101 Topics

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Member Avatar for anurag.kyal

I was able to generate a graph successfully using the <asp:Chart> in asp .net with c# code behind feature but a hiccup came in because I want one of my axes to represent TIME which it doesnot seem to support. Are there any alternatives or can I do this : …

Member Avatar for khadakbist
Member Avatar for JordanHam

I do not need anything too complex, I just need to be able to graph and plot some simple 2D graphs. There is a lot of scattered info all over the internet and at work I dont want to download one of these free softwares and have it blow up …

Member Avatar for ravenous
Member Avatar for faithingod1970

I once upon a time had problems with buttons and getting windows to show up, now cannot get output of loan data into JList, code is below, any suggestions? next change is to add array (which I think I can do) and graphics in the form of a graph but …

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for Gribouillis

I just started a new small python project on google code which goal is to easily create clickable graphs on a GKT+ goocanvas. The initial idea comes from this code snippet [url]http://www.daniweb.com/software-development/python/code/323792[/url] . I want to do about the same, but instead of simply drawing the graph, I want to …

Member Avatar for Gribouillis
Member Avatar for trelokamenos

Hello people! I'm new here...but The things I'll talk about came up as I was doing independent research and it's not homework related, however I'm not sure where else I should post it except in a computer science subforum. Since it's not homework, you might want to give it less …

Member Avatar for mrnutty
Member Avatar for moose333

Hello I'm trying to draw a line graph on a form but I'm now very much stuck. I'm trying to read in the data from a txt file into an array and then plot the graph using the points collected from the file. This is the contents of the file …

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for moose333

Hello I currently have a program that collects data from a txt file and then works out the averages of each column. What I am now trying to do is use this data to draw a line Graph for each individual column contained within the txt file. This is the …

Member Avatar for moose333
Member Avatar for jalpesh_007

i have created following program for bipartite graph. But i need little help from you. I have to calculate objective function using Integer Linear programming(ILP). I have create complete bipartite graph.From which at a time from one node only one outgoing edge from member of set-1 and only one incoming …

Member Avatar for wonder_laptop

Hello, I have written some java classes to generate a random network. The network is made of : 200 nodes . Each node has a maximum of 50 neighbors. What i want is to Randomly chose a node from that network and GRAPHICALLY show it with its one hop neighbors …

Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for DARK_BYTE

Hi I need to animate user defined algorithms and I have a myGraph class. The dfs() and bfs() will go into the user-defined algorithm the user types and saves in a text-editor included with my program. I am checking the adjacency matrix to know if two vertex are connected by …

Member Avatar for CharlieNewey

Hi, I'm a relative newb to Python and I'm starting my first major project - a logarithmic graphing system. I'm using tkinter for the GUI part of the design, but I've run into a problem. Basically, I want my graph (a tk canvas) to appear in the same (root) window …

Member Avatar for CharlieNewey
Member Avatar for hellotata

I am currently working on this graph "thingy" were I am told to produce 4 types of graphs. [LIST] [*]y=x2 [*]y=x3 [*]y=x*sin(x) [*]y=x*cos(10*x) [/LIST] Now basically, I have the GUI/Interface ready. I seem to have a problem linking the [B]y=x*sin(x)[/B] button in the PlottingWindow class to the PlottingPanel where it …

Member Avatar for hellotata
Member Avatar for lagspike

A simple physics graph... [code=python]import pylab a_time = range(0,141,10) a_R = [3.0,2.8,2.56,2.36,2.2,2.0,1.86,1.7,1.6,1.43,1.3,1.2,1.1,1.06,0.96] for i in range(0,15): pylab.plot(a_time[i],a_R[i], 'x') pylab.errorbar(a_time[i], a_R[i], 0.5, 0.05) pylab.show() [/code] I'm guessing the [icode]pylab.plot[/icode] line isn't needed, but even with this there is nothing connecting the plots together. I'm pretty sure there wasn't anything extra needed …

Member Avatar for lagspike
Member Avatar for aoelord

I need to output the results from a .dat file then have it read in data and assign a new * for every 2% each record equals. It is meant to appear as this: 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 | | | | | …

Member Avatar for aoelord
Member Avatar for mazeroth

I thought I would share with you all a tutorial I just posted on creating a Facebook app using the Facebook Graph API and their PHP SDK. It's a very easy to follow tutorial and by the end you'll have your own app reading and writing posts to your wall …

Member Avatar for thaisf

Does anyone know of a tool, or any solution (preferably free), to automatically generate editable assembly dependency graphs (such as Visio diagrams)? I have found similar threads online, but the several tools recommended (.Net Reflector Graph add-in, Dependency Visualizer, GraphViz, etc) generate only image files (PNG, JPG, SVG, etc). The …

Member Avatar for mab maryam
Member Avatar for Obsidian_496

Hello. I've created a program which calculates points which belong to a specific graph, such as Archimedes spiral, Logarithmic spiral, Cardioid etc. The program generates an array with coordinates. Technically coordinates are polar, but I can convert them to cartesian by using polar() function. Question is - how do i …

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for Gribouillis

This snippet defines 3 functions to create in a few seconds an image of a graph containing arbitrary python objects. It uses the module pygraphviz (available at [url]http://pypi.python.org/pypi/pygraphviz/[/url]). See the example use case at the end of the module.

Member Avatar for woooee
Member Avatar for pradeepc1

Hello all, 1) I want to know how to use the serial component in the toolbox of VB2008 express edition. 2) I want to how to plot a graph in VB2008 express edition.

Member Avatar for anandharaajan
Member Avatar for Bombshock

Heya Daniweb, I've been working on Regular Expressions, thanks to cghtkh who told me about them. I've used resources from: [URL="Newthinktank.com"]NewThinkTank.com[/URL] [URL="http://docs.python.org/library/re.html"]Python Regular Expression Documentation[/URL] and [URL="daniweb.com"]Daniweb.com[/URL]! I figured I'd share my code, ask a few questions, and get some feedback on what I did if I can. Feedback helps …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for Mattisc

Hello, I am having a problem outputting data to a graph by creating new data points. I am trying to create 5 variables that get data every 20 secs from a ticker that contains the folder size. Then I am using those variables to add to the graph points but …

Member Avatar for roottybrian

Hi guys, Am currently working on a project and i think i need a dynamic graph, you know like the one you see when you open taskmanager, for those blue screen users, and then you click the performance tab. Anyone with an idea on how i can get there?

Member Avatar for Bombshock

Hey Daniweb, I'm starting out learning python and have been looking around and saw the thread on printing a line that starts with a specific word, I would like to create something similar except take numbers out of text and print them so I can graph them. So far I've …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for abhijustorcks

HI all ! I am looking for C source code for a simple control flow graph generator.This generator should take input as C,java files and make nodes for If-else,switch statements,for & while loops.I just need a output in text form no visualization required.Can anybody help Thanks

Member Avatar for Sargasso

I am currently trying to take two columns from a *.csv file... log10 transform them, and then plot them up on a graph. The graph is not the issue, I just need to edit those two columns and plot them. The file does have a header row, there are 8 …

Member Avatar for Beat_Slayer
Member Avatar for Roger101

I have a series of data (x,y) as below. I want to use this data to create a bell curve (normal distribution) with perl. How can I do this? x y 1 2 2 50 3 40 4 300 5 70 6 80 7 8 8 10 9 25 10 …

Member Avatar for d5e5
Member Avatar for poolz50

Dear c# Community, I am seeking general advice from those with more experience. My problem is this: I have written c# code that computes several X,Y data sets. I now wish to plot these as a scatter graph. Nothing fancy, just simple plots that pop up at the end of …

Member Avatar for nfrmn

Hi all, I'm developing a graphing application that plots several lines from a protein sequencer that outputs its values in .csv format. I've read the csv into a DataGridView just fine, which is laid out like this: Cycle | A1 | A2 | A3 (all the way up to A12, …

Member Avatar for sbrohee

Dear all, I am completely lost and I don't see at all my mistake! I thought this would be a very easy step in the building of my classes. Thanks a lot for your help! In the context of graph theory, I have a class Node. As attribute of this …

Member Avatar for sbrohee
Member Avatar for sbrohee

Hi all, I have a more philosophical question which I think might help me to better understand the interest of pointers in C++. Indeed, my background is mainly Perl and a bit of Java. I am currently implementing (as an exercise and because I work in this field) a class …

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The End.