RayCasting: why i get a more width vertical lines on square grid size? Programming Software Development by cambalinho … same bug): Private Function GetPositionMap(ByVal Position As Double) As Integer Return fix(Position / ObjectSize) End Function Private Sub DrawRays() Dim… Re: RayCasting: why i get a more width vertical lines on square grid size? Programming Software Development by rproffitt When I work such an issue I set the breakpoint where the trouble is and examine variables. There's some variable that controls the output so that's what you look at. You've posted a lot about ray-tracing and that's all good but setting breakpoints to see what's going on seems to be the challenge. Re: RayCasting: why i get a more width vertical lines on square grid size? Programming Software Development by cambalinho debug print line height: Line Height : 1452 Line Height : 1441 Line Height : 1430 Line Height : 1419 Line Height : 1407 Line Height : 1397 Line Height : 1386 Line Height : 1375 Line Height : 1364 Line Height : 1353 Line Height : 1342 Line Height : 1331 Line Height : 1321… Re: RayCasting: why i get a more width vertical lines on square grid size? Programming Software Development by cambalinho i can see: 1 - maybe some are too much height(but they are converted to 300 of max); 2 - on some they are repeated... and maybe the problem is there... i can save the previous Height for test the actual Height.... but i see a problem: if i avoid them, i can lose some height, unless i continue add angle and don't count the rays ;) ... but maybe i… Re: RayCasting: why i get a more width vertical lines on square grid size? Programming Software Development by cambalinho will be rounded numbers problem or something? yes i'm testing more, but no success :( Re: RayCasting: why i get a more width vertical lines on square grid size? Programming Software Development by cambalinho maybe you have right... but, for now, i don't understand why and where i'm fail :( i'm learning from: https://permadi.com/1996/05/ray-casting-tutorial-table-of-contents/ theres several tutorials, but not all are so good :( Re: RayCasting: why i get a more width vertical lines on square grid size? Programming Software Development by cambalinho yes i must test more... and, like you see, that vertical bar have another color.... that means the code problem can be here: 'Get the horizontal Ray Distance: HorizDist = Math.Abs((player.PosX - HorizX) / Math.Cos(RayRadians)) 'Get the vertical Ray Distance: VertDist = Math.Abs((Player.PosX - VertX) … Re: RayCasting: why i get a more width vertical lines on square grid size? Programming Software Development by m_624 In RayCasting, you may observe wider vertical lines on a square grid due to the nature of the algorithm. This phenomenon occurs because the vertical lines represent intersections of rays with grid cells, and depending on the angle and distance of the rays, they may intersect multiple grid cells horizontally, resulting in wider lines compared to the… Re: RayCasting: why i get a more width vertical lines on square grid size? Programming Software Development by cambalinho what make me more crazy is that i'm using a code, converted and works, from VB6 lol integer array class Programming Software Development by saqib_604 … cout<<endl; system("pause"); } integer::integer() { for(int i = 0; i <…i = 0; i < 10; i++) { integer temp; } } integer integer:: getArray() // getter for array elements { // here … Integer to hexdecimal Coversion!! Programming Software Development by Software guy …is how can i convert an Decimal integer into Hexadecimal integer and not in Hexadecimal string. I have…if there is a class which converts decimal integer into Hexadecimal integer , or any other method which i can….print("\nThe conversion of integer in hex is: "+(Integer.toHexString(x))); /******Integer.toHexString(x) gives Hex String… Re: integer array class Programming Software Development by aradicev Hi, this is the simplest and fastest way: declaration: [CODE=c++]int* getArray(); // getter for array elements[/CODE] implementation: [CODE=c++] int* integer:: getArray() // getter for array elements { return array; } [/CODE] Re: integer array class Programming Software Development by mrnutty … code : [code] int * a = {1,2,3,4,5}; Integer num = Integer(a,5); num >>(a) [/code] which to me… Re: Integer to hexdecimal Coversion!! Programming Software Development by Ezzaral Use [URL="http://java.sun.com/javase/6/docs/api/java/lang/Integer.html#parseInt(java.lang.String,%20int)"]Integer.parseInt(java.lang.String,int)[/URL] with a radix of 16 if you need to convert the hex string back to an int. Integer To String Programming Software Development by Asskilled21 …Code I Come Up: Private Function Integer_To_String(ByVal Number As Integer, ByVal Chars As List(Of String)) As String Dim …Character_String As New List(Of Integer) Dim Character_Count As Integer = Chars.Count Dim Left As Integer = Number Dim Str As String = … Integer wrapper class Programming Software Development by solomon_13000 …{ public static void main(String[] args){ Integer i1 = 2001; Integer i2 = 2001; System.out.println((i1…; " + (i1.equals(i2))); Integer i3 = 21; Integer i4 = new Integer(21); System.out.println((i3==i4) …" " + (i3.equals(i4))); Integer i5 = 21; Integer i6 = 21; System.out.println((i5==i6)… Re: Integer To String Programming Software Development by Asskilled21 … well. **=========================================================** 'In my code which make the integer to string 'No matter what input you put in… the Integer of the Integer To String 'There is no way you …Integer_To_String* or (a as the first letter and the integer you input in the *Integer_To_String* is greater than … Integer Stack Copy Function Programming Software Development by SHWOO …!= NULL); newNode->number = newNumber; //new integer stored in newNode newNode->link = stackTop; //isert…case 1: cout << "Enter an integer to add to the stack: "; cin >&…void push(int ); //Funtion to add an integer to the stack. //Precondition: The stack exists … integer.parse Programming Software Development by Duki ….1 Const RENTAL_RATE As Double = 1.8 Dim totSales As Integer Dim totIncome As Double Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As… System.EventArgs) Handles calculateButton.Click Dim custID As Integer Dim noMovies As Integer Dim price As Double Dim discount As Double Dim… Integer Value! Programming Software Development by megan-smith … that part of it asks for an integer input. then if the value entered is not… an integer, it should print an error message. If … no idea how to distinguish between an integer and a non-integer value. I have nothing to post here…did not work), was the max value for an integer and float, but it turned out to be crap!… integer division! oh the fun :-) Programming Software Development by chris5126 … this short and sweet. Trying to do integer devision to *decimial places but i dont think… 1 2 |\ tail -1 | awk '{print $2}'` integer oBytes=`kstat -p -c net -n $Interface -s obytes64… tail -1 | awk '{print $2}'` integer read=$(($rBytes/1000000)) integer write=$(($oBytes/1000000)) k=k+1 echo "… Re: integer array to arraylist Programming Software Development by Taywin … order to add it into the array list Integer aInt = new Integer(an_integer_value); Now talking about index, it could be a portion… you create a method private int getInsertedIndex(ArrayList<Integer> arr, Integer val) { // implement the search for a proper index inside… Re: Integer Value! Programming Software Development by megan-smith …...\n"); printf("Enter a minimum bound (any integer):"); min = GetIntInput(INT_MIN, INT_MAX); printf("Enter…// This function must also check that the user enters integer data, // and issue an error message and re-…mistake. int val; printf("Please enter an integer:\n"); if (val!= // if it's not… Re: integer division! oh the fun :-) Programming Software Development by chris5126 …cat $Interfaces | sed -n $k"p"` integer rBytes=`kstat -p -c net -n $Interface -s …awk '{print $2}'` awk '{print $rBytes / 100000}'END integer oBytes=`kstat -p -c net -n $Interface -s obytes64 …tail -1 | awk '{print $2}'` #integer read=$(($rBytes/1000000)) #integer write=$(($oBytes/1000000)) k=k+1 echo "… Re: Integer assignments Programming Software Development by DEATHMASTER …gt; first = input("Enter a starting integer: ") # Enter a starting integer: 8 # >>> 8 # …(n[x]), odd first = input("Enter a starting integer: ") first = first - 1 last = input(&… last + 1 linePrinting() n = [] for integer in range(first,last): n.append(integer) if dOdd(a) == True: odd = … Re: Integer assignments Programming Software Development by snippsat … = int(input("Enter a starting integer: ")) # we make it return a integer first = first - 1 last = …int(input("Enter an ending integer: ")) # we make it return a integer last = last + 1 print (first)…given it 0 n = [] for integer in range(first,last): n.append(integer) # here you making a list if… Re: Integer assignments Programming Software Development by snippsat …. [CODE]n_odd = [] n_even = [] first = int(input("Enter a starting integer: ")) #input 2 last = int(input("Enter an ending… integer: ")) #input 8 for integer in range(first, last): if integer % 2 == 1: n_odd.append(integer) else: n_even.append(integer) print(n_odd… Re: Integer wrapper class Programming Software Development by JamesCherrill … range of values for which Java uses a pre-cached Integer is -128 to +127, but you can use the java….lang.Integer.IntegerCache.high property to increase the size of this cache. Re: Integer To String Programming Software Development by Asskilled21 ddanbe I'm trying to create my own character set. It's like number to letter. Not making the integer to string. My mistake. Re: Integer To String Programming Software Development by Asskilled21 … two of them starts.* they are different because when the **INTEGER** is greater than the characters in the list it will…