how to create a button in libgdx Programming Software Development by hwoarang69 How can I create a TextureRegion into button in libgdx-android(java)? I found a simailar solution here: problem is that it is using BitmapFont and I am not. I upload a image using TextureRegion and now I want to turn this image into button. any ideas? Re: Select-able Item using Labels in LibGDX Programming Software Development by Galbatorix Its clear from the source code:… Re: Select-able Item using Labels in LibGDX Programming Software Development by Galbatorix How about ImageTextButton?… problem switching direction when I create mult enemies in libgdx(box2d) Programming Software Development by hwoarang69 # I am using: # -- Libgdx and Box2d. ------------- # what I am trying to do: # -- I want … Select-able Item using Labels in LibGDX Programming Software Development by Doogledude123 … class, just ask. If you dont have any expeirence with LibGDX then it would still be appreciated if you checked over… Re: Select-able Item using Labels in LibGDX Programming Software Development by Doogledude123 I don't think I could use a TextButton because I want the labels to change with the up and down keys and with a hover effect with the mouse. I'm just a beginner with libGDX so I don't know most of the stuff. Re: Select-able Item using Labels in LibGDX Programming Software Development by Galbatorix Re: how to create a button in libgdx Programming Software Development by hwoarang69 ops wrong area, my bad. can some one please more this to java area? Re: problem switching direction when I create mult enemies in libgdx(box2d) Programming Software Development by JamesCherrill Maybe `wallSwitch` needs to be an attribute (instance variable) of the Enemy class, so each Enemy has it's own value for that variable? Re: problem switching direction when I create mult enemies in libgdx(box2d) Programming Software Development by hwoarang69 order which i am create them. .. = new contectListern(); // has begincontect() & endcontect() .... .. new enemy(); //create enmeies contectListener class class contectListener{ public void beginContact(Contact contact) { ... // Enemy switch direction if (fa.getUserData() != null &… Re: problem switching direction when I create mult enemies in libgdx(box2d) Programming Software Development by hwoarang69 ![cb639e8559f1930831c55d1aaee2aaa3](/attachments/small/3/cb639e8559f1930831c55d1aaee2aaa3.png "align-left") I have upload a image to show. what is the problem. on left side of image, tell what is going on and on last frame both enemy stop. on right side of image, explian those thing are. the enemy(1) is not switching direction. -… Re: problem switching direction when I create mult enemies in libgdx(box2d) Programming Software Development by JamesCherrill It's hard to see what's going on from those fragments, especially because you seem to have reversed the Java conventions for capitalising names. So in line 6 Enemy.wallSwitch = true; what exactly is Enemy and where is it set? It looks like a class name, but the class seems to be named enemy (as if it's a variable) In your move method why do you… Re: Select-able Item using Labels in LibGDX Programming Software Development by Doogledude123 Is there anyway to do an isOver or checked with the up and down arrow keys? Re: Select-able Item using Labels in LibGDX Programming Software Development by Doogledude123 Is there any tutorials on how to use ImageTextButton? I'm having alot of trouble with ImageTextButtonStyle. Starting "Java" [Java tutorials / resources / faq] Programming Software Development by ~s.o.s~ … game programmers, there's an excellent 2D game engine called [libgdx]( worth looking into. **» Epilogue «** After all this… Physics Body Editor - has anyone tried? Box2d Programming Web Development by McLaren …;Note: the following code snippets are extracted from the loader-libgdx-demo project. They are written in Java, and target the… LibGDX game framework. However, they should be easy to understand, and … font libary for android and desktop Programming Software Development by hwoarang69 # What I am using: # I am using java & libgdx to create a game in desktop & android. # Error: # Could … setting player position Programming Software Development by hwoarang69 Hi, I am using Java, Libgdx, box2d I main class I have created a body and … Re: setting player position Programming Software Development by Taywin … the Player constructor class? After looking [Body API doc](… eclipse vs vim Programming Software Development by pwolf … ide with a vim plugin. I am interested in learning libgdx/android and google glass stuff. So which would be the… Common_google_play_services_notification_ticker is not translated in “be” ( Programming Mobile Development by hwoarang69 … am trying to add banner ads( on my libgdx android app. but I am getting an following error: "… How to be the next Pubg maker! Learn Game Development now. Programming Game Development by Zahra_19 … institute. To resolve problems that game frameworks had, tools like libGDX and OpenGL were developed. They helped game development to be… Re: how to draw ellipses Programming Software Development by android_gl … called shape. problem is that there is no 'EllipseShape' in libgdx. but I dont know how can i use 'EllipseMapObject' to… variable' if there is no EllipseShape. p.s new to libgdx Re: Java examples - open source high quality code ? Programming Software Development by pwolf … comes out. I also intend to take a look at libgdx and android, do you think I'm being overly ambitious… Re: Input == null! ERROR? Programming Software Development by Kwag Why don't you use libgdx for game development? Re: Input == null! ERROR? Programming Software Development by reuben_1 what is libgdx? Does it include writing all the java codes? Re: Starting "Java" [Java tutorials / resources / faq] Programming Software Development by Ezzaral One more very handy site for code snippet examples on many things: [url=]Java Examples from The Java Developers Almanac 1.4[/url] Re: Starting "Java" [Java tutorials / resources / faq] Programming Software Development by Ezzaral Everyone working with Java should take the time to read the Java coding conventions published by Sun: [url][/url] Coding to the common conventions will ensure a consistency that greatly aids both the coder and others reading that code. Anyone designing programs that involve more than … Re: Starting "Java" [Java tutorials / resources / faq] Programming Software Development by Artmann I would like to recomend the the books [B]Core Java[/B] [I]Volume 1 and 2 [/I]. A really good set of books that covers the most areas you'll need. Re: Starting "Java" [Java tutorials / resources / faq] Programming Software Development by ~s.o.s~ A [URL=""]sample chapter[/URL] on Data Structures in Java from the book Java concepts for Java 5 and 6. A good and thorough read.