344 Topics

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Member Avatar for simplyflawless

Write a method that computes future investment value at a given interest rate for a specified number of years. Use the following method header: public static double futureInvestmentValue(double investmentAmount, double monthlyInterestRate, int years) For example, futureInvestmentValue(10000, 0.05/12,5) returns 12833.590. Write a test program that prompts the user to enter the …

Member Avatar for javaAddict
Member Avatar for simplyflawless

hey guys, i have to do this program and i'm having trouble: Write a program that lets the user enter the loan amount and loan period in number of years and displays the monthly and total payments for each interest rate starting from 5% to 8%, with an increment of …

Member Avatar for simplyflawless
Member Avatar for pateldeep454

Assignment: One way to calculate ex is to use the infinite series expansion ex = 1 + x + x2/2! + x3/3! + x4/4! + ... If the loop variable is named i, then the ith term is equal to xi/i!. a. Write a method called myexp that adds up …

Member Avatar for pateldeep454
Member Avatar for fabio533

I Got 2 tables: 'Standby' and 'Usage' [COLOR="Red"]Standby[/COLOR] Table got this fields: [COLOR="Red"]PartNº[/COLOR] (equipment id); [COLOR="Red"]Area [/COLOR](physical location); [COLOR="Red"]Stock1[/COLOR] (Nº Total of equipments); [COLOR="Red"]Usage[/COLOR] table got this fields: [COLOR="Red"]Quant_Used[/COLOR] (The times that the equipement is taken from Standby); [COLOR="Red"]Quant_Received[/COLOR] (The times that the equipement is restored to Standby); [COLOR="Red"]PartNº[/COLOR] (foreign …

Member Avatar for shriram143
Member Avatar for mjdodd
Member Avatar for bhp2005

Hi, I have this homework problem that I need some help on: In 3D: Given 2 links attached end to end with lengths L0 and L1 respectively, a point P0 that the first link starts at, and a point P1 that you want the end of the 2nd link to …

Member Avatar for jonsca
Member Avatar for camigirl4k3

Now...when done. the output should look like this: >>> main() Welcome to the game of BULLS and COWS. The objective in this game is for you to guess a 4-digit number The computer responds with how close your guess is to the target BULLS = # common digits with exact …

Member Avatar for Tech B
Member Avatar for ppl154

i need some help on my pi approximation it's really slow. compile it and see for your self. i think my problem is with my math. it comes out with the wrong first few numbers. i'm trying to use gregory's formula or the advanced version of it.[CODE]#include <iostream> #include <conio.h> …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for ne0_komodo

Okay friends this is actually my school work. My teacher asked me to make a diamond asteriks. I just try and with my code [CODE] #include<iostream> using namespace std; int main() { char b='*'; for(int i=10;i>0;i--) { for(int j=0;j<i;j++) { cout<<" "; } for(int c=10;c>i;c--) { cout<<b; } for(int a=10;a>i;a--) …

Member Avatar for ne0_komodo
Member Avatar for Conielo

Hello, I am a complete beginner at Java and I'm having a problem with something I don't understand at all. I'm trying to complete some homework in which I need to finnish off writing a small program which reads a text file and checks brackets in the file. Basically, it …

Member Avatar for Conielo
Member Avatar for puhzl

Hi, So I am currently working on a homework assignment for my data structures class, basically C++, and I am having some troubles converting a working c++ program to use a template. [code] #include <iostream> using namespace std; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* */ /* SECTION: DECLARATIONS */ /* */ /* …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for Peppermaud

Here is the Homework question... This is another project involving static methods and arrays. Once again, static methods are covered in the text in Chapter 5. Methods with arrays as parameters are covered in Chapter 6 sections 4 and 5. (This applies to editions 6 and 7.) 1. Write a …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for DuffManLight

Trying to learn recursion. Problem asks to use recursion on non-negative number to insert commas. Ex: 20131 as 20,131. My program adds in an extra comma at end. Any help in pushing me in the correct direction to fix this would be appreciated. Tried to use a 'count' to determine …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for faaz

I have this homework assignment that i need help with and below is the code that i have so far. any help would be appreciated. thank you. Write a program that tells what coins to give out for any amount of change from 1 cent to 99 cents. For example, …

Member Avatar for restrictment
Member Avatar for sonai4u

Hi, I need one of my assignments to be done in C or C+. Need someone who can do the assignment for it. Need it urgently..need the assignment done by sunday. Will pay money for doing the assignment. Please email me immediately <<Email Snipped>> thanks Raj

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for Zaelis

Ive been working on a Game of Life simulator in C for my programming class. Essentially, it needs to take a single line of input and print out a nice grid of x's and o's (representing live cells and dead cells, respectively). I need to input the grid size, the …

Member Avatar for erantivanisha
Member Avatar for MJaske

Hey guys, I'm almost done with my homework assignment in an intro c++ class. My assignment found here: http://faculty.cs.niu.edu/~byrnes/csci240/pgms/240pgm2.htm My problem is with the output of the roots. If you run my program with the same numbers as sample output #2 in the assignment, I only get one root to …

Member Avatar for MJaske
Member Avatar for smbee

I am new to C programs. I have tried to write the code for game of life. I started with just the first part. But its still not done. There are some errors. could you please point out where I am wrong? [code] #include<stdio.h> #include<stdio.h> #define NUM_ROWS 100 #define NUM_COLS …

Member Avatar for smbee
Member Avatar for dh_30

hi', could help me how to solv this problem: Write a program that reads a list of names and telephone numbers from a text file and inserts them into an AVL tree. Once the tree has been built, present the user with a menu that allows him or her to …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for destroyed

Hey everyone.I am doing bachelors in software engineering and now am in my final year.and need a good idea for my final year degree project.so any good idea.....please do write in detail....waiting for a positive reply

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for gangster88

I need to have 4 functions which asks the user how many times to flip the coin and then displays the number of heads and the number of tails as a decimal? [code] def getInputs(): times=input("please enter the number of times the coin should be flipped: ") def simulateFlips(): for …

Member Avatar for charlottetemp
Member Avatar for IT seeker

1.write a progrm to initilize the integer, double and character type values in an array and then print their values on the sacreen? 2. write a program to calculate the average of n number&then compute the deviation of each number about the average 3.write a program to multiply a 5 …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for uzair ahmad

Hello, I have a problem of with game of life source code in C. I need a source code for game of life in C programming language Kindly send me a source code so that i can check my own source code.

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for xzero_x

Write a program that will correct a C++ program that has errors in which operator, << or >>, it uses with cin and cout. The program replaces each (incorrect) occurrence of cin<< With the corrected version cin>> And each (incorrect) occurrence of cout>> With the corrected version cout<< For an …

Member Avatar for SgtMe
Member Avatar for Kingfahad

Write a program that allows the user to enter a start time and a future time. Include a function named ComputeDifference that takes the six variables that represent the start time and future time.Your function should return, as an int, the time.

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for balloonbob

Hello, need help programming a blackjack game for my computer science class. I have used a cirularlinkedlist to create this game. I have received a null pointer exception error. I think it has to do with my circularlinkedlist class. import java.util.NoSuchElementException; public class CircularLinkedList { private ListNode last; public CircularLinkedList(){ …

Member Avatar for mellowmike
Member Avatar for gangster88

I need the function to be able to walk in all four directions with equal probabbility and return the distance away from the starting point. The function below only takes steps forwards and backwards? [code] def main(): numWalks, numSteps = getInputs() averageSteps = takeWalks(numWalks, numSteps) printExpectedDistance(averageSteps) def getInputs(): numWalks = …

Member Avatar for thecheesewheel
Member Avatar for gangster88

i am a bit stuck on this, i need to call the first 2 functions for the output in the 3rd one. The user has to should be able to continue until they want to stop converting and they should be asked on which way the conversion is to be …

Member Avatar for sneekula
Member Avatar for gangster88

how could i double a number when clicked on in the graphics window?... this is for graphics.py and a line separating the two sides in the graphics window and on each click on either side it must go up by 2 until 12? i can only think of using a …

Member Avatar for jaison2
Member Avatar for gangster88

how could i call the above function so that when i input something like 21 for the mark the ouput is "the grade is A", and when the user inputs something more than 25 and less than 0 hes asked to input it again..? [code] def mark2Grade(mark): if mark >=20: …

Member Avatar for gangster88

The End.