MessageBox is putting out squares Programming Software Development by clutchkiller MessageBox(NULL, (LPCTSTR)"Test1", (LPCTSTR)"Test1", MB_OK); This code is popping up the window correctly, but it displays all squares. Whats wrong =( Re: MessageBox is putting out squares Programming Software Development by Salem > MessageBox(NULL, (LPCTSTR)"Test1", (LPCTSTR)"Test1", MB_OK); … MessageBox Programming Software Development by Jennifer84 Is it possible to Show a MessageBox or Something simular to a MessageBox that by it self will show for about…press OK. So what happens is that a "messageBox" will appear for about 2 seconds and the by… itself dissapear ? (A messageBox without an "OK" button) [code] MessageBox::Show("Text here"); [/code… Re: MessageBox Programming Software Development by Jennifer84 … think. A dialog box is not the same as a MessageBox ? A timer Event, is this the TimerClass that I can… MessageBox Programming Software Development by Lukezzz I am creating a messagebox like this. What I wonder is how it is possible to make the "Second Row" to be "centered" in the messagebox ? [code] MessageBox::Show("This Is a Message on the first row \n Second Row"); [/code] MessageBox Programming Software Development by magikman … rate, here is my problem. I want to use a MessageBox to confirm on exit. Code i have thus far: [CODE…]void __fastcall TMainForm::ExitClick(TObject *Sender) { Application->MessageBox("Are you sure you want to exit?", "… Messagebox Programming Web Development by raheleh [COLOR=#000000]I use messagebox on a web page but when I upload my file on a virtual directory on a server the messagebox does not work and there are some errors, why?[/COLOR] messagebox Programming Software Development by Lolalola Hi, now program show Messagebox and wait user decision. How make, that program don't wait? Show Messagebox, ant keep going. Re: Messagebox Programming Web Development by tgreer Please be more specific. There is no such thing as a "messagebox" in HTML. There are "alerts" and "confirms". Which server control are you using? Re: messagebox Programming Software Development by ddanbe A MessageBox is what we call a modal dialog(window). It means … Re: MessageBox is putting out squares Programming Software Development by clutchkiller [quote] > MessageBox(NULL, (LPCTSTR)"Test1", (LPCTSTR)"Test1", MB_OK); … MessageBox inCPPBuilder 2007 Programming Software Development by johngw … + 0x1b :7e4505cf USER32.MessageBoxA + 0x45 :004CE16E Forms::TApplication::MessageBox(Self=:04BAB640, Text=????, Caption=:005351F6, Flags=????) :0040F5A5 CEnvelope::SetVartoIgnoreinPhase…SetVartoIgnoreinPhase is my function. The calling statement is Application->MessageBox(messbuff, "Phase Envelopes", MB_OK); messbuff is… MessageBox new line question Programming Software Development by Suzie999 How can I get a new line in messagebox? I have two TCHAR arrays, I can print …quot;another\\file\\path\\here"); MessageBox(NULL, one ,_T("pathone"),0); //ok MessageBox(NULL, two ,_T("pathtwo…"),0); //ok MessageBox(NULL, one + "\n" … Re: MessageBox inCPPBuilder 2007 Programming Software Development by johngw I might add that in Forms::TApplication.MessageBox in line Result:= Windows.MessageBox(TaskActiveWindow,Text, Caption,Flags); Text and Caption are correct and the other arguments are the same as for a MB that works OK. Windows is {} for both MBs. MessageBox.Show() not working in form_load Programming Software Development by Duki … } private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { MessageBox.Show("You are a Domain Admin - Controls Unlocked….Information); } else { button1.Enabled = false; MessageBox.Show("You are not a Domain Admin - … Re: messageBox with accept,retry,cancel it's exist Programming Software Development by hassan12345 …is my Basic Tutorial to customize `` DialogResult dr=MessageBox.Show("hello hassan", "… if (dr==DialogResult.Yes) { MessageBox.Show("yes"); } else MessageBox.Show("no"); Re: MessageBox with OK and CancelButton Programming Software Development by Jennifer84 …quot; Button. I know how to just show a MessageBox with an "OK" button like this: [code…] MessageBox::Show(this, "Message"); [/code][/QUOTE] I … compiler says that MB_OKCANCEL is undeclared identifier: [code] MessageBox::Show(this, "Message", MB_OKCANCEL); [/code] Re: messageBox with accept,retry,cancel it's exist Programming Software Development by nick.crane …is to use the Yes/No/Cancel option of the MessageBox and re-phrase your question. [CODE] private void button1_Click…,{0}No to Retry.", Environment.NewLine); DialogResult Result = MessageBox.Show(message, "Is This OK?", MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel, … Re: MessageBox new line question Programming Software Development by mrnutty I'm not completely sure but you might be able to do this [code] std::wstring basePath(L"file:"); std::wstring subPath(L"src/main.cpp"); std::wstring fullPath( basePath + L"\n" + subPath ); MessageBox(0,(_T)fullPath.c_str(),0,0); [/code] Re: MessageBox new line question Programming Software Development by Narue [QUOTE]How can I get a new line in messagebox?[/QUOTE] Try using "\r\n" instead of just "\n". MessageBox with OK and CancelButton Programming Software Development by Jennifer84 I am trying to create a DialogBox in C++ .NET with both an "OK" button and a "Cancel" Button. I know how to just show a MessageBox with an "OK" button like this: [code] MessageBox::Show(this, "Message"); [/code] MessageBox Genereator Programming Software Development by huzeifa I have successfully managed to write a program which generates a messagebox but there is one PROBLEM on previewing; instead of "\\n" going to newline it appears visible on the messagebox, when i try "\n" it doesnot work. Please help me. messageBox with accept,retry,cancel it's exist Programming Software Development by nolife hello every boduy i need a help an i think it's the better place in the world when i can found this so my problem ; know i have a messagebox with retry and cancel but now i need a new messagebox with accept retry and cancel when i can found this or how i can do that thank you for u r help ;) Re: messageBox with accept,retry,cancel it's exist Programming Software Development by Momerath You'll have to create your own MessageBox class (call it something other than MessageBox or you'll probably have issues) and implement your own buttons. Re: messageBox with accept,retry,cancel it's exist Programming Software Development by nick.crane …=""]… MessageBox crashes my application! Programming Software Development by hiddepolen …. Everything works exactly as it should, until I want a MessageBox to appear. It appears, but I cant click any buttons…(wParam); wmEvent = HIWORD(wParam); switch (wmId) { case IDC_SOLVE: solve (hwnd); MessageBox (hwnd, (LPCWSTR)L"Hi!", (LPCWSTR)L"H… Re: MessageBox issue Programming Software Development by Narue No. MessageBox takes a string. If you want to use a variable, it has to be contained in a string. That should be a pretty obvious restriction given the documentation on MessageBox. Re: MessageBox with OK and CancelButton Programming Software Development by mitrmkar Something like this ... [code]MessageBox::Show(this, "OK to proceed?", "A caption here ...", MessageBoxButtons::OKCancel, MessageBoxIcon::Question);[/code] Re: MessageBox with OK and CancelButton Programming Software Development by Jennifer84 …; } [/code] Thank you... [QUOTE=mitrmkar;552188]Something like this ... [code]MessageBox::Show(this, "OK to proceed?", "A caption… Re: MessageBox with OK and CancelButton Programming Software Development by mitrmkar [code] System::Windows::Forms::DialogResult result = MessageBox::Show(this, "OK to proceed?", "A caption …