Ext JS 4- grids Programming Web Development by arcticM …code: (after my changes) Ext.require(['Ext.data.*', 'Ext.grid.*']); Ext.define('Person', { extend: 'Ext.data.Model', fields: [{ … } }); var rowEditing = Ext.create('Ext.grid.plugin.RowEditing'); var grid = Ext.create('Ext.grid.Panel', { renderTo: … Re: Ext JS by Sencha Programming Web Development by arcticM … my DB? here's part of the js code Ext.onReady(function() { Ext.QuickTips.init(); // setup the state provider, all state information… will be saved to a cookie Ext.state.Manager.setProvider(Ext.create('Ext.state.CookieProvider')); // sample static data for the store… Ext JS by Sencha Programming Web Development by arcticM I was looking at using the Ext JS 4.1 (http://www.sencha.com/products/extjs/) , it … give me an example of how I can use the Ext JS 4 with MVC? if I wanted to create a… Re: Ext JS by Sencha Programming Web Development by pritaeas Are you looking for something like [this](http://dev.sencha.com/deploy/ext-4.0.7-gpl/examples/restful/restful.html)? Ext USB Drive stopped working Hardware and Software Hardware by fwick I have been using an ext USB drive with no problems on my powerbook with 10.… Ext JS charts Programming Web Development by arcticM … out how to implement one of the charts from the Ext JS framework.. where I get stuck is- I can't… GUI Creation by ext JS fails Programming Web Development by xavialonso …="var/www/extjs2.1/adapter/ext/ext-base.js"></script>…/javascript"> Ext.onReady(function() { Ext.QuickTips.init(); // message target Ext.form.Field.prototype.msgTarget…enter a subject address" }), new Ext.form.TextArea({ id:"message",… Re: GUI Creation by ext JS fails Programming Web Development by cereal Line 15:[code]Ext.form.Field.prototype.msgTarget = "side";[/code] That means you need a container where to write the form:[code]<div id="side"></div>[/code] Wd hdd ext as slave drive? Hardware and Software Hardware by tinanewtonart …a common issue for winxp not to recognize the ext HDD of WD. Well more that it fails … the bios there is an option for setting an ext HDD as a slave, primary or secondary. I …to corrupt the information I already have on the ext HDD or mess up my windows OS? I …rather not ruin what I already have on my ext HDD if at all possible. IT freezes up … get ext Programming Web Development by itisnot_me hey all i have been trying to get the ext from a file so that i can append it back …, you can remove this line $ext = substr(strrchr($filename, '.'), 1); $ext2 = '.'.$ext; $randName = md5(rand() * time()); $filename = $randName . '.' . $ext; echo $filename; [/CODE] all… Errors using mobile docking station after ext hard drive installed Hardware and Software Hardware by Ffej1971 … fine with that. Works great. Prior to installing this ext hard drive, I had a Targus Mobile Docking Port Replicator… the printer. That was all unplugged when I installed my ext hard drive. So, now, when I restart the computer…click on anything. This all happens with or without the ext hard drive attached. If I unplug that docking station … Computer won't see Ext hard drive Hardware and Software Hardware by dgknauf I have a 360G ext hard drive which I formatted, partitioned and used to backup … laptop makes a sound when plugging in the USB connector. Ext drive is humming away and has an indicator light that… backups, I was able to see the files on the ext hard drive and access them on both computers, but not… Re: Computer won't see Ext hard drive Hardware and Software Hardware by dgknauf …'t apparently see the external. Laptop is plugged in and ext HD is plugged in to its power source. Laptop still… Validation mask in Fields using C#/EXT Programming Web Development by VRamone … it seems that it doesnt work with EXT,because the field is a <ext:numberfield> and somehow the function doesn… Maxtor ext. hard-drive flashing lights. Hardware and Software Hardware by malachy Hi, my maxtor ext. hd which has been working well, has suddenly started to … Re: Maxtor ext. hard-drive flashing lights. Hardware and Software Hardware by Rob_lewis … which case toss the old one and buy a new ext. HD. If it isn't a backup take it apart… Create a Circle using ext-js and fill it with 3D gradient Programming Web Development by soft_coder Hi! I want to create a circle using ext-js and fill it with 3D gradient. But I don't know. I searched almost all the APIs but I couldn't find the method to do so. Any help will appreciated. onChange with EXT Programming Web Development by VRamone hi,i would like to add an 'onChange' to my <ext:TextField> to execute a function,but it´s not working.Any ideas? how to do work on ext js? Programming Web Development by brijen how to do work on the ext js n any frame work?? Re: how to do work on ext js? Programming Web Development by brijen i want do starting work on ext js how can and from where can i starting??? Re: Ext JS by Sencha Programming Web Development by arcticM sort of... depanding on where the table gets the data from.. I don't understand somethings in that code, it looks like it's calling a php file here url: 'app.php/users' but I expected to see with sql query or some var/obj that holds the rows that are displayed in the table and I don't see it in the app.php, I actually don't understand what that … Re: Ext JS by Sencha Programming Web Development by arcticM ok I found it lol interesting..it might work.. thank you! Re: Ext JS by Sencha Programming Web Development by arcticM when I open your link I see rows in the table, but when I open the same html file that I have in the folder that I got when I downloaded the framework (Desktop\extjs-4.1.1\examples\restful\restful.html) the table is empty.. ? Re: Ext JS by Sencha Programming Web Development by arcticM looks like the restful.js calls app.php but it's not happening..app.php isn't running any ideas why? Re: Ext JS by Sencha Programming Web Development by pritaeas > app.php isn't running What do you mean by this? `app.php` is a PHP script that gets the values from a database and returns them in JSON format. Re: Ext JS by Sencha Programming Web Development by arcticM yeah yeah.. I didn't run the project from localhost..my bad. it works fine Ext. CD Burner doesn't always work... Hardware and Software Hardware by Mikeish Hey guys I have a quick question for you. I have an external CD Burner that plugs into the USB port and usually when I first plug it in it does not work. I plug it in and unplug it about 5 or 6 times before my computer finally reads it. I do wait long enough so that's not the problem. I'm just curious what the possible solutions to this could … Re: Ext. CD Burner doesn't always work... Hardware and Software Hardware by mrwrestler My guess is possibly the chosen USB is a bit sketchy have you tried using a different one? As well did it originally work when you first purchased it? Have you tried reinstalling it too? Ext Class Programming Software Development by babutche This is what I have come up with but it seems like there should be a more simple way of programming it. [CODE]import string import math class Student: def __init__(self, name, hours, qpoints): self.name = name self.hours = float(hours) self.qpoints = float(qpoints) def getName(self): return self.name … Re: Ext Class Programming Software Development by Ene Uran Your error trapping in the letter grades can be mildly improved: [php]s = 'A,A-,A+,B,B-,B+,C,C-,C+,D,D-,D+,F' ps = """ Enter grade letters A through F, you can also postfix A through D with + or - (press just Enter to exit the loop when done): """ while True: x = raw_input(ps).upper() print x # test…