1,302 Topics

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Google [URL="http://www.techcrunch.com/2009/12/07/google-goggles/"]announced Google Googles [/URL]yesterday, an application that uses the camera in your Android-powered phone to take a picture, conduct a visual search, then return results. Google admits that it's very early, but this is extremely intriguing technology and it has the potential to take visual search to a whole …

Member Avatar for farrellj
Member Avatar for Techwriter10

Mark Cuban, the eccentric owner of the NBA's Dallas Mavericks, has a [URL="http://blogmaverick.com/2009/11/13/google-murdoch-madoff/"]post in his blog[/URL] this week suggesting a way to kill Google by paying the top one thousand most popular sites $1M each to leave the Google Index. He wonders if Rupert Murdoch's plan to leave the Google …

Member Avatar for boattraveller78
Member Avatar for khess

This is the third entry in the continuing "cave dwellers" [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/news/story223037.html"]saga[/URL] and their new lives with Ubuntu. Someone posted a comment on the previous cave dwellers entry about [URL="http://www.apple.com"]iTunes[/URL] not working on Linux and I was absolutely sure that it did. It doesn't. Much to my surprise (and disappointment), iTunes …

Member Avatar for khakilang
Member Avatar for happygeek

Depending upon the level of your paranoia, Google is either attempting to take over the online world or simply trying to make it a better place in which to work and play. This latest announcement does nothing to clarify these already muddy waters. "As part of our ongoing effort to …

Member Avatar for sknake
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Bing has a better conversion ratio as compared to Google. However, Bing gets low traffic share as compared to Google, but if you get some click from Bing then it will turn in lead ( on most of the occasions). The best thing about Bing is that it has a …

Member Avatar for crohole
Member Avatar for slfisher

Thinking of looking for a flu shot while you're out shopping this weekend but don't know where to look? There's an [URL="http://maps.google.com/maps/mpl?moduleurl=http://maps.google.com/mapfiles/mapplets/flushot/flushot.xml"]app[/URL] (Google Maps) for that. Type in a location and it will show you locations in the area that offer flu shots, as well as their times -- and …

Member Avatar for Techwriter10

If the new [URL="http://www.flickr.com/photos/searchengineland/4117327765/"]Google interface design[/URL] is any indication, it appears that Google might actually be feeling a little heat, or at least some influence, from Bing. [URL="http://searchengineland.com/staff"]Danny Sullivan[/URL], who has been covering search for years, had a [URL="http://searchengineland.com/google-streamlines-search-options-30143"]post in his Search Engine Land blog [/URL]last week about the new …

Member Avatar for vijendrasnv
Member Avatar for happygeek

Rupert Murdoch is not a stupid man, his business empire is evidence of that. For anyone to become a media mogul requires smarts, but those smarts seem to be deserting Murdoch as he continues to play the fool and deny that old monetisation methods do not work for the new …

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Member Avatar for charlie363

I am acquiring a google earth image in vb.Net using the following: [code] imgImage.Load("http://maps.google.com/staticmap?center=" _ + dblLat.ToString + "," + dblLong.ToString + _ "&zoom=" + intZoom.ToString + _ "&size=512x512&maptype=satellite") [/code] where imgImage is a PictureBox .net object. I need to know what the width and height of the image returned …

Member Avatar for slfisher

If you've ever had Google Maps literally send you up the river or down a sidewalk, you may have wondered whether the company ever actually sees the areas it maps. Now, it does, through an increasing number of volunteers who make corrections and add more detail to maps, according to …

Member Avatar for EddieC

You know you've established your brand when its name becomes a verb (for example to 'Google' something). A company called [PostRank](http://www.postrank.com/) might hope the same holds true for adjectives, as in "What's your PostRank?" The company hosts an ingenious service that tracks the millions of Web postings that appear every …

Member Avatar for InsightsDigital
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It was reported today on searchengineland.com that Google has rolled out a Real Estate-focused search engine. On the site there are individual property pages for every property listed on Google Maps. According to the article, this part of an ongoing initiative by google to improve how real estate info is …

Member Avatar for InsightsDigital

I read online that Google Wave is like the next best thing since wonder bread. I do know that only 100,000 invites were sent. So what do you think if you were one of the lucky ones? I have seen the video on youtube but other than that, I still …

Member Avatar for jay 11
Member Avatar for jonow

This may be the wrong place to be posting this but here I go. I have a search on my site that uses Google Custom Search. I would like it to also search my Google Calendar. I can't find any method to search just the Google Calendar. I was wondering …

Member Avatar for Techwriter10

You can always count on Rupert Murdoch, the cantankerous News Corp. chairman, for a good laugh and he didn't disappoint this week during [URL="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M7GkJqRv3BI&feature=player_embedded#"]an interview on Sky News Australia[/URL] in which he boldly stated his sites would pull out of Google Search. In fact, he once again accused search engines …

Member Avatar for JeffBach
Member Avatar for happygeek

First Google expressed an interest in the [URL="http://www.itwire.com/content/view/20370/53/"]web browser client[/URL] market, and then the [URL="http://www.itwire.com/content/view/26281/53/"]operating system market[/URL] and now it has launched its own open source systems programming language. [URL="http://golang.org/"]Google Go[/URL] is being touted as 'expressive, concurrent, garbage-collected' and promises to produce fast code, fast. According to Google a typical …

Member Avatar for Nick Evan
Member Avatar for samarudge

Hi, I have just got Google Wave but don't have any contacts (Appart from the person who invited me) I can't figure out how to invite people eather so I was wondering if people would like to post there GMail addresses here I can add you so I can finally …

Member Avatar for santiagozky
Member Avatar for slr

Hi If anyone knows some opensource api or tutorials.. [url]http://buysellads.com/buy/detail/108[/url] Look on the right- it says "Public stats" how do you display that information for a domain - how do buysellads do that domain api?

Member Avatar for network18
Member Avatar for Techwriter10

[I]"If we went into an “evil room” and had an “evil light” shined on us, and we then behaved in an “evil” way we would be destroyed… there is a fundamental trust between Google and its users.” ~Eric Schmidt, Google CEO [/I] Google released an exciting new product today called …

Member Avatar for cwrinn
Member Avatar for Techwriter10

There was a good analysis [URL="http://bits.blogs.nytimes.com/2009/10/26/microsoft-google-and-the-bear/"]in the NYT yesterday[/URL] regarding the Google Android strategy, which according to author Saul Hansell, is intended not to make money for Google, but to block Microsoft from getting traction in the mobile space. Given that Google is giving Android away, it's a theory that …

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The Los Angeles City Council voted unanimously earlier this week to outsource its e-mail system to Google Inc., according to an [URL="http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/technology/2009/10/city-council-votes-to-adopt-google-email-system-for-30000-city-employees.html"]article[/URL] in the Los Angeles [I]Times[/I]. The contract is worth $7.25 million and covers 30,000 employees. In June, Washington, D.C. made a similar decision, signing a contract worth almost …

Member Avatar for ShadyTyrant
Member Avatar for ib4dogz

Take a look at the link below. Click on one of my markers in the map. Inside the info windows I would like to have “Directions: To here - From here” feature in it. Thanks in advance for your assistance. [URL="http://www.crucialdesign.net/diningguide/test.html"]http://www.crucialdesign.net/diningguide/test.html[/URL]

Member Avatar for daniyalnawaz

I want integrate following apis in my website, 1. Yahoo BBAuth 2. Google OAuth 3. Live ID Delegated Authentication 4. Facebook Connect Does these facilities enable me to get their email addresses as i cant find any mention of email address of the logged user in the API documentations.

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for jay 11

The six minute video clip is a bit hoaky (particularly Schmidt's attempts at humor) but there are some interesting takeaways from this interview, like: [LIST] [*]figuring out how to rank real-time info is "the great challenge of the age." [*]broadband will be comfortably faster than 100MB (at least for the …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for GuyClapperton

So I'm helping host an event for [URL="http://www.google.com"]Google[/URL] yesterday - called Atmosphere, it was based in London and had about 300 CIOs present. I was lucky enough to be chairing a couple of panel discussions (and will put YouTube links in here if anyone's interested in what CIOs from Amazon, …

Member Avatar for jb1ker

Hi. I'm changing a site's URL to a new domain. The site is hosted at freewebs.com which makes it impossible to create redirects (unless anybody proofs different). What is the most efficient way to make sure I don't get penalized by Google for duplicate content? As the new domain is …

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Here is the link to the story at All Things Digital [url]http://kara.allthingsd.com/20091021/exclusive-guess-who-else-is-coming-to-dinner-twitter-microsoft-bing-deal-confirmed-but-so-is-facebook-bing/[/url] Microsoft/Bing seems to have one-upped Google!

Member Avatar for MktgRob
Member Avatar for InsightsDigital

I read on a blog about how RSS may be out. I dont know about you but I actually subscribe to many blogs and I look forward to reading or at least glancing my Google Reader's headlines. Yes, I dont have time for all the feeds but I do scan …

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Once upon a time, Usenet newsgroups were the Twitter, Facebook and forums of the online world. All the early Internet community makers were there, and important announcements such as the arrival of Mosaic by Marc Andreesen broke there first. Then the inevitable happened, and Usenet slowly imploded. That could have …


The End.