South Korea Uses Technology To Grow (Increasingly Green) Economy Community Center by Brian.oco …are leaning on technology to grow their economies. Take South Korea, for example. It's rise from a poverty stricken,… thanks to some high barriers to foreign competition. -- South Korea has 17.8% of the world's semiconductor capacity and… transcribe, Lee says the emphasis on technology in South Korea was no accident - that it's been the engine… Did the US military just hack North Korea? Hardware and Software Information Security by happygeek … Koreans, which have been jointly launched by South Korea and the United States. ![28f2a88054ead0da521c67c6964c43a1](/attachments/small/0… it is perhaps a little hypocritical that North Korea should be complaining about being the victim of state…back in 2011 The Economist magazine reported how North Korea had hired out 30 elite programmers to a … Re: Did the US military just hack North Korea? Hardware and Software Information Security by LastMitch >Did the US military just hack North Korea? I hope so. >Indeed, back in 2011 The Economist …magazine reported how North Korea had hired out 30 elite programmers to a criminal group… Re: S. Korea might be Microsoft Free! Community Center by avioknight …;state?" To some readers here, S. Korea is not a communist state. S. Korea also enforces copy right law in the… some readers do not know from N. and S. Korea. N. Korea is the communist state. I feel MS is a monopolistic… the switch to an open source platform. Japan, China, and Korea have decided to do this about two years ago, but… Re: Did the US military just hack North Korea? Hardware and Software Information Security by KRRahman I think nothing would happen in Korea Island. S. Korea might be Microsoft Free! Community Center by kc0arf … That is nothing new. What is new is that South Korea continues investigating, and Microsoft replied with a threat. "… from the Korean market, or delay offering new versions in Korea" Microsoft said in a U.S. regulatory filing.…. So, let's say that Microsoft decides to abandon Korea. Granted, I doubt they would be able to order … South Korea beats China, USA and UK in 2012 malware medal table Hardware and Software Information Security by happygeek …go, but according to a new report South Korea has the Chinese well and truly beaten as …where the USA and Great Britain are ahead of Korea in the medal tables currently, both America and…reveals that, for the first time ever, South Korea is top of the medal table when it comes …4% at 31.63%, the number in South Korea is a staggering 57.3% which is up … Re: S. Korea might be Microsoft Free! Community Center by rockergirl … out of any nation that decides to do what south Korea is doing. And while their at it design their servers… Re: S. Korea might be Microsoft Free! Community Center by rockergirl Regardless of the slip in calling South Korea a communist government. The fact that they CAN switch to … Re: S. Korea might be Microsoft Free! Community Center by Rmatheis … healthy for everybody if Microsoft pulls the Plug in South Korea . A) most of the Windows copies there are pirated anyways… A tale of sex and spyware in South Korea Hardware and Software Information Security by newsguy …[/URL] it seems that cyber-tension between North and South Korea is increasing of late. Not least thanks to allegations from… her way to military secrets all the time. "North Korea is the latest in this year's roll call of… Flashing Lights and a Connection to Korea Hardware and Software by Octet … to be a couple of random connections including several to Korea ( on port 27031... which kind of… Re: South Korea Uses Technology To Grow (Increasingly Green) Economy Community Center by stephen84s If I am not wrong Nokia is Finnish. Re: Did the US military just hack North Korea? Hardware and Software Information Security by omfgwtf please learn the difference between "its" and "it's" Re: Did the US military just hack North Korea? Hardware and Software Information Security by happygeek Yawn. Re: Did the US military just hack North Korea? Hardware and Software Information Security by omfgwtf Well done, I knew you could do it Re: Did the US military just hack North Korea? Hardware and Software Information Security by happygeek At least you got the capitalisation right on that one, but you still seem to be having trouble with the punctuation. Re: Did the US military just hack North Korea? Hardware and Software Information Security by Reverend Jim @happygeek - You missed an apostrophe? The horror. Obviously that totally invalidates all of the other content. Good thing there weren't further errors or I might have had to equate you to Hitler (because, as you know, some of Hitler's writings contained typos). Sorry. I accidentally turned on Fox News and it takes a while to detox. Re: Did the US military just hack North Korea? Hardware and Software Information Security by Reverend Jim Funny thing, I'm always confusing **it's** and **its** but only in verbal communication. Never in writing. Re: S. Korea might be Microsoft Free! Community Center by jwenting No, Microsoft is leaving the market instead of giving in to blackmail. Had I been Microsoft I'd have done that in Europe too, and immediately revoked all licenses issued to Euro government agencies. Most likely (giving the attitude in many Asian countries towards piracy) sales are already low there with 99% pirated versions in use so the loss in… Re: S. Korea might be Microsoft Free! Community Center by zeromancer I can't stand all you people that hate on Microsoft. They make amazing software that the world can't live without. Everyday companies are making the switch to Windows server instead of Linux. Linux admins have the highest job security because it's so damn difficult to do. If you're a windows admin on one network, you can be one on any network. try… Re: South Korea beats China, USA and UK in 2012 malware medal table Hardware and Software Information Security by NicAx64 We need this kind of olympiad events. Something like "Malicious Coder Olympiad". Sharing macilious code is not a crime, the policy/inetnsion to harm somebody or their property is the crime. Macilous code represents a genius idea/work. Re: South Korea beats China, USA and UK in 2012 malware medal table Hardware and Software Information Security by cqiz63 I have read the post. This is a good one. I like this. Thank you. Re: South Korea beats China, USA and UK in 2012 malware medal table Hardware and Software Information Security by dumiyajay good post thanks Re: South Korea beats China, USA and UK in 2012 malware medal table Hardware and Software Information Security by LastMitch This is funny ... LOL ... Nice Article Re: Flashing Lights and a Connection to Korea Hardware and Software by JorgeM So, i always look at these types of scenarios with a cost/benefit analysis. You have to consider the amount of time and energy with what you are trying to protect. What is the benefit of increasing security, monitoring, etc, and what does it cost you to implement such measures. Based on that info, implement an appropriate solution. Re: Flashing Lights and a Connection to Korea Hardware and Software by Octet Thanks JorgeM, Would I be correct in thinking it could be malicious software/recruitment into a botnet? Re: Flashing Lights and a Connection to Korea Hardware and Software by JorgeM Its definately possible. These random connections can also be a result of visiting a web site. As you may be aware, there are many scripts, ads, links on a typical site that require your browser to download data from all parts of the globe. however, there are definately concerns with connecting into certain countries that are known for malware.… Re: Flashing Lights and a Connection to Korea Hardware and Software by Octet Thanks JorgeM, I shall begin looking at implementing it now. Did Lizards, rather the US, just go cyber on Kim Jong-un? Hardware and Software Networking by happygeek …Networks, had noticed that the Internet infrastructure in North Korea started to suffer from denial-of-service attacks from…deeper]( and you will discover that Arbor …Chinese provider China Unicom. China has long supported North Korea politically, and to attack the regime could be …