1,557 Topics

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Member Avatar for jayreis

Hello all, I have msaccess that I use to insert data into a mysql database on a local in house server. Now what I would like to do is I have the below query [CODE] INSERT INTO User_logins ( GroupWiseID, ConnexLogin, [Password] ) SELECT NewHireIDs.[GW ID], NewHireIDs.[LIC ID], NewHireIDs.[ACD ID] …

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Member Avatar for keeda

Hi All, I am in a process of trying to concatenate related fields field in Access. eg: consider the following table Awarded to On Date Emp1 01/01/1990 Emp2 02/01/1990 Emp1 03/01/1990 Emp3 04/01/1990 Emp2 05/01/1990 I want my query to return something like: Awarded to On Date Emp1 01/01/1990, 03/01/1990 …

Member Avatar for keeda
Member Avatar for nagatron

Hello to all, I am always mad about this problem. If I type a name with two words in a textbox like "google corporation" it will be registered in the database ms access as "Google Corporation" now that is okay. What I want is, there should be no duplicate of …

Member Avatar for nagatron
Member Avatar for kayjenx

So I have a small database for managing stationery orders (internally with my company - I order from the stationery dept). In the orders forms i have a subform with the list of items being ordered. I have the Item_ID, description, UnitsOrdered,UnitPrice, TotalPrice. What a code that will lookup the …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for breto

I'm new to Access 2007 need some help in regards how to build expression for the following - Product Price $: * Product Quantity - % (any number). Started with the following expression: Total Cost $: [Product $:] * [Product Quantity:] - [Discount %:]

Member Avatar for fskreuz

Hi to all! it's my first time to post under the networking category since i'm really on the programming side so pls. bear with my ignorance. I'm just tasked to create a network with a very little understanding of it so here goes: i need to set up a small …

Member Avatar for sbrohee

Dear all, I would like to buy one or two (if needed) wifi access point for my lab. The lab hall is about 50 meters long and there is a concrete wall in the middle. This is mainly to give an internet connexion (so no huge file transfer). Would it …

Member Avatar for sbrohee
Member Avatar for tcsikany

I have been working on a database in MS Accesss. I am trying to generate a query in the SQL view but the introduction to SQL class I am taking did not cover how to incorporate multiple WHERE conditions. Here is the query so far... SELECT intFID, COUNT(*) AS TotalAudits, …

Member Avatar for tcsikany
Member Avatar for ab_1731

Hi, I am using MS ACCESS. I want to make Do not click a button more than once. I made a calculation button. And want to be just one click. Thanks alot.

Member Avatar for jawbrakerz

Hello, I am having trouble with my laptop connecting to the wireless internet at home. Recently, a new internet router was installed and since then, I've been having trouble connecting to the internet wirelessly (not just at home). It connects to the network, but then says that I only have …

Member Avatar for wheatenguy
Member Avatar for Woodnote

I work in a research lab and I'm building a new filemaker pro advanced 11 database to hold our study data. The variables that this database stores will occasionally be exported into excel documents and merged with exported data sets from another database. Unfortunately, the person who built the first …

Member Avatar for Pundia

How can I retrieve data from a DB in Access to labels, or radiobuttons in VB.NET? I've search and to retrieve data people usually show Datagrids. I just need to know how to navigate in records, by the number of their position (?) and to place that data in labels/textbox …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for wewehalim

Hi, This is a from that take comment from the user. Everytime a user open this form, currentDate and Time will be generated although the user does not put comment in it. Today's date = 18/10/2010 earlier, when this user open this form, the date is still "18/10/2010" But, in …

Member Avatar for Shiban

[CODE]Guys I've a problem. I'm using access 2007. The file name has an extension .accdb . I created a table called 'login' in the db file named 'MySite_Database.accdb'. My HTML looks like this : [COLOR="Red"]<%@ Page Language="vb" AutoEventWireup="false" CodeBehind="login.aspx.vb" Inherits="login_to_site._Default" %> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html …

Member Avatar for orclboy
Member Avatar for flushfire

I have a Subjects table with a field Prerequisites, which contains data similar to the Subject IDs in the same table. So for example a subject4 may have the prerequisites subject2 and subject3. The contents of the Prerequisite field are delimited by ORs and ANDs, meaning if there are more …

Member Avatar for flushfire
Member Avatar for kalor

Hello... I'm a student who's only taken some basic coding classes. My project might be a bit ambitious for my skills, but I'm getting stuck on one small issue. I built an Access database for our personal library. I'm building a small application that will: 1. Display all records of …

Member Avatar for kalor
Member Avatar for jozz3

I have a query that has two counts in an if statement. I need the query to return all values even if they are null once equated by count. I have tried the NZ function to no effect. Any help would be greatly appreciated. [CODE]SELECT REPRESENTATIVE.Country_id, IIf([CONTESTANT.Team_id] Is Null,COUNT(*),COUNT(*)-1) AS …

Member Avatar for ShadesOfGrey

All, While not precisely a newb, it has been a long, long time since I've done Access 2003 work and that's all they have in my new job (yay). I used to know how to do this, but first the structure: [B]Table_A[/B] Key Subject Date etc. [B]Table_B[/B] Key Boy y/n …

Member Avatar for ShadesOfGrey
Member Avatar for crodriguez08

Hey there, I can't seem to figure out why i can't access the member '*next' from the Node class to the Shuffle function. Any help would be great. [CODE]/* llist.h * LList */ #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; typedef string ElementType; class LList; class Node { protected: ElementType …

Member Avatar for hag++
Member Avatar for MARKAND911

How to use TOP(1) keyword in MS Access query. select * TOP(1) from mytable orderby mycolumn desc; this querry gives me error; Any other alternate to implement this code;

Member Avatar for priyasudhakar
Member Avatar for mel01

Hello, I have been attempting to export fields from an acesss query to a csv file. In each case the first time I export the file everything is perfect. However when I go to recreate the export (using the same query) the memo field is suddenly truncated. Any idea why …

Member Avatar for rgivascu

I have setup a global variable. I need to store in this variable the value of Max(RequestID) from tblRequests. Then, I want to assign the variable to a label control on a form when the form opens (On Load event). Then, I want to run a query to include this …

Member Avatar for hi5.ankit

I have 10 buttons and a textbox on my widow form. 11th button to fire the operation. Task is that i need to input a no. in the textbox ranging from 1-10, and press the fire button. This should change the forecolor of the respective button in the form. Suppose …

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for Blaine Tuisee

Need some help understanding Server 2008's infrastructure. Running a program that requires access to the Document and Settings folder. I have full admin rights but it's still giving me an access denied message. Any help?

Member Avatar for agonzalez
Member Avatar for tgreer

First, sorry for posting this here, but I couldn't find a VBScript forum on Daniweb (which I find surprising). I'm working with binary data in several different projects. Below is an example of code that works to retrieve a static map image (PNG) from Google: [CODE]strFileURL = "http://maps.google.com/maps/api/staticmap?markers=2200+S+Western+Ave+Lisle+IL&zoom=14&size=400x400&sensor=false" Set objXMLHTTP …

Member Avatar for tgreer
Member Avatar for mandy84angel

I finally figured out how to auto fill a record in forms. YEAH! Yet I ran into a new problem. Sigh! tblEmployee holds frmEmployee information. qrySiteName pulls information from several other tables giving the details of each location. On frmEmployee, I have it to where when I select the SiteName, …

Member Avatar for jozz3

I'm writing a query that will produce the athlete's id, their name (first name and last name combined into one column), the total number of games they have participated in, and the total number of medals they have won. This involves a number of tables. In one query, the number …

Member Avatar for alex k

Show the details of sales orders which are paid more than 14 days after the date of the sales order. SQL: SELECT SO.OrderID, D.DistributorID, D.FirstName, D.SurName, SO.OrderDate, P.PaymentDate, P.PaymentAmount FROM SalesOrder AS SO, Distributor AS D, Payment AS P WHERE D.DistributorID=SO.DistributorID AND SO.OrderID=P.OrderID AND DateDiff('yyyy',PaymentDate,Date( ) ) - DateDiff('yyyy',OrderDate,Date( )) …

Member Avatar for bill51
Member Avatar for Sinha's

sir,i i have two date columns today_date and doj_date.both of them are varchar data type.now i want to update today_date='01/06/2010' to '01/04/2010' where doj_date='01/04/2010'.that means only the month column. ihave used the following code update installment_scheme_customer set substring(today_date,4,2)='04' where substring(today_date,4,2)='06' and substring(doj_date,4,2)='04' . but it is showing error like this …

Member Avatar for bill51
Member Avatar for jbrown72188

I have a simple form in which i have a contact name combo box. The combo box gets info from a querry (name, contact number 1, contact number 2). I want the name to display in the combobox (which it does) and then contact # 1 and 2 to display …


The End.