Android : Multiple Clickable Imageview Programming Mobile Development by mln_ndh …'ve tried this coding where when I clicked on the imageview it will change to another image. And it's working… perfectly. But I have 10 imageview. And every time each of the image being click it…. Is there any simpler code to be use on 10 imageview? How can I do it? Thanks :) package com.example.subtraction… How to multiple imageView rotate to center point of other imageView Programming Mobile Development by Khoo …, and I decided to create multiple imageView and rotate to the center point of other imageView. Such that the Earth always orbit… the sun, but in this case we have multiple imageView, so we have multiple planets orbit the sun. The sun… the center of sun. So far I can rotate the imageView by itself only, but not the center of the sun… Android imageview animation Programming Mobile Development by bettybarnes …objects); iv.add((ImageView) findViewById(; iv.add((ImageView) findViewById(; iv.add((ImageView) findViewById(R.…id.txtStage4_object3)); iv.add((ImageView) findViewById(R.… Android Change Imageview with Button Click Programming Mobile Development by MaheshKale ….maya.maya.MainActivity" > <ImageView android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="…View.OnClickListener() { public void onClick(View v) { ImageView iv =(ImageView)this.findViewById( int i = 0… minify imageview setonmouseclicked code Programming Software Development by Vin vin … my code in here, I am giving each 23 total imageview a eventhandler. code works, but I like to make the…; inside the handle method. my goal is, that a specific imageview, that has for example ".get(3)", that needs… to print out 3. so if the imageview have a .get(i), it needs to print out the… [Android] decodeByteArray returns null; byte[] to imageView convertation Programming Mobile Development by jakubee ….DEFAULT); Bitmap decodedByte = BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray(decodedString, 0, decodedString.length); ImageView image = (ImageView) findViewById(; image.setImageBitmap(decodedByte); map.put("… How to draw or erase on a photo loaded onto a Imageview? Programming Mobile Development by imso … paint/censor unwanted parts of a photo displayed on a imageview before uploading it to a server in the edited format…/file/d/0B2rvGRbu0A83LU1pQjRicnNFS0U/view)? Thanks for any help rendered! idImage = (ImageView)findViewById(; Bitmap bitmap = null; bitmap = ImageLoader.init… androidx imageview is not working on android lollipop Programming Mobile Development by Saboor880 … on android 5/lollipop. I am pasting my code of imageview. Kindly guide me what i can do to solve it…. Folloiwng is my xml for imageView <androidx.appcompat.widget.AppCompatImageView android:id="@+id/imv… Re: minify imageview setonmouseclicked code Programming Software Development by Reverend Jim What you posted is not fully tested, reusable code. What you posted is a question which clearly falls under the default category of "discussion/question". When you created this thread, right above the area where you pasted your code was: >DO NOT post code with errors or known bugs. Code snippets must be fully tested, reusable … Re: minify imageview setonmouseclicked code Programming Software Development by JamesCherrill You could use an ordinary inner class instead of the anonymous event handlers, and pass `i` to the constructor. Something like class MyHandler extends Eventhandler { int i; MyHandler(int i) { this.i = i;} @Override public void handle(MouseEvent event) { UI_SelectionMenu.selectedTile = i;… Re: minify imageview setonmouseclicked code Programming Software Development by JamesCherrill > eventhandler is a interface, so I had to implement instead of extends That's right. Sorry about that. I'm still on Swing, so my JavaFX is a bit patchy. I just typed that code on my iPad so had no chance to run it through te compiler. Still, glad it helped :)) JC ps: Please mark this "solved" if you are happy with the … Re: minify imageview setonmouseclicked code Programming Software Development by JamesCherrill Hre's another approach that IMHO is much cleaner... use the `id` property that's inherited by every JavaFX node. When creating the controls set their id property to the index i In the event handler get the node from the MouseEvent and get its id Now you can use a single event handler, and all the info is kept in the JavaFX control where it … Re: How to draw or erase on a photo loaded onto a Imageview? Programming Mobile Development by imso bump My images are being cropped from the bottom Programming Mobile Development by Aziz_2 … android:orientation="horizontal"> <ImageView android:id="@+id/a7" android:layout_width…android:orientation="horizontal"> <ImageView android:id="@+id/a5" android:layout_width… Android Native - Load Images with Coil Programming Mobile Development by dimitrilc …id.button) 2. Then, get the ImageView reference. val imageView = findViewById<ImageView>( 3. Finally, bind the Button …findViewById<Button>( val imageView = findViewById<ImageView>( button.setOnClickListener { when(Random.nextInt(0,… Android Native - Take a Picture with ActivityResult API Programming Mobile Development by dimitrilc … //gets the Button object val imageView = findViewById<ImageView>( //gets the ImageView object 3. Then, we call… //gets the Button object val imageView = findViewById<ImageView>( //gets the ImageView object //Creates the ActivityResultLauncher val … Android Native - How to use MotionLayout Programming Mobile Development by dimitrilc …quot;> <Constraint android:id="@+id/imageView" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:…context=".MainActivity"> <ImageView android:id="@+id/imageView" android:layout_width="wrap_content"… displaying a full screen image from grid view Programming Mobile Development by ef32 imageView = new ImageView(mContext); imageView.setLayoutParams(new GridView.LayoutParams(85, 85)); imageView.setScaleType(ImageView.ScaleType.CENTER_CROP); imageView.setPadding(8, 8, 8, 8); } else { imageView = (ImageView) convertView; } imageView Android Java: What makes my game crash? Programming Software Development by Sinisa_1 ….widget.AbsoluteLayout; import android.widget.ImageButton; import android.widget.ImageView; import static java.lang.Math.random; public class MainActivity …0px" tools:layout_editor_absoluteY="0px"> <ImageView android:id="@+id/board" android:layout_width="… Android Programming Transition. Programming by Cory_3 …lion}; int current = 0; private ImageView imageView; private Button previousButton, nextButton; @Override…onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.activity_main); imageView = (ImageView) findViewById(; previousButton = (Button) findViewById(R… Android Native - How to load Album Art thumbnails Programming Mobile Development by dimitrilc …) 2. Obtains a reference to the ImageView. val imageView = findViewById<ImageView>( 3. The …findViewById<Button>( val imageView = findViewById<ImageView>( val permissionResultLauncher = registerForActivityResult… Android application forcefully closed in portrait mode, but runs well in la Programming Mobile Development by baig772 …(new Intent(Kalma2.this,Kalma1.class)); } }); ImageView next2 = (ImageView)findViewById(; next2.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener()…(new Intent(Kalma2.this,Kalma3.class)); } }); ImageView pause = (ImageView)findViewById(; pause.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener()… SearchView is not filtering the gridview in fragment Programming Mobile Development by Saboor880 …, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) { ImageView imageView; TextView txt; LayoutInflater inflater = (… imageView.requestLayout(); imageView.setScaleType(ImageView.ScaleType.CENTER_CROP); imageView.setPadding(8, 8, 8, 8); imageView.… how to pass Image through intent? Programming Software Development by Android_2 …quot;);; } public void setImage(ImageView img ){ this.img=img; } protected…TextView)findViewById(; ImageView img=(ImageView)findViewById(; … Re: Android Native - How to use MotionLayout Programming Mobile Development by peter_budo Good article, but I would suggest to rename some of `imageView`as it is not good practice to have multiple of same name in the the project ;) Android Native - Animate View Along Path - Part 1 Programming Mobile Development by dimitrilc …layout_constraintStart_toStartOf="parent" /> <ImageView android:id="@+id/cloud" android…="parent" /> <ImageView android:id="@+id/sun" android… Android Image Views Programming Mobile Development by millroy … code: public class CompassAct extends Activity { ImageView a=new ImageView(this); public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) …layout gets displayed if i remove constructor from Imageview } @Override public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu)… trick to insert 3 flags in a row in about each in 150dp x 100dp WxH Programming Mobile Development by lse123 …// inflate guess_button.xml to create new Button ImageView newGuessButton = (ImageView) inflater.inflate(R.layout.guess_flag, null); newGuessButton… method loadNextFlag private void setFlag(String nextImageName, ImageView newGuessButton) { // extract the region from the… two android applications connected with TCP protocol Programming Mobile Development by DanyLiz1902 … { switch (msg.what) { case MSG_ID: ImageView tv = (ImageView) findViewById(; tv.setImageBitmap(bitmap); break…(); } } public void getBytes() throws IOException{ ImageView iv=(ImageView)findViewById(; //convert the image to… Re: Android application forcefully closed in portrait mode, but runs well in la Programming Mobile Development by baig772 Solved it ImageView play = (ImageView)findViewById(; play.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() { my Kalma2.xml did not contain any id image with id "play2". Now its running fine