Re: ‘Advanced AI should be treated similar to Weapons of Mass Destruction’ Community Center by Reverend Jim Based on the proliferation of AI generated content, and the age-old rule of garbage in, garbage out, what will be the result of AI models being trained on ever increasing amounts of content generated by other AI platforms? Will we get into a negative feedback loop where the output will become so polluted with bad input that it will be effectively … Re: ‘Advanced AI should be treated similar to Weapons of Mass Destruction’ Community Center by jwenting Even worse: the junk being deliberately fed to AIs is already at the stage where the results are useless BUT those results are blindly believed by many people BECAUSE they're generated by AI and therefore supposedly automatically correct! Think Google's disastrous launch of their image generator which would under no condition generate Caucasian … Comparing Fine-tuned and Default GPT-3.5 Turbo for Text Classification Programming Computer Science by usmanmalik57 …, negative, or neutral. Return only the sentiment value in small letters. tweet: {}""".format(tweet) sentiment =…, negative, or neutral. Return only the sentiment value in small letters. tweet: {}""".format(tweet) sentiment =… OpenAI GPT-4o vs Meta Llama 3 for Zero Shot Text Classifiation Programming Computer Science by usmanmalik57 …, negative, or neutral. Return only the sentiment value in small letters. tweet: {}""".format(tweet) sentiment =…, negative, or neutral. Return only the sentiment value in small letters. tweet: {}""".format(tweet) sentiment =… ‘Advanced AI should be treated similar to Weapons of Mass Destruction’ Community Center by Johannes C. **AI policy theorist Demetrius Floudas introduces a novel era classification for the AI epoch and reveals the hidden dangers of AGI, predicting the potential obsolescence of humanity. In retort, he proposes a provocative International Control Treaty.** ![header-agitalks-demetrius.jpg](… Claude 3 Opus Vs. Google Gemini Vs. GPT-4 for Zero-Shot Text Classification Programming Computer Science by usmanmalik57 … neutral. Return only the sentiment value in small letters. tweet: {}""".format(tweet) responses…neutral. Return only the sentiment value in small letters. tweet: {}""".format(tweet) …neutral. Return only the sentiment value in small letters. tweet: {}""".format(tweet) … % letters Programming Software Development by COKEDUDE Can you please give me a list of all of the % letters that go with int, floats, and doubles in printf and scanf. Letters, numbers and print numbers on the screen Programming Software Development by …signs and it counts, how many is capital letters, how many small letters, and how many remaining signs. It stops,…lt; endl; cout << " how many small letters, and how many remaining signs." << endl; …cout << endl << " Number of capital letters is: " << countercapital; cout << endl… Re: Letters, numbers and print numbers on the screen Programming Software Development by …lt; endl; cout << " how many small letters, and how many remaining signs." << endl; …endl << endl << " Number of small letters is: " << countersmall; cout << …endl << " Number of capital letters is: " << countercapital; cout << … Re: Letters, numbers and print numbers on the screen Programming Software Development by …lt; endl; cout << " how many small letters, and how many remaining signs." << endl; …endl << endl << " Number of small letters is: " << countersmall; cout << …endl << " Number of capital letters is: " << countercapital; cout << … letters to numbers.. numbers to letters Programming Software Development by alexa868 …... I want to write a program that transforms numbers into letters and letters into numbers... for example 20 would be transformed into… Letters apparition problem Programming Software Development by M00nDancer … end :(. The task was to count the alphabet's upper letters appearing in a given text and to print on the… screen all the alphabet's letters and the rate of appearing (how many times was that… Re: Letters apparition problem Programming Software Development by sidatra79 … end :(. The task was to count the alphabet's upper letters appearing in a given text and to print on the… screen all the alphabet's letters and the rate of appearing (how many times was that… Letters frequencies Programming Software Development by poloblue … difficulties with a program that deal getting the letters frequencies from an input text file. So far…; #ifndef LAB_19_HEAD_H #define LAB_19_HEAD_H /**************************************************************** This function gets letters frequencies from the input file. You need to implement this… Re: Letters apparition problem Programming Software Development by ArkM No need in strchr, islower etc for latin letters only. [code=cplusplus] void CountUppers(std::istream& is) { if (!… Re: Letters in a text file Programming Software Development by programtrav how would i find the top 5 most common letters in the file.And how to give the total number of occurences as well as the percentage of the total number of letters.Can you give code please. Letters in a text file Programming Software Development by vegaseat Where you ever curious what the most common letter is in a typical text file? Just another question to ask a friend. The answer is right here in this tiny code snippet. The program converts the text to all lower case letters, and then list them out alphabetically showing the frequency. Letters Soup Problem Programming Software Development by kunkunlol … a word search in a square with loads of other letters). So far now I have a letter (A-Z) randomizer… Letters in array Programming Software Development by kukuruku Hi I am trying to put letters in array ,before that I am converting capitals to lower … Re: % letters Programming Software Development by gerard4143 Try googling C format specifiers.. Re: % letters Programming Software Development by kvprajapati You must read [URL=""]Narue's[/URL] post about format specifiers in C. Re: % letters Programming Software Development by COKEDUDE [QUOTE=gerard4143;1128394]Try googling C format specifiers..[/QUOTE] Sorry I didn't know what the official terminology is of what I was looking for. Re: letters to numbers Programming Software Development by Kruptein hm okay, but in that case I have to make a difference between caps and lowercase letters,... but I will work with that. Matching Letters In An Array Programming Web Development by Joe34 …] Must be >= 0 $word - [String] Must contain letters from $a & $b. Letters can't be used twice. The Goal: Create… a word from those letters with complex matching. To start each word must contain one… and only one $b letter, unless no $b letters are given. Next it must make sure that $word only… Camelcase/Alternating uppwer and lower case letters Programming Software Development by taikoprogrammer … letter of each word is upper-case and all other letters in the word are lower-case. 4. The string … is lower case, followed by alternating upper and lower case letters I have done everything but number 4, the first letter… is lower case, followed by alternating upper and lower case letters. I could really use some help. Any tips, hints, … counting letters/words Programming Software Development by salty11 …associates outs as an output stream bool charcheck; inputwords(letters, words); outputwords(letters, words); ins.close();// closing input file outs.close… words) { while(!ins.eof()) { ins.get(ch); if (charcheck(ch)) { letters++; } if((ch==' ')||(ch=='.')||(ch=='\n')) { words++; } ins.get(ch); … Re: Generating random letters help!!! Programming Software Development by rsg31 …, j; letters[0]=65;//A letters[1]=66;//B letters[2]=71;//G letters[3]=77;//M letters[4]=78;//N letters[5]=82;//R letters[6…] ) { printf("Random letter %d: %c\n",number, letters[number]); mem[j] = letters[number]; i++; j++; } else i=i; } return 0… Dictionary Search (Matching letters) C++, File input Programming Software Development by Ptap03 …user to enter any number of letters; these letters will then be used to find…quot;; cout << "How many letters would you like to enter: "; int …run: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File opened sucessfully! How many letters would you like to enter: 4 Enter… Re: Finding words using the letters Programming Web Development by diafol …;";$output=""; if(isset($_POST['letters'])){ $post_array = array_filter($_POST['letters']); $letters = "Letters: " . implode(",",$post_array) . "<br…;subme" /> </form> <?php echo $letters . $output;?> </body> </html> Quick… Re: Comparing two letters in one string with another char string? Programming Software Development by JoBe … mySecArr[2]); int main() { char mychar[] = "xabaacbaxabba"; char letters[2]; std::string myWord; myWord = mychar; std::cout <<…; << std::endl; std::cin >> letters; count = compareString(myWord, letters); std::cout << "The pair '" <…