for sachintha81

Let me describe my problem as well as I can. I have a C# application program, let's call it App.exe. It references a DLL named A.dll which in turn references another DLL, namely, B.dll. However the way in which they are referenced is a bit different. In the code of …

Member Avatar for sachintha81
Member Avatar for PoovenM

Greetings! I have a C# dll generated from a .resx file (I believe it's called a satellite dll). This stores simple key to string mappings (used for language localization). I was wondering if it's possible and feasible to access the information stored in the C# dll from a C++ unmanaged …

Member Avatar for PoovenM
Member Avatar for PoovenM

Hi there, I'm trying to access a resource only dll (compiled with the [i]/NOENTRY[/i] linker option) within C#. The dll file was created using a rc file that contains a [b]STRINGTABLE[/b]. I used [b]CComBSTR[/b] to load the string resource from the dll in C++; I'm not sure how to do …

Member Avatar for thines01
Member Avatar for Zssffssz

Im Talken About The Basic (As in Simple not BASIC) DLL not Win32/OS/2 Kind. I Want The Dlls for the program to be in the 'bin' Directory thats is in the same folder as the .exe. Is there a simple (Not Moving Kansas) way to do this?

Member Avatar for Zssffssz
Member Avatar for Labdabeta

A friend asked me how to write and use a DLL in C++. I told him that I had to check and make sure my understanding was accurate. So here I am. Would this work as a DLL: myDLL.cpp: [CODE]#include "myDLL.h" void DLL_EXPORT ConstructMyInt(myIntStruct &i){i.val=0;} void DLL_EXPORT DoSomething(myIntStruct &i){i.val*=i.mul++;} BOOL …

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Member Avatar for Amiet Mhaske

Hello guys, I am new to programming. I've recently started working on vb6. Guys, can you tell me what are .dll files and what is the use of them???

Member Avatar for thines01
Member Avatar for praveendasika

How do I name the dll's according to my wish when I publish the website. It just names the dll's into some gibberish name. it creates so many dll's and in the properties of the project there is no dll naming column for websites. is it only for web applications …

Member Avatar for praveendasika
Member Avatar for lavenzo

hi, i having some problem here. I have a DLL written in C# but I need to re-write it in C++ using visual studio 2005. I have no C++ language..o.O so could some one help guide me? help translate my code..should i use new project > 'Class Library' project or …

Member Avatar for thines01
Member Avatar for Zssffssz

Well I want to make a DLL but all of the tutorials online seem to focus tword GUI programing or go a little too fast. Can anyone explain it? As far as I have seen it's syntax resembles resource files. And what makes it a '[I]Dynamic[/I] Link Libray' as in …

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for sujan.dasmahapa

Dear Friends I have a mfc application which I already converted to a dll. now I want to launch that application from another win32 client application. So how I can achieve this. Any h elp would be highly appreciated. check my code snippet. [CODE]//in App.h header extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) void …

Member Avatar for sujan.dasmahapa
Member Avatar for turkeyboy25

I started getting malicious web errors. The source was a file named "AcroGLext.dll". In a main folder called "DRMMaindrm". I can not find any information on this file or how important it is. Thank you in advance for the help. James

Member Avatar for benmar
Member Avatar for ryan.khan06

I'm new to deployment of an application in C#, especially im running on a 64 bit OS. When i entered Visual Studio, i configured my application to run in 32bit, what happened was, it created a folder in the debug folder and it's name is "x86". When i checked it …

Member Avatar for Panathinaikos22
Member Avatar for tajendra

Working with dll i got into a situation where loading a dll can cause security threat. lets say for example when you load a DLL, it gets same access privilege as the calling process. So if calling process is running with Admin privilege the loaded dll gets the elevated privilege …

Member Avatar for vijayan121
Member Avatar for NetJunkie

I am using a DLL file as my license file for a VB.NET project and was wondering if there was a way to make it locked so notepad can't open it and edit the data stored in there. Thanks in advanced!

Member Avatar for adam_k
Member Avatar for untio

Hi, Thanks in advance for reading this message. My problem is that I need to write a program that must list the pdf files in a folder that contain a text pattern. The user writes a text and the program list the files that contain the pattern. I know that …

Member Avatar for N1GHTS
Member Avatar for nalasimbha

Hello all, I have a question regarding calling a C++ dll from vb.net My C++ dll has a function that takes char **data as a parameter like this for example. [CODE]extern "C" int fn(char **y_data)[/CODE] How exactly can I pass a string array to the dll from vb.net. Thanks

Member Avatar for Joeflims

Hello, kind citizens of DaniWeb! I beg your assistance in the solution of my problem! I was trying to create a simple audio player using Tkinter and pygame, pygame being the best library that included audio playback I could find (by the way, DO NOT USE SNACK!!). Anyway, I was …

Member Avatar for Joeflims
Member Avatar for mohana88

When I try to add a dll file into my project the following error occurs : A reference to dll could not be added. Please make sure that the file is accessible and that is a valid assembly or COM component. But I have imported the dll file using DLLImport …

Member Avatar for mohana88
Member Avatar for GregMalick

Here's the problem I'm trying to solve: I've written a DLL that's used as a plugin within another program. Within the DLL is a number of structure allocations which represent the positions of points in a mesh (over time). These allocations can be very very large. If another instance of …

Member Avatar for GregMalick
Member Avatar for JimSim

Hi all I think that I should start this by saying that I am fairly new to C++. Currently, I can only write basic OOP programs. However, I have been given a task at work to compile and link some old code that we have (roughly 10 years old) to …

Member Avatar for JimSim
Member Avatar for Saad234

So for my project, I am doing my coding on Python and mainly C++, then I have a GUI interface form made on VB, so how do I link all these things together for a final product? PS: Someone told me about DLL's I don't know what that is, could …

Member Avatar for mrnutty
Member Avatar for skatamatic

I have been working on a library to interface with a USB-4704 data aquisition module for work. I have it working great, but the last thing that I need to do is add functionality to support updating a status variable when the device is plugged in or unplugged. I thought …

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The End.