Re: jtable Programming Software Development by mKorbel JTable knows JComboBox as Renderer or Editor too, better would be read tutorial that contains [URL=""]JComboBox in JTable[/URL] Jtable row Programming Software Development by Majestics Jtable insert new inserted row at the top.... I want the new inserted row below. Problem 10 james microsoft c.e.o 9 peter linux mgr requirement 9 peter linux mgr 10 james microsoft c.e.o Re: Jtable row Programming Software Development by mKorbel Jtable insert new inserted row at the top I never ever see that Re: Jtable row Programming Software Development by mKorbel JTable is really my favorite JComponents(JComboBox and JButton too, but...), let's talking about that, but without your code is only on the Academic level :-) JTable help! Programming Software Development by indienick … I'm using: [code] /* Packages listed in a JTable */ Object[] columnNames = {"Package", "Version… data[row][1] = pkg.getPackageVersion(); row++; } JTable table = new JTable(data, columnNames); table.setAutoResizeMode(4); table.setSize(windowSize… Re: JTABLE... Programming Software Development by musthafa.aj … //tabModel.setDataVector(rows,columns); table = new JTable(model); scrollPane= new JScrollPane(table);//ScrollPane table.…actionPerformed(ActionEvent source) { addRow(); }*///ActionList private void setImageObserver(JTable table) { TableModel model = table.getModel(); int colCount … JTable Help!! Programming Software Development by Umar Ali … need help with adding new row in a JTable. I have created the JTable using Netbeans IDE under Swing Controls. Then I… and every way to put the columns and data in JTable (labeled as FlightInformation in my code), but it never worked… just because of this problem. And I need to use JTable at multiple places, so it's very important for me… Re: JTABLE... Programming Software Development by javaAddict … CustomFrame extends JFrame { private RecordShow ctm = null; private JTable table = null; private JScrollPane scrollPane = null; private JPanel…components ctm = new RecordShow(columnNames, data); table = new JTable(ctm); scrollPane= new JScrollPane(table);//ScrollPane mainPanel=new JPanel();… Re: JTable Help!! Programming Software Development by Stefano Mtangoo …;…][/url] [url]…/InsertRows.shtml[/url] [url][/url] Re: JTable Help!! Programming Software Development by Umar Ali …;…][/url] [url]…/InsertRows.shtml[/url] [url][/url][/QUOTE] Man!! I tried these but… Re: JTable Help!! Programming Software Development by Umar Ali … JTableComponent(); } public JTableComponent() { JFrame frame = new JFrame("Creating JTable Component Example!"); JPanel panel = new JPanel(); MyDB db= new…{"Name","Course","Grade"}; JTable table = new JTable(dataValues, colNames); panel.add(table,BorderLayout.CENTER); this.… Re: jtable Programming Software Development by kusumadas …for why reason(s) you needed that, in the JTable is there by default JLabel, on CellEdit is there JTextField…[/QUOTE] ------------------------------ Its Simple jtable only with 4 columns Above the jtable there is 1 textfield for that textfield…that i want to call in 0 column of the jtable for column 1 & 2 i have setted … Re: Jtable Programming Software Development by Ezzaral … is a cell that spans all of the columns. The JTable just isn't put together that way. It may be… TableColumnModel (which may or may not require further extension of JTable and JTableHeader, but I am thinking it wouldn't), which… getting the desired effect if you must stick with a JTable. If you don't need the info on the blank… Re: JTABLE... Programming Software Development by musthafa.aj …JPanel; import javax.swing.JScrollPane; import javax.swing.JTable; import javax.swing.table.AbstractTableModel; public class …table RecordShow ctm = new RecordShow(columnNames, data); JTable table = new JTable(ctm); scrollPane= new JScrollPane(table);//ScrollPane mainPanel=new… Jtable Programming Software Development by kahilw I am trying to insert a jtable into another jtable is that possible. Please help Re: Jtable Programming Software Development by Ezzaral … that would be less troublesome. When embedding components into a JTable, there are many cases where you will have to make…. JButtons and click events as an example of this. The JTable will process these events for itself first and may not… Re: Jtable Programming Software Development by kahilw I am trying to insert a jtable into another jtable is that possible. Please help Re: JTable Programming Software Development by quuba … frame = new JFrame("Display File"); JTable table = new JTable();//Creating a new JTable List<String> columnData = new ArrayList<… Jtable Programming Software Development by musthafa.aj hello! i want to create jtable dynamically... i have two class one is add records to Data Base another one is show records list that were inserted... how do pass each records in JTable without replacing existing on... i need to grow the table every time the records success fully inserted... Re: Jtable Programming Software Development by javaAddict Use the method of JTable: setModel(TableModel dataModel). Create a DefaultTableModel object and pass that … the same instance as the one used to create the JTable JTABLE... Programming Software Development by musthafa.aj hello! i need to create JTable which swing string and animated gif image also... how to put animated gif and data(string) in Jtable cell dynamically... can you give any referel link or codes... i tried lot but vain... Re: JTABLE... Programming Software Development by javaAddict [QUOTE=musthafa.aj;1099970]hello! i need to create JTable which swing string and animated gif image also... how to …put animated gif and data(string) in Jtable cell dynamically... can you give any referel link or codes… Re: JTABLE... Programming Software Development by javaAddict … row // create table CustomTableModel ctm = new CustomTableModel(columnNames, data); JTable table = new JTable(ctm); [/CODE] And whenever you need to add a… Re: JTABLE... Programming Software Development by musthafa.aj … do change color of particular row in jtable... first i show all records in jtable ... after i process(read from it and… jtable Programming Software Development by kusumadas … help me... i want to set jtextfield value in jtable of particular column and also that jtextfield value will be … Re: jtable Programming Software Development by mKorbel You have to set for [URL=""]JTable#setAutoResizeMode[/URL], more is described in JTable's tutorial [URL=""]Setting and Changing Column Widths[/URL] Jtable Programming Software Development by Onlineshade … show at least 200 data in a jtable.But here is the limitation in Jtable to show at most 100 data.How… Re: Jtable Programming Software Development by SasseMan Can you be more specific? How do you setup your JTable? I'm pretty sure there is no limitation to how many rows a JTable can display. Re: JTable Programming Software Development by ebiz … FileNotFoundException { JFrame frame = new JFrame ("Match Results"); JTable table = new JTable(); List<String> columnData = new ArrayList<String… Re: jtable Programming Software Development by mKorbel for why reason(s) you needed that, in the JTable is there by default JLabel, on CellEdit is there JTextField