Re: GDB...thoughts? Programming Software Development by JasonHippy … the command line, there are several graphical frontends available for gdb (DDD, kdbg being two listed by L7Sqr, but there …are several others) Code::Blocks also uses gdb for debugging on Linux. Again, the IDE acts as …IMHO! And if RTFM is getting you nowhere, there are gdb related tutorials posted all over the web. So googling for… Re: Gdb debugger problem Programming Software Development by L7Sqr **(gdb)** *help s* Step program until it reaches a different source … this N times (or till program stops for another reason). **(gdb)** *help n* Step program, proceeding through subroutine calls. Like the… Re: GDB...thoughts? Programming Software Development by L7Sqr GDB is a very powerful tool. It has many interfaces (DDD, … Gdb Programming Software Development by kararu I am starting to use GDB, It can take in only executable form programs as argument is it? Or there are other options. I need to use gdb on a non-exe program directly.Can I do it? Re: Gdb Programming Software Development by andor [QUOTE=kararu;262569]I am starting to use GDB, It can take in only executable form programs as argument is it? Or there are other options. I need to use gdb on a non-exe program directly.Can I do it?[/QUOTE] Read the manual, but I think it takes only the executable (*.out, offcourse you must build it with debug option). Re: Gdb Programming Software Development by Ancient Dragon its been a long time, but I think you can use it on core files too. If your program produces a core dump you can use gdb on that core file. Re: gdb help Programming Software Development by Nick Evan How about using a shell script to start GDB in a loop? Redirect the output to a file. [code=ShellScript] for (( i = 0 ; i <= 10; i++ )) do gdb yourfile > outputfile done [/code] Re: gdb help Programming Software Development by flipjoebanana thanks for the reply! I see how that would work but I would rather not step through each iteration and use the print statement (number of iterations is > 1500) on each iteration in gdb. I was just wondering if there was a way within gdb had some way of doing it. I guess I'll just output to file within my code. gdb help Programming Software Development by flipjoebanana Hello, Need pointer on how to create a for loop within gdb that will print something each repetition to a file so that I can view results. How would I go about doing this? GDB help Programming Software Development by wildplace i pushed a floating point into my stack fstpl -4(%ebp) how do i print this value store at that memory location in GDB using x command(value in hex and binary) GDB problem Programming Software Development by Gaiety … and "show warranty" for details. This GDB was configured as "i686-linux-gnu". For… instructions, please see: <>... Reading symbols from /home/skylab/CP/a…1 at 0x804841d: file test.c, line 12. (gdb) r Starting program: /home/skylab/CP/a.out Breakpoint… Re: Gdb debugger problem Programming Software Development by Gaiety …1 at 0x804843e: file f1.c, line 5. (gdb) r Starting program: /home/slb/a.out Breakpoint …"); 12 printf("size = %d\n", size); (gdb) s len = 5 len = 5 size = 6 0xb7e60113 in…"); 12 printf("size = %d\n", size); (gdb) s len = 5 len = 5 size = 6 0xb7e60113 in… GDB -tui mode Programming Software Development by Kakashi Hatake …->RUN->cmd([B]gdb -tui[/B]) gdb:TUI mode is not supported [B]gdb[/B] GNU gdb [U]6.8[/U] .... .... ....... This… GDB was configured as "i686-pc-mingw32."…; I know that GDB supports tui mode from v5. How come i am not… Re: GDB -tui mode Programming Software Development by jonsca Evidently there's a configuration option that needs to be set (see [url][/url] at the top of the page) Re: GDB -tui mode Programming Software Development by Kakashi Hatake I tried but to no avail. How to do i configure it? It says [B]--enable[/B] is not a valid option. EDIT: Hmm it seems that i need to build GDB with --enable -tui configure. I have no idea how to do that as well :( I was just using the MinGW package that came with Code::Blocks IDE. Anyone help please :( ? Re: GDB -tui mode Programming Software Development by jonsca Yeah, sorry I couldn't be of more help. If you are using C::B, you really don't need the text UI as the IDE has built in support for gdb... Re: GDB -tui mode Programming Software Development by Kakashi Hatake Ok so i figured. You can't seem to use gdb in tui mode under Windows. Works fine under Linux(ubuntu) though. Gdb debugger problem Programming Software Development by Gaiety Hi, When i debug the program using gdb , the gdb is entering the definations of std lib functions (ex: printf, … it got changed.I guess some of the flags of gdb might have changed. Please let me know how to bring… for reference. below is the code i am using for gdb test. int main( void ) { int i; for (i =0;i… GDB says it happens at a class declaration Programming Software Development by rmlopes … understand why the fault is happening since the conclusion from gdb is the following: [code] Program terminated with signal 11, …is a copy of a Solution, but then why is gdb saying it occurs at a class declaration? What does this…a copy constructor defined, but if I define one the gdb gives the same output; I checked the copy constructor at… GDB...thoughts? Programming Software Development by jkoske Right now I am using gdb on command line in Ubuntu. It seems pretty inefficient and … really that way? Do "real" c++ programmers use gdb? I felt the same way about vi until I learned…, but I feel like I'm wasting my time with gdb. Considering switching to Code::Blocks for debugging. I know there… Re: Gdb debugger problem Programming Software Development by rustysynate I guess the shared library symbol table is getting loaded. Try the below command in gdb, before running the program. ***show auto-solib-add*** -- this will indicate the current status. Incase if this mode is ON, turn it OFF using the command **set auto-solib-add mode off** Hope it helps :) Re: Gdb debugger problem Programming Software Development by rustysynate … auto-solib-add mode is off. The step command in gdb will stop at the next function where the symbols are… Re: Gdb debugger problem Programming Software Development by Gaiety > please show the next command Just press the 'n' in gdb session. rustysynate with next command its not entering any inetrnal code of lib functions, it works fine. Thanks All. Re: GDB says it happens at a class declaration Programming Software Development by Stinomus post the output of 'where' in gdb, that will give us the whole stack. Re: GDB says it happens at a class declaration Programming Software Development by rmlopes … how to further debug this or what the meaning of gdb pointing to the class declaration is. I have tried a… Re: GDB says it happens at a class declaration Programming Software Development by rmlopes I tried with VC++ debugger and here I get a proper location to look for an inconsistency, not the class declaration anymore. Any hints on why this GDB behavior? Re: GDB...thoughts? Programming Software Development by Stefano Mtangoo I second the posters on Power of GDB. I use it with Codelite, and I enjoy polished interface. I was just debugging my current project few minutes ago with C++. I certainly recommend CodeLite GDB debugging of segfaults Programming Software Development by Kanoisa … GCC ARM cross compiler from openembedded and the cross compiled GDB also from openembedded. Output of compiler version below. [quote] arm… that lots of people just saying run back trace when GDB halts the program, but i do not get a trace… gdb debugger Programming Software Development by shaneetra.graham I'm new to the gdb debugger and was wondering how to i step through my code in gdb. Re: gdb debugger Programming Software Development by RenjithVR Actually there is no such file named init.c in the directory. I think it may be one of the file related to gdb. I compiled my file using the option -g. And run by gdb executablefilename. then i mentioned the line number as break 320. Now i got that error. I don't know about the init.c file and the location too.