213 Topics

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Over the weekend, software development and collaboration tools specialist Atlassian suffered a security breach to an internal system, potentially exposing customer passwords. The reason? It forgot about an old legacy database which had not been taken offline. According to Atlassian spokesperson [URL="http://blogs.atlassian.com/news/2010/04/oh_man_what_a_day_an_update_on_our_security_breach.html"]Mike Cannon-Brookes[/URL] the company had migrated its customer database …

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Now there's a challenge for [URL="http://www.apple.com"]Apple[/URL] hardware fans who don't necessarily love the "upgraded" iPhone OS: Install Linux on it. It might be possible but the hard part is getting past the A4 processor. Is there a Linux kernel tweaked for it? Why would you want to run Linux on …

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[attach=right]14252[/attach]So after [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/news/story265727.html"]all the hype[/URL] you've got an iPad, I guess you'll be wanting to break it then? Jailbreak it, that is, so as to set it free from Apple imposed restrictions and allow you to install non-approved software. Jailbreaking is popular amongst iPhone users, and has been since soon …

Member Avatar for happygeek

The annual [URL="http://cansecwest.com/"]CanSecWest PWN2OWN[/URL] hacking contest has [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/news/story270028.html"]done it again[/URL] and provided us news types with the perfect headline writing opportunity as the Apple iPhone falls to the hackers in just 20 seconds. The hackers in question, Vincenzo Iozzo and Ralf Weinmann, picked up the prize of $15,000 and an …

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[ATTACH=right]14127[/ATTACH] [I]We can be Heroes For ever and ever What d'you say ~David Bowie, Heroes [/I] Yesterday afternoon I read with some surprise that [URL="http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/03/24/AR2010032401543.html"]domain registrar Go Daddy was following Google out of China[/URL]. It seems they had had quite enough of the Chinese government's restrictions, and like Google, decided …

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Member Avatar for GuyClapperton

There's a disturbing story kicking around the UK wires at the moment - young people are hacking into other people's computers purely for fun. Here's the [URL="http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/8574259.stm"]BBC's take on it[/URL]. I saw the PR person who organised the survey only last week and can confirm she's not a time waster, …

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A new survey has revealed that while 78 percent of them agree that it is wrong, a quarter of the kids asked admitted that hacking really is child's play. The survey of more than 1000 children discovered that the boy hacker stereotype no longer holds true, with 47 percent of …

Member Avatar for newsguy

If it were not bad enough that the Iowa Division of Homeland Security official website was hacked, defaced and forced to close down temporarily it appears that another Iowa state government resource was also compromised a few weeks before. At the end of January the Iowa Racing and Gaming Commission …

Member Avatar for crunchie
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Chip and PIN credit card attack leaves banks on shaky ground according to one analyst, although oddly enough the banks appear to disagree. Researchers at the University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory have revealed how the Chip and PIN credit card security system is flawed and left vulnerable to fraud. Steven …

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Responses (from another site) on my recent, "[URL="http://www.daniweb.com/news/story261566.html"]Security Alert: They Should Have Used Linux[/URL]" led me to explore the conclusion that hacking is really only for those seeking the low-hanging security fruit as their prey. These folks, who tout themselves as "Linux Experts" intrigued me so much with their comments …

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40 million people were without power in the eastern United States, more than 60 million cellphones were out of service, and Wall Street was closed for a week due to a terrorist cyberattack against the United States. No, it didn't really happen. But it could. Coverage of a simulated cyber …

Member Avatar for newsguy

According to a recent Kaspersky security research report, stolen [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/news/story237081.html"]Twitter accounts[/URL] are being sold on the black market for as much as $1000 a time. This really should not come as any great surprise given that the rapid [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/news/story231627.html"]evolution of social media[/URL] mirrors the rapid [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/news/story238033.html"]evolution of cybercrime[/URL]. The price …

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Member Avatar for happygeek

Three men have been arrested, and what is thought to be a training site for hackers closed down, as Chinese officials get tough in the wake of the [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/news/story252590.html"]Google Gmail human rights hacking scandal[/URL]. While China has something of a history of being [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry4434.html"]tough on political activists[/URL], online [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/news/story235672.html"]multi-player gaming[/URL] …

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It all kicked off last night with a [URL="http://hackersblog.org/2009/02/07/usakasperskycom-hacked-full-database-acces-sql-injection/"]posting to hacker board[/URL] claiming to have carried out a relatively simple SQL Injection attack on one the world's biggest and best known IT security companies: Kaspersky. The hacker, currently only know as 'unu' claims that the SQL Injection attack on usa.kaspersky.com …

Member Avatar for rayeesmkrayees
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Everything works great. But sometimes I get an Error message saying something about ip/port bindings. I don't have the traceback but this could cause problems down the road. Any suggestions? [code] #Backdoor Server #Version 0.3.0 #Every now and the I get an Error dealing with the ip/port bindings # seems …

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Member Avatar for happygeek

In an [URL="http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/2010/jan/24/computer-security-crime-anonymous-datasets"]interview[/URL] with The Observer newspaper, Dr Ian Brown from the Oxford Internet Institute who is writing a report on anonymous datasets for the European Commission warns that "criminals could identify individuals through mobile phone data and use the information to track people's movements and find out when they …

Member Avatar for DeAnonym
Member Avatar for happygeek

Yesterday [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry3943.html"]I reported[/URL] how the security vendor Kaspersky had allegedly fallen victim to a SQL Injection attack, with the usa.kaspersky.com website hacked and plenty of data potentially exposed. I said that Kaspersky would no doubt make an official statement sooner rather than later, and it has. Unfortunately it is one …

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Member Avatar for happygeek

No sooner had the news of the untimely [URL="http://www.itpro.co.uk/blogs/daveyw/2009/06/28/that-michael-jackson-effect/"]death of Michael Jackson[/URL] hit the Internet than the vultures started circling. For once it was not the gossip columnists and tabloid journalists digging up the dirt, but rather spammers and hackers looking to exploit a golden opportunity to distribute their wares …

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Member Avatar for happygeek

Some might argue that it has been a bad year for encryption. After all, just as the last decade was ending came reports that the algorithm that is used to encrypt GSM mobile phone calls (as used by some 4 billion people around the world) had been cracked wide open. …

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Member Avatar for happygeek

Google has signalled, in the strongest possible manner, that it will be pulling out of China unless something is done to address censorship of searches. It has also accused China of launching a "highly sophisticated and targeted attack" on the Google corporate infrastructure, along with another twenty large companies from …

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File under FAIL: social network widget maker RockYou has fallen victim to a SQL injection flaw and as a result some 32.6 million users are being urged to change their passwords as a matter of urgency. Security specialists Imperva discovered the problem at social networking development site Rockyou.com and issued …

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Member Avatar for hapizi84

I Found a problem on my site and when i compare the files on the server with my local files i found that every page (*.js or *.php) has this line on it <?php /**/eval(base64_decode('aWYoZnVuY3Rpb25fZXhpc3RzKC or a javascript line so i knew that my site has been hacked.. so 1 …

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Member Avatar for EddieC

If you're yearning to break free from Apple-sanctioned iPhone carrier AT&T (and you don't mind trading your warranty for the privilege), then reach out and touch George Hotz. The iPhone hacker yesterday posted a [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g23e9e9zOVI&feature=player_embedded]video showing an iPhone call on T-Mobile[/url], and Wednesday is expected to post the code that …

Member Avatar for happygeek

Just when it looked like every avenue to prevent the extradition of self-confessed NASA Hacker Gary McKinnon had been exhausted, especially when just last week a couple of High Court judges denied him leave to appeal his case to the highest court in the UK, it looks like the [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry3877.html"]hacking …

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Jon Lech Johansen is perhaps best known as DVD Jon, the chap who cracked DVD movie encryption at the tender age of just 15. He may soon have to adopt a new nickname, how about iTunes Jon, as he releases software that takes iTunes out of the iPod music equation. …

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Member Avatar for happygeek

Gary McKinnon is either a UFO-obsessed nerd who happens to suffer from a form of autism, or a fugitive from justice who was responsible for the biggest military hack of all time. The description varies depending upon whether you are a balanced individual with no axe to grind or the …

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Member Avatar for GuyClapperton

There has been a lot of comment in the past on Gary McKinnon and his hacking into US military computers. Readers might understand that some of the comment in the UK has been about how he should have been tried over here, there's no need to extradite him and if …

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There are two things you can be sure of about the annual Las Vegas Black Hat security conference: nobody will use the free wifi as they are all too [URL="http://www.itwire.com/content/view/19935/53/"]worried about being hacked[/URL], and someone will demonstrate an exploit that will scare the living bejesus out of you. The latter …

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The High Court in the UK will this Friday decide if an appeal against the Home Office backed decision to extradite Gary McKinnon on hacking charges to the US is to be upheld or, as seems likely, not. McKinnon has been accused of what US prosecutors refer to the [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry2863.html"]biggest …

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With the [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry4487.html"]iPhone 3GS[/URL] slowly coming back into stock after [URL="http://www.itpro.co.uk/blogs/daveyw/2009/06/30/o2-runs-out-of-iphone-3gs/"]selling out[/URL] during the first week of release, there is more good news for potential buyers: the 3GS has been jailbroken. Yes, 19 year old George Hotz who you might remember shot to hacking fame a couple of years back …

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The End.