China on cyber cold war front line Hardware and Software Networking by happygeek …countries are also jumping on the web espionage bandwagon. Primary targets include critical national infrastructure…that they are pursuing activities in cyber-espionage [*]Cyber assaults have become more sophisticated in…operations for political, military, economic and technical espionage [/LIST] According to NATO insiders, many governments… Hacker Or Cracker? Hardware and Software Networking by Michael_Knight …word reconnaissance, they think of spies and the espionage world. Although that community does indeed use reconnaissance,… [URL="…amp;qid=1203117872&sr=8-3"]Corporate Espionage (Prima Communications)[/URL] covers social engineering, along… Infosec trends for 2013 (part three) Hardware and Software Information Security by happygeek …year include the continued rise of targeted attacks, cyber-espionage and nation-state cyber-attacks, the evolving role of…amount of targeted attacks, with the purpose of cyber-espionage, to continue in 2013 and beyond, becoming the most…their own cyber programs for the purposes of cyber-espionage and cyber-sabotage. These attacks will affect not only… Re: Infosec trends for 2013 (part three) Hardware and Software Information Security by LastMitch … next year include the continued rise of targeted attacks, cyber-espionage and nation-state cyber-attacks, the evolving role of hacktivism… the increase in cybercriminal attacks targeting cloud-based services. **cyber-espionage** or **cyber-sabotage**, I don't read that often or… Crouching Tiger, Hidden Chinese Hackers Community Center Geeks' Lounge by happygeek … newly published report into the threat from Chinese state-sponsored espionage activity, the true scale and nature of these cyber-attacks… within the 3PLA that are actively involved with international cyber-espionage and concluded that there are probably a hundred or so… Infosec trends for 2013 (part one) Hardware and Software Information Security by happygeek … in 2013 will include unseen and unknown targeted cyber-attacks, espionage and hacktivism. Jarno Limnell, director of cyber-security at Stonesoft…. Cyber threats will become more unpredictable than ever before. 2. Espionage by nation-states will continue to rise. In 2012 we… Final GUI JFrame problem with actionlistner method Programming Software Development by nabil1983 …;,"Jennifer Garner ","JJ Abrams ","Terrorist espionage drama ","60 ","No "); drama[4… Virus Bulletin Conference 2006: small scale Trojan attacks big concern Hardware and Software Networking by happygeek … often than not information. This is the future of industrial espionage and it is happening right now. In the MessageLabs presentation… The growing threat of keyloggers Hardware and Software Networking by Michael_Knight … a keylogging attack. Keyloggers are, therefore, ideal tools for industrial espionage or for accessing confidential corporate data. They can damage business… Steganography - Invisible Secrets Hardware and Software Networking by Michael_Knight … suspicions of even the most credulous member of an industrial espionage prevention team. The point is that any encrypted message will… Chinese Army of Hackers attack Belgium Hardware and Software macOS by happygeek … critical computers inside government from hackers whether motivated by politics, espionage or money." A tale of sex and spyware in South Korea Hardware and Software Information Security by newsguy …;While it's difficult to prove that this sort of espionage is happening as computer systems give hackers the anonymity they… Did China hack the F35 Lightning II Strike Fighter? Hardware and Software Networking by happygeek …://"]allegations of cyber espionage[/URL]. However, whoever was behind the hack may have got… Cyberwar: UK PLC attacked 1000 times per hour Hardware and Software Information Security by happygeek …;many thousands of people lying behind both state-sponsored cyber espionage and organised cyber crime". Now Foreign Secretary William Hague… Expectation of Privacy in the "Turing Era" Community Center Geeks' Lounge by mike_2000_17 … (to drive product suggestions and ads) to full-blown cyber-espionage. What are your opinions about this? Do you expect your… Re: Expectation of Privacy in the "Turing Era" Community Center Geeks' Lounge by mike_2000_17 … fell at Waterloo, or doing insider trading, or doing corporate espionage. But the game has changed now because the means by… Cyber-mercenaries available for hire Hardware and Software Information Security by happygeek …/) who have been following the progress of a newly discovered espionage campaign, known as Icefog and targeting the supply chain in… Re: Expectation of Privacy in the "Turing Era" Community Center Geeks' Lounge by BigPaw … government. But all governments are involved in some kind of espionage, it's seen as part of their security. That's… Ke3Chang kerching: naked Carla Bruni led Chinese hackers to G20 diplomats Hardware and Software Information Security by happygeek … Chinese were to blame. In the murky world of international espionage, such things are never usually clear cut. If it were… Gamers under attack (in real life) Programming Game Development by happygeek … escape either. Earlier this year, Kaspersky Lab detected a major espionage campaign on a range of massively multi player online games… IT Horror Stories And Solutions Hardware and Software Information Security by overwraith … so as to prevent co-workers wo are actually corporate espionage artists from hijacking your security/case. They could be superiors… Industrial Espionage - Defend Yourself Hardware and Software Networking by Michael_Knight If we're honest every one of us imagine what we'd do with a few million in the bank. The yacht in Cannes, the private jet in Nice, possibly our own football team, and maybe a few other high maintenance accessories top our list of must-haves. But of course the question is how to get there. Working till I'm too old to enjoy it is one option but of… Re: Alan Turing, father of computer science, finally gets royal pardon Programming Computer Science by rory.starkweather.7 … public will ever know all of the details of espionage and counter-espionage agencies' activities during the cold war, but I would… Re: Some resolutions to locking up, or 'freezing' Hardware and Software Hardware by fsn812 For those not familiar with the issue: Quote from [url=",4149,939887,00.asp"],4149,939887,00.asp[/url]: == Apparently because of [b]industrial espionage[/b] Re: Tell us about yourself! Community Center Say Hello! by mouse2go … to think its a very nice place! Age: 51 Hobbies: Espionage, various forms of counter-terrorism, smoking. Relationship Status: I am… Re: Tell us about yourself! Community Center Say Hello! by mouse2go … to think its a very nice place! Age: 51 Hobbies: Espionage, various forms of counter-terrorism, smoking. Relationship Status: I am… Re: Check This New Searchengine Concept Out ! Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by canadafred …'s contacts, but this we call in Canada "industrial espionage". You seem to have a good head on your… Re: Fave project/program you worked on Community Center Geeks' Lounge by scru … in lower sixth form. It was a text based python espionage game that we focused really hard on emulating AI. Although… Re: British Police Get Go-Ahead to Hack Home Computers Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by Justin Ryan … McKinnon's, they'll be on their way to an espionage trial before they can finish bugging the Queen's email… Re: Is death penalty right? Community Center Geeks' Lounge by jbennet I think it is wrong. We haven't had death penalty (hanging) here since the 60s/70s sometime, although it remained on the books until the mid/late 1990s for: * treason * espionage * piracy * mutiny * setting fire to naval yards It was repealed back in the day as it was found not to deter criminals and there was too many miscarriages of justice.