Comparing Fine-tuned and Default GPT-3.5 Turbo for Text Classification Programming Computer Science by usmanmalik57 …, you need to upload your JSON file to the OpenAI server first. Create an OpenAI client object and pass the file…)) ``` Finally, once fine-tuning is completed, you will receive an email with the ID of your fine-tuned model, which you… Hi everyone, I'm Ginny79 Community Center Say Hello! by Ginny79 …? Account Verification: Are there other methods to verify if my email or payment information is already linked to an AWS account… Re: Forum Backlinks Digital Media Digital Marketing by Dani … of forums is to not allow signups with free email providers such as GMail, because it’s too easy… for spammers to create throwaway email addresses instead of using their one real, legitimate email address and being a productive… member of the community. You can try using a proxy server to mask… Re: Hi everyone, I'm Ginny79 Community Center Say Hello! by Dani I suppose I'm confused why you can't just do a lost password reset? Re: Hi everyone, I'm Ginny79 Community Center Say Hello! by Lethabo Can anyone here help me build "SRD application status check" tool that checks the live status of the SASSA application and takes data from the SRD website. Re: Do email clients respect CSP? Programming Web Development by toneewa … activity) (Akamai image server) (Microsoft Azure)… Re: Online subission forms not sending emails of submitted info Programming Web Development by Biiim …it would help you solve your problem. an SMTP server is an email server, it sends & receives emails and usually …hosts email inboxes for particular domain names - for example `smtp.…` is an SMTP server. To send out an email from an SMTP server you need to connect to it… Re: Online subission forms not sending emails of submitted info Programming Web Development by Biiim …You need an email address that has a mailbox setup on your email server at `smtp.ionos… an account on your email server but it won't work practically … that domain to resolve to your email server's IP address and you will …Host = ''; //Set the SMTP server to send through $mail->SMTPAuth = true;… Re: Online subission forms not sending emails of submitted info Programming Web Development by Biiim … I forward all forms from a website from a generic email such as `forms@` or `enquiry@` (``) … send an email the domain is looked up to find the mail exchange record(mx): Mail Server mx:rto-usa… are spoofing and any email server should reject the email if you do not match. The email could literally have been … Re: Online subission forms not sending emails of submitted info Programming Web Development by david.tigner …solved. Problem was anti-spoofing stuff being added to my email server sometime in February. The clue that was found during …testing was I had by chance entered an email address ending in @(one of domains that I own), …(not even a real email address) and form emailed successfully. And by changing only 1… Re: Online subission forms not sending emails of submitted info Programming Web Development by david.tigner …$mail->Host = ''; //Set the SMTP server to send through $mail->SMTPAuth = true; $mail->SMTPSecure…" . $_POST['Message'] . "\r\n" . // $from = $_POST['Email']; // $headers = "From: $from" . "\r\n"; // $to… Re: Online subission forms not sending emails of submitted info Programming Web Development by Biiim …and I only had user rights to the hosting server so editing server config was not possible. I solved it with…gives you much better control over it and more advanced email options - I copied the code I used at that…$survey .= 'Some form data:'."\r\n";//make your email body to send here $mail = new PHPMailer(TRUE); /* Open … Re: Improve HAVING BY performance Programming Databases by Biiim … faster. I was using that for an email marketing DB ages ago (logging each sent email, failed, read, clicked etc. it was… old HDD hard drive, it was a pretty average linux server). There is definitely something very wrong with your setup cause… Re: Online subission forms not sending emails of submitted info Programming Web Development by Dani … Stack Overflow]( that has an example implementation of using… Re: Online subission forms not sending emails of submitted info Programming Web Development by Dani > After code changed, not only will still not send email but screen turns blank white. That's a PHP fatal … way of accessing the error log? Without access to the server, perhaps through a web-based control panel like cPanel, etc… Re: Email server Programming Web Development by pritaeas Note that the example only works if the SMTP server does not require authentication. That will not work with Google and most likely not with your host. If you need authentication have a look at PHPMailer or PEAR:Mail. If you want a real e-mail server on your machine, google for 'windows email server' Email server Programming Web Development by cgull Hello, Does anyone know how can I setup an email server on my local machine, with google or my host's server? Or do you know of any site that explains how to do that? Thanks email server Programming Web Development by lillorme How do i set up a email server to work with my localhost site usine wamp hmailserver and squirrelmail. Re: Email Server Community Center by aneechopper Email server is a type of electronic postmaster service which enhance the email service.It mainly sent and receive emails from a particular LAN and it mainly supports the SMTP and POP3 protocols. Email server on a personal computer Programming Web Development by ryy705 … a personal computer? I don't need a fully functional email server with all the bells and whistles. I just want to… personal computer before I upload everything to a real web server. In order to do that I have to send out… Re: Email server on a personal computer Programming Web Development by somedude3488 i would set the smtp of the server to your isp's and you won't have to install a email server. Email Server On Localhost Programming Web Development by divyakrishnan Hi.. Is it possible to set a email server on localhost? Thanks, Divya Krishnan Re: Email server Programming Web Development by pritaeas Which OS and web server ? Re: Email server Programming Web Development by cgull [QUOTE=pritaeas;1639603]Which OS and web server ?[/QUOTE] sorry, using Windows 7 and Wamp 2 Re: Email server Programming Web Development by cgull Thank you, since it won't work without authentication then I don't see how I can use it. I will try looking at PHPMailer or PEAR:Mail. I just want to test my contact forms locally before uploading them into a live server. Thanks Re: email server Programming Web Development by pixelsoul See if this blog post helps Problem in Mdeamon Email Server Hardware and Software Networking by aasir_hissam we r unable to send and receive mails through Mdeamon Email Server...........Any body help me to solve this problem....Please it is urgent..... Note: I can send and receive mail normally that mean without Mdeamon Email Server. Multiple Email server Programming Software Development by kamilacbe Hi.. Can anyone help me out with reference site or Code to handle multiple email server in c#.I have a task of sending Mass Emails to users. Re: Email Server On Localhost Programming Web Development by chintan@dani Sending Email required hosting server. You cannot send mails using localhost. Re: Email server Programming Web Development by jogesh_p Try this link hopefully it help you: [url][/url]