listbox Programming Software Development by ng5 I have two different forms. one has a listbox and the other has a masked textbox. the masked textbox is used as a login and i would like the masked textbox to be checked against the listbox items to be able to "gain access" and login Any ideas? Re: listbox Programming Software Development by M.Waqas Aslam you can also use loop in order to check each items of the listbox. to gain access. but jim's solution is i think fast . Regards Listbox index is always -1 Programming Software Development by NEVETS22387 …but when i use my template i always get the listbox Selecetedindex as -1. here is a example of what …, null); } protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //testing listbox Label3.Text =lbproibidotp.SelectedIndex.ToString(); //Always gets the result -1 } }… Re: Listbox index is always -1 Programming Software Development by NEVETS22387 As you can see in the image link i posted i cant get the values from the listbox, its like it doesn't select nothing when i highlight a item and click the button its always -1 .... i heard it could be the binding i have, but i couldnt fix this yet... anyone know how ? Re: ListBox and Custom made dialog box questions Programming Software Development by ddanbe ListBox and ListView are both meant to display a list of items. So your first ListBox seems ok to me. For the second I should consider a DataGridView, this would make your well crafted dialog window obsolete though. ListBox doesn't scroll Programming Software Development by toadzky …;0" IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItem="True"> <ListBox.ItemTemplate> <DataTemplate> <Grid>…lt;/Grid> </DataTemplate> </ListBox.ItemTemplate> </ListBox> [/CODE] The data comes from a … Re: ListBox doesn't scroll Programming Software Development by kvprajapati …"></ColumnDefinition> </Grid.ColumnDefinitions> <ListBox Name="list_Sensors" ItemsSource="{Binding}" ...... [/code] Re: ListBox doesn't scroll Programming Software Development by toadzky The Grid in the XAML code is for a DatatTemplate inside the ListBox. And it has ColumnDefinitions. Re: Listbox change selectedindex value Programming Software Development by codeorder [B]2.Buttons,1.ListBox,new.Project[/B] [CODE]Imports System.IO… ===-----===-----===-----" Private btnUp, btnDown As Button, lbMain As ListBox '// If you need control, you make your own. …quot;Apple") : .Add("Pineapple") '// set.load ListBox. If Not .Count = 0 Then lbMain.SelectedIndex = 0 Else toogleUpDown… Listbox search Programming Databases by dreamer_lek91 I have quite a long list on my listbox. And when I wanted to search for words like "…, 'bacon', 'banned', 'because' and so on. I know that the listbox allow the user to search for the first initial of… Listbox change selectedindex value Programming Software Development by markdean.expres … have this kind of problem where in I have a listbox and two buttons. Each of my button is labeled UP… DOWN. When I press UP, the current item in my listbox will be moved one level (or index) up and when… Re: Listbox change selectedindex value Programming Software Development by NewUserVB.Net he wants to scroll up down the listbox i think.... Re: Listbox change selectedindex value Programming Software Development by markdean.expres … accomplish is, like this; I have three items in my listbox. say Apple Guava Pineapple now, say for instance, the currently… ListBox Showing Table Names Programming Software Development by Wolxhound90 Hey all, I'm trying to have a ListBox show a list of tables available in a database. This … Re: ListBox Showing Table Names Programming Software Development by Unhnd_Exception [QUOTE=;][/QUOTE] Set the DisplayMember of the listbox to "TableName" lstTables.DisplayMember = "Table_Name" Add that after line 16 of your post. When you don't set the display member it uses the ToString of the object. Thats why you see what you are seeing. Re: Listbox Help Programming Software Development by Comatose …is not one, but a solution is to have another listbox, that's .visible property is set to false, and then… to do though, is use the listindex property of the listbox in the array.... for example [INLINECODE]print #1, array1(list1…;," & array3(list1.listindex)[/INLINECODE]. This works, because a listbox's first item is 0, and so is an arrays… Listbox Programming Software Development by BombAppetit ….RowSource = WaferSortRowSource [/code] but now i want to use a ListBox in a VB6 application instead, which i tried but the… listbox remained empty. this function i use in my VB6 program … how do i display the tables in the form of listbox instead? what should i put in RowSource property of the… listBox Programming Software Development by jduff8 … I have a Windows Form with 4 checkBoxes and 1 listBox. Three of the checkBoxes are Ford, Chevrolet, and Cadillac; … all cars. Unchecking each Box removes that car from the listbox. So, if you check Ford, Chevrolet, and Cadillac AND THEN…it is either overlaying the list OR there is another listBox of a different name but the exact same size that… listbox Programming Software Development by kenny22 … box i use filesystemwatcher to update contents of listbox and added a bit of code with a … to allow me to change the name of listbox item i click on, this works great apart… when i am editing the filename and the listbox updates at same time as this causes the … but not sure if that would stop the listbox updating as well and i was thinking about… Re: listbox Programming Software Development by Teme64 …A global variable to hold index of the renamed listbox item private int _selectedItemIndex; // I used changed …trap changes. Of course you have to fill the listbox first private void fileSystemWatcher1_Changed(object sender, FileSystemEventArgs e) …event and the item is added to the listbox again with a new name! File.Move(… listbox Programming Software Development by warne … i have a textbox, button and listbox. when the form is loaded the listbox will be loaded with some integer values… the access database. For example , these are the items in listbox : 2424 , 4567 , 2325 and so on...Now what i… and click the button, this particular number in the listbox should be highlighted with Red Color automatically.How can i… Re: Listbox Programming Software Development by Comatose I think a listbox is a bit more difficult to work with.... If I'm not mistaken, you'll have to do it all manually, such as using the "additem" property of the listbox..... you can use the sendmessage API call to force the listbox to use columns and keep the data orderly, but I think a listview would suite your needs better. Listbox Help Programming Software Development by purplegerbil … Filename, Unique Code The Unique code is displayed in a listbox. All three values are stored within arrays. When the user… position so when the user saves the info from the listbox, all the related fields are saved as well. Hope this… looks like that only stores one value for the whole listbox. pG Listbox help Programming Software Development by wwillow … appreciated. I'm displaying lines from a file in a listbox and I'm highlighting each line according to a timer…. I don't want any user clicking in the listbox, but when I set list1.enabled = false, the text grays… didn't work. Should I be using something besides a listbox to display the file contents? listbox Programming Web Development by Pooja J. … have one form with textfield and multiple selection listbox. i select multiple values form listbox, implode it with comma and put all… function . i want to put all array's values in listbox , but with selected, so that the user can get an… Re: listbox Programming Web Development by urtrivedi … this array contains all master values to be shown in listbox $mywholearray[0]['id']='pkvalue', $mywholearray[0]['desc']='description', */ /*set $myselarray…]['id']='pkvalue' */ $elementstring ="\n<SELECT id='listbox' size=10 name='listbox' multiple>"; for ($i=0;$i<count… Re: listbox Programming Web Development by Pooja J. …. I have one php form with Name(textbox) and multivalue listbox with values mumbai, pune, nasik, surat, dhule. It work when… working. But the problem is that, I want listbox on another page, this listbox should display the name of all cities, but… Listbox Programming Web Development by TIM_M_91 …they click a button which produces their results in a ListBox. However what I want to do is when the user…button it produces the results on another page in a Listbox. I have been able to get the session to work… with a textbox but not a listbox. Code: page1: using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using … Re: listbox Programming Web Development by muralibobby2015 … working. But the problem is that, I want listbox on another page, this listbox should display the name of all cities, but… Re: listbox Programming Software Development by kenny22 … triggers fileSystemWatcher1_Changed event and the item is added to the listbox again with a new name! File.Move(_FileName, "c…